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  • Well i think you have it figured out, its just a matter of getting things done. I mean you can write, and you will be starting with soccer....dont cram up your free time, i mean i really wish i had a couple of hrs to myself somethimes.... Enjoy.

  • sounds nice....8/10

  • Growing up is tough, i kinda know how you feel, i always wanted to learn how to play football, and join a club...but that never happened. Now i feel like im too old...but hey im 25 not 16. I say go for it, if you wanna be athletic then do something about it, join a group, dont worry about not knowing anyone you will make friends along the way dont worry. I wanted to play football for a club, no one would accept me cause of my age, so i started playing with a team 8 a side.... im having a great t…

  • Re: Making friends.

    Milanist - - Friends and Family


    I know exactly how it feels to meet new friends being a very shy guy myself. The feeling of insecurity will never go away... everythime you talk to a new guy/girl you gonna feel a little wiered but hey thats normal...they are feeling the same way for sure, its just a matter of showing it or not.... Just try and be yourself, thats the most you can do, if they dont like that...well you dont need them as friends.

  • You can not be friends right now....if you still have these hard feelings for him you need to cut him off and actually the fact that you will be changing schools is a good thing. He hasnt been faithful to you before, and do you actually he will be faithfull to you know that you change schools.......i dont know...... Anyway, you werent together so its no problem for him to start dating another girl, short or werent in a relationship, friendship with benefits is a great relationships f…

  • Honestly you cant do alot about the situation.... You can joke about the fact that he is ignoring you for most of the time, but i would not say it in a serious kinda way. If he wants a relationship then he is gonna try and get it, even if she doesnt want one for now. If you try and break up his attempts he might cut you off alltogether. Give it time, he will realise it, just joke about it somethimes....

  • Quote from deserette: “guess you just miss the guy that he used to be.” totally agree!!!

  • I can understand your frustration, leashing out on family members, especially in your case is not that easy but you must think about yourself. Unfortunately since you have no where else to go, you have to find some kind of solution. I would sit them down and speak to them in a friendly but firm manner. Ask them, do you want me to study hard or not? then why cant i keep the light on at night? Do you want me to attend clubs and stuff at school? then why do you complain when i attend them? Your mot…

  • Re: Masquerade ball

    Milanist - - General Advice


    Cool idea, well i would get them to buy a mask, and would ask them not to reveil themselves until the end of the could be fun...hehe see phantom of the opera heheh you can do something like that

  • Best friends, married couple, too much time together without a breather could be stressfull...but just because you have every period together does not mean you have to be always one behind the other, i mean you will know other ppl and talk to other ppl...if you start getting stressed talk to her about it but dont be over involved with her relax and go with the flow....

  • Re: Going to the Movies Alone

    Milanist - - General Advice


    Hey, ive done it plenty of times, its not pethetic, somethimes it could be relaxing, going around by yourself, doing what you want.... i enjoy it.... What i hate is not being alone, but the ppl i imagine saying things like, oooo how say, or oooo might not have friends....anyway thats there problem....i enjoy it....

  • Re: should i get a tattoo??

    Milanist - - General Advice


    Why not look for advice in a teen forum, i mean if you cant talk about it here, where can you talk about it? As for whether you should get a tattoo, thats absolutely up to you, but i wouldnt do it just because you like the idea of having one, remember, its very painful to take off, and honestly not worth the pain..... As for what you want to tattoo, well it has a good meaning, i like the idea, however make sure its a tattoo for you and not for your mum....make something you feel has to do with y…

  • Its a very common feeling beleive me....just give it time, alot of other girls will break your heart, but its worth it once you find the one for you.

  • Well dont you think you will be annoyed if this happens to you? honestly i wouldnt have taken you back, but then again i cannot say.... Its obvious that she will be sad, dont think too much about it, i mean show her that you appreciate the choice done, try and make up for the mistake you have done, and try not to repeat them again. Hang in there, dont give up, i mean if you are willing to do anything for her, than just give her some time. I think thats best. If she looks annoyed with you, talk t…

  • Hey well honesty is the best policy always even if by doing so you could hurt, its the price to pay for a clean concious.... Anyway, honestly dont worry about him thinking you are not mature enough because regardless of age, he somewhat knows what you are made out of no? i mean you did spend a summer together so.... I would just go out and tell him that you want to be totally honest with him (i would skip the part of just wanting a fuck ) but that you are younger ect.... Dont be shocked if he's …

  • Re: Life :/

    Milanist - - General Advice


    In my opinion you are both very young to have a baby, i mean yes it may be nice but you can not fully understand what a baby entails until you have one. I would speak to him about it, i mean why not? i dont think he will like the idea are still very young and still have to experience the world together. Give it a few years after all you have only been a couple of months together and well its a little bit scary.

  • Re: 14 and curious

    Milanist - - LGBT


    i think youre too young for this... sry

  • Well, i think he ended up saying it was just a friendly thing just because you have rejected him a couple of times before, therefore not wanting to get rejected he told you this. If you like him tell him, then its up to him to decide....

  • i would also tell your friend, you might never know, he might put in a word for you....

  • This is the hard part of a relationship, trust....i admit he hasnt helped his situation by hiding the event, but then again, he probably didnt tell you since he was afraid of loosing you....(no excuse).... Your right he should have left, but he didnt, now he can not do anything about that. You will never get over this fact if you dont give him another chance. Its hard, and all you would do that night is think and beleive that he is doing it again, but you can not stay with him 24hrs a day now ca…