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  • Quote from Dexter.: “Jesus was a human being, his "dad", God did the miracles, at least that's how I understood it...” Because walking on water and turing water into wine are not miracles...Jesus (suposedly) did these things...

  • Quote from Dexter.: “Wat” What are you questioning? Omnipotent means all powerful, ie someone who could preform miracles....the reason that the word is in quotations is because I was saying that he really wasn't omnipotent...go back to english class...

  • yay...another religion thread!!!!:rolleyes: I believe that Jesus existed, I mean there is evidence of a man named Jesus Cristos (which is where the name Chirst is derived from) who lived around the time of the susposed "omnipotent" Jesus. What I don't believe is that this person, and I do strongly emhpasize person, was anything other than that. The fact is the Bible has been translated so many times, it has lost any credibilty that it ever could have had (and it only has a little to begin with).…

  • Quote from Esmo: “Well, why not? Philosophy offers one of the best ways to establish pure truth regardless of worldly constructs or presumptions, which then offers an excellent foundation upon which to build good ethics or policy.” Not afriad to get into a debate, just didn't have the time or energy to get into it when I posted.

  • It seems that most people are pro due sentencing (i.e. let 100 guilty people go free than imprison one innocent person) and anti crime control on this board...doesn't really suprise me too much though. Now there are really six main reasons why people oppose the death penalty: 1) Innocent people can be sentenced 2) death penalty is not an effective deterrent 3) the death penalty, by the very nature of our (the US) legal system is "arbitrary" 4) the death penalty discriminates against certain raci…

  • beating a dead horse...

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “What? The government is "people", too. :confused:” Yes, but the masses like to believe that the government is full of evil snake like creatures. Because this allows them to feel better about what the government sometimes does...

  • Quote from woodspirit: “i just dont think its real... (a lot of what shapes my opinions has a lot to do with 1984, by George Orwell) i think its another excuse for our governemt to waste billions of dollars without having to be accountable... they make the austronauts sign gag orders, or in the case of Colombia, keep them in hiding... how often do you see Neil Armstrong (i think i got the right guy... the first man on the moon, its an Armstrong) writeing a memoire about what it felt like to walk…

  • Quote from woodspirit: “Fake space travel... it never happened, ” Im confused on your meaning here, are you saying that space travel is fake and never really happened? Or are you saying the conspiricy theorists who think the moon landing was faked are wrong? Becasue depending on what you are meaning I have a point of contention with this...

  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Perhaps I was a little ambiguous. When I said "clean," I was referring to a genuine or valid copy of something, as opposed to a forgery. ” Gotcha!

  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “I'm just going to go ahead and say you pulled that entire comment out of your ass. Nonetheless, even if you didn't, there are plenty of words that have changed meaning over time. The word "counterfeit," for example, used to mean a clean and precise copy of something. Today, the word is used to describe the exact opposite. Using an old translation of a word and applying it to modern terminology is laughable. ” Ok, I agree with you that the whole GOD=that which is, is co…

  • Re: Immigrants

    alfaspider06 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Frosty: “What post was deleted?” The one that is missing...but seriously there is a post of mine that a couple of people have responded to but I can't find the original post, it didn't just walk away. Im not trying to incite a riot or anyting, I was just pointing out a fact. I mean if something I said was inapropriate or offensive someone should tell me and I will gladly rephrase my statements in order to stop that, but deleting my post without informing me as to why seems childish to…

  • Re: Immigrants

    alfaspider06 - - Debate and Discussions


    seems childish to me to delete a post you dont agree with, rather than responding to it...but whatever.

  • Re: Sb 1070

    alfaspider06 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from zapfox: “ Damn. I should have watched Fox News. Their fair and balanced news reporting always hits the spot. Seriously though, it's rather obvious that EVERY news outlet has a bias. CNN, FOX, everyone! It's a matter of looking at each source and determining which parts of the coverage are contested and forming your own opinion based on facts.” I know every news channel is baised, the only reason I only named CNN was in an effort to save time. What really upsets me is the fact that eve…

  • Re: Sb 1070

    alfaspider06 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from armyforthebroken: “ I'm just alarmed that the legislature itself has passed in Arizona. It enables racial profiling and it's unconstitutional.” It does not enable racial profiling! What this bill does is take an existing, thats right existing, federal immigration law and give the Arizona police the right to enforce it. This can be used on any immirgant into the USA! But since there are not that many illegal Canadian immirgants in Arizona, many people who are misinformed or get all of …

  • When I read the title the first thing I thought of was magnets...but anyway just thinking about something won't do anything. Your life won't change until you change your life.

  • Quote from Zen: “Its rather difficult to come to that conclusion considering you treat the situation as if its Muslims' fault for the Al-Queda's actions.” Please tell me where I said that? If you paid attention to my posts you would know that I said I have no problems with Muslims and I know that not all Muslims are terrorists. I also said that anybody has the right to build anything where they want, my only point of contention is that it seems disrespectful to the memory of those who died there…

  • Quote from Zen: “I don't see how that was out of context. You make it sound like anything relating to Islam is somehow a tribute to Al-Queda.” Actually I said the exact opposite of that.

  • Quote from Marlakoop: “You people should see the movie "From Paris with love" you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.” Oh thats right I forgot that it was a documentary...:rolleyes:

  • Quote from Sash: “ Thats utterly irrational. If we go by that line of reasoning, the US Embassy in Hanoi would be honouring the rapist and mass murderering American soldiers of the Vietnam war.” Kudos on using part of a sentence completly out of context to make your point! Im done arguing in this thread, because no body seems to understand what I am saying, or they do exatly what you just did and take something i said out of context and make it fit into their view of the "problem". Think what yo…