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  • Re: Sex during pregnuncy

    JennyColada - - Teen Sexuality


    It is typically fine. The only times when a doctor would advise against it is during a high-risk pregnancy, but this is rare. Of course as the pregnancy is in later stages different positions may be used, but many pregnant women find a lot of safe and healthy enjoyment in sex.

  • Quote from C.D.: “Plus, naturally, humans tend to practice serial monogamy.” This is not typically true. Research a bit about where our society came from and in a bit of ancestral sociology and you will find out otherwise.

  • I play WoW and I like to take pole dancing classes. I've also taken a few cooking classes through the local mall (kitchen stores).

  • Re: Premature ejaculation

    JennyColada - - Teen Sexuality


    There are a few different things you could try: Change up positions. Pausing for a moment to move or change positions allows you to catch your breath and focus on something other than pleasure. "Resetting" in this manner may allow you to go for multiple small periods, rather than a short gung-ho session. Focus on something else. Sure, sex feels good, but keeping your mind on that means that an orgasm isn't far off. As much as you should focus on what you're doing, allowing your mind to wander to…

  • Glass half full. What did I tell you DIG?!

  • I think my boyfriend likes this song.

  • Are you sure that Apple won't let you re-download stuff from iTunes? I thought that was the point in buying it.

  • If you don't feel comfortable with his past history with women, getting involved with him isn't going to make you feel any more comfortable. Time and time again I see girls get involved with guys who are no good for them, and they know it! Don't make the mistake of thinking that you'll be able to overcome something like this, typically you can't. I've gotten involved with people who do drugs (I don't feel comfortable with that) and who have some odd past relationships, and neither time has it wo…

  • I was close enough.

  • Re: I just won't cum..

    JennyColada - - Teen Sexuality


    I think that this is probably a more common "problem" than most guys realize. The touch from a mouth is so different than a touch from hands. If you're used to one type of feeling, it really doesn't strike me as odd that the opposite wouldn't always make you orgasm. Lots of girls cannot orgasm from oral either, so this isn't just something that guys go through. I think that you just need to place less pressure on getting off from every type of sensation ever. You're bound to like some things bet…

  • Re: What movie is this?!

    JennyColada - - Films, TV and Books


    Dawn of the Dead? That's my guess.

  • You might want to research the programs and finances that you will need to study abroad. Many local universities have study abroad programs that you can use as well. I've never been too keen on getting a foreign diploma, but I also don't know too much about it. Perhaps try to see how valuable a foreign diploma is versus an in-country one. Since most people tend to know more about the universities in their own country, it seems to me that there are a wider range of colleges that offer diplomas wi…

  • I don't really see why someone could not be in love with multiple people at the same time. I think that too many people try to define love and decide what love is. It's an emotion, there isn't an exact science to it. Everyone wants to try to define love, but really all they're deciding is what they WANT love to be, not actually what it is. I think that true love is very different from how most people actually think of it.

  • Re: "sexting"

    JennyColada - - Advertising Agency


    So, basically, you're wondering about sexual harassment through text? I have never had that done to me, nor to my knowledge done it to someone else.

  • I don't think it's ever worth it to be with someone who doesn't respect you. Just because they can do better (meaning, I suppose, that you're trading up?) shouldn't even enter the equation. Who someone COULD be dating if they weren't dating you shouldn't even enter your head as a reason to stay together.

  • Re: Age?

    JennyColada - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I tend to find a senior-freshman romance to be a bit off-putting, but I've never been keen on age difference myself.

  • I'm fine with you believing that I haven't masturbated.

  • Do you really need an iPod if you had trouble paying your phone bill? Perhaps you'd be better off buying a none name brand mp3 player? Or maybe you'd be better off just burning cds for now? Maybe you can buy a used one from a friend? If you cannot even afford a hundred dollars and had to return it, perhaps you shouldn't be jumping into this purchase so quickly.

  • I think one of the best questions to ask is: why'd you hook up with this guy if you now seem so ill-equip for a one night stand? Did you think that you two were going to be in a serious relationship, or did you just think that you'd be able to handle a one night stand? We all make mistakes, and that's nothing to fret over. Often people find themselves worrying over the "one that got away". Why don't you attempt to reach out and talk to him? Just because you haven't talked in the past doesn't mea…

  • It's pretty much impossible to say for certain what she is thinking or feeling, but the first thing that pops into my head is that she wants attention. You've changed, obviously for the better, and perhaps she is jealous or lonely, but girls have a thing for drama. I can't imagine that you've changed so drastically in such a short period of time that would lead you to purposefully hurt people without even knowing it, so her saying that you said things that hurt her and that you're like some terr…