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  • Sooo I have a question

    Robbie T - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from gmckinney: “Yea, sad right? Don't worry, we all made it out ok as far as I know. ” Sorry to hear that that happened to you. I hope you were able to get help for that. I was 13 myself.

  • insane or normal???

    Robbie T - - Friends and Family


    That's beyond being crazy. Yes, I think most parents do take away stuff for while as punishment, but as far as throwing things onto the ground and smashing them with a baseball bat, nope, no other parents I've ever heard of do anything close to that. I'm beginning to be a bit worried about you, and I've only read two posts from you. I hope there is another adult in your life that you can talk to about this, because that's not even remotely normal.

  • Small Package

    Robbie T - - Gay


    And besides, as an old saying goes, it's not the size of your thing but what you do with it that matters!

  • Do you sleep naked?

    Robbie T - - Teen Sexuality


    Usually only if I'm sleeping with my boyfriend.

  • Showering

    Robbie T - - Gay


    Yeah, I don't think that occasional accidental boners in the shower is completely unheard of, but I do agree that someone who gets 'em regularly in the showers...well, I'm not sure if I should say that they need to reevaluate what they're doing (such as with the amount of masturbating that they're doing and such) if they're getting unintentional hard-ons with such frequency.

  • Showering

    Robbie T - - Gay


    In some ways, I guess I'm not surprised that accidental erections in the locker room showers haven't happened to everyone, and I'm not surprised that it has happened to some. It's only happened once to me. I had gotten lost in thought for a few moments while in the shower and didn't realized that my dick was standing at attention until a couple of the other guys next to me started ribbing me about it good-naturedly (telling me things like how I'd better sheath or I'd put someone's eye out) I hav…

  • Yeah, my school has us shower too. It's no big deal for me (like someone else said, if anyone's staring at me, at least it means I must have something worth looking at). And yeah, I've popped a woody in the locker room on occasion. Some other guys have as well, most haven't. Usually we just joke around about it when it happens.

  • Are you a top or bottom?

    Robbie T - - LGBT


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “if i was a top, i would want to be this one. Too cute716Zpr5BMlS._UL1500_.jpg ” Yes, that is a cute top.

  • Scared after having sex

    Robbie T - - Teen Sexuality


    I also have to agree with what has been said here. Sure, humping a guy in the butt feels really good. I love being able to do that to my boyfriend, and I'm glad he lets me. But you have to remember that the butt isn't really intended to have a dick in it, so you do have to be careful, especially if it's the first time on the receiving end of it for the person who's bottoms (once they're received a few times and are more used to it, then you can consider going a little more wild, but until then, …

  • Quote from pahern0317: “I attend a Catholic school. There is no place for modesty. Showers are wide open. We get towels coming out of the shower so we all walk naked to and from the showers. Coaches make sure we all take showers. Anyone trying to skip showers is likely to be tossed in clothes and all. And nobody and I mean no-one would try changing under towels. You would get ragged so bad. ” I don't attend Catholic school (public here) but it's not too different for me. There's enough time afte…

  • Are you a top or bottom?

    Robbie T - - LGBT


    Been both, but very much a top

  • I'm one of those who falls in the category of my parents don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if they at least suspected

  • No (fortunately)

  • Are you boy/girl? Boy When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 13 How old was your partner? 12 How did you know them? he was a friend How long did you know them before you did it? several years Were you dating when you did it? no How long did you last? about 10 minutes Did you use a condom? no Do you regret it? No