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  • Either ten or eleven, I guess.

  • Rarely. It's just not my thing.

  • Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP) personality.jpg Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive. Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. How Rare Is Your Personality?

  • You Are Twitter twitter.jpg You are energetic to the point of being hyperactive. You are the ultimate multitasker. You don't have much of an attention span for anything. You like things short and sweet. You can't help but let everyone know what you're doing, even if it's just what you're having for dinner. You are big on sharing what's going on in your life. If anything, you share too much!

  • Re: Sex Survey

    houseofboringx - - Teen Sexuality


    Are you a virgin?: Yes Are you bi-sexual?: Yes Are you single?: Yes Are you over 18?: No What is your Favorite Sex Position: Uh... What is your least favorite sex position?: Er... How many times have you had sex in one day?: Zero Have you been called a HOE?: Nope Have you been called a SLUT?: Nope Have you been called a PIMP?: Nope Do you use condoms?: I've never had sex, but I'll use a condom whenever I do Do you like to receive oral sex?: Maybe? Do you have any sex fantasies?: Probably Have yo…

  • For me it's pretty simple. It shouldn't be a which-is-better type of thing. It should be a what-fits-for-you type of thing. PC's are great for game playing, word documents, and other graphic-type things. Where as Mac's are good for graphic design and stuff of that nature. They both have pros and cons. After all everything does. But at the end of the day it's more about what you want and what you want your computer to do and how much money to have to spend on a laptop, or desktop than it is about…

  • If by level one you mean English I or something besides Honours English/English II then I'd think taking English I (Level One) would probably be the best thing to do. You're new to this school. You don't likely know many of the upperclassmen and you're still trying to get the feel of all of the classrooms, the library, the lunch room, the gym, the music room, etc. and trying to balance your problems with friends and family, having enough time to go out and have fun with your friends, hormonal de…

  • Quote from panicmayarise: “viva la cobra!” lol. Cobra Starship is pretty awesome, no? :p And I can't stand an untidy desktop. o_O

  • Mine... 2r4kbpf.png

  • 122yhhz.png This is where all of my latest graphics, written work, and lyrics will be posted. 2lmrrwk.png Latest 10yi0id.png308je41.pnghriwz5.png311ouvl.png 156bu6o.png6778s9.png Click on the thumbnail to view the graphic. 70hutv.png Latest Is that what Life's about? {Rough Draft} The Mist You Heard me Through the Clearing Stars I Don't Know* Amy's Song * The first couple of lines that you'll see if you look at that post were part of the original rough draft. I was too lazy to backspace them out…

  • Today one of my best friends told me that he tried to kill himself earlier. But he failed and that he wasn't okay and at first I didn't believe him, but... he was serious. I talked to him over the phone and told me why and all this other stuff, but... he didn't seem that upset about it. I mean, I know it's him; he's not one to dwell on things and he's rather open about everything. But... I don't know. Sometimes I get the feeling that he's breaking inside and not telling me the whole story, or ma…

  • Welcome to my life, or well our lives? I know exactly to the t of what you're feeling. Which kind of frightens me again, but enough about me. lol. But anyways, People can be cruel, they can be horrible, horrible creatures that lurk behind doors and lockers waiting to call you nasty names, trip you in the hallway, point at you and laugh, and you know be just like every other High School jack ass. I've had the same thing happen to me. In fact it still happened to me. It seems to be that when we en…

  • Why can't you just be with me all the time? Why can't we just freeze time and travel the world together? I want you. I want you so much. Be the way, I thought you should know that every song I ever listen to reminds me of you, every single dream I have involves you, and every single thought I've had in the past two months, fifteen days, four hours, two minutes and fifty-two seconds always seem to come back to you. I wish you knew that. But you don't. Ouch.

  • Re: Who are your celeb crushes?

    houseofboringx - - LGBT


    Molly Steele (Need I say more...? xD) Amber Heard Jessica Alba Katherine Moennig <33 That's all I can think of right now, lol.

  • Jealously needs to die. I feel so special, but so unoriginal at the same time. How is that possible? Nobody seems to have the answer.

  • Hmm... Well, I don't think it's safe just to say that it's hopeless for you. It's kind of funny, but generally when you aren't looking to find somebody they come looking for you and they find you. At least that's how the majority of my relationships have worked out. For now just hold tight and maybe do a little research online? There's bound to be some places you can go to hang out with teenagers that are like-minded to you. By the way, I'm bisexual. So if you ever want to talk hit me up on msn …

  • People Definitely Like You like2.gif You are very well liked, and many people admire you. You are friendly, well mannered, and fun to be around. Of course, you're not perfect... but that's okay. Your friends are usually willing to accept you for who you are! What People Like About You: People like your self deprecating sense of humor and that you don't take yourself too seriously. People like that you take the them to get to know them and make a connection. You make people feel important. What P…

  • I've been there. I know people say that all the time. You get the courage to actually break your silence and tell somebody that there actually is something bothering you and that you really would just like to end it all, or you nudge towards that topic at least and all they say in response back to you is, "Oh, I've been there before. Don't worry about it too much!" No, "It gets better, I promise!" or "Well here's how I can help you..." Just, "I've been there before," But that doesn't really help…

  • Quote from DeLarge: “Got more?” Hmm... I was thinking about writing something new today, but I'm not entirely sure. This is the most recent thing I've had time to write though and before that I hadn't written anything since the year before. I have some of my old stuff still, but it's nothing like this and I would have to whoa edit it. lol. Just keep your eyes open if you liked this. 8D