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  • Re: Adidas, Nike or Converse?

    Apollo - - Fashion



  • mine's up and slightly to the left, you can't really tell though.

  • Re: Do you have a fetish?

    Apollo - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Red Stripe: “You're not joking are you? :rofl:” you don't like that?

  • the braces don't hurt that much when you get them on, its the tightening.. and it's annoying when they have the grind the glue off when you get them off. but hey, i have nice teeth now. =o

  • Re: embarrased about man boobs

    Apollo - - General Advice


    pec machine

  • I've thought about it, never attempted.

  • average erect penis size is 5.5-6.5inch. can be bigger or larger.. Your penis grows mostly between ages 15-21.

  • Re: did you watch porn?

    Apollo - - Teen Sexuality


    It says i didn't either even though it was on the tab next to it. :p

  • Re: did you watch porn?

    Apollo - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from DREAM3R: “:gay:” Maybe if jenna was a guy...

  • Re: Do it yourself pore strips

    Apollo - - Fashion


    I'll be the first guy to post. I'm going to try this next time i have an acne break out.

  • Quote from ivaiva: “It is probably possible, I don't know. If you had 3 fingers in her then you probably "broke" it (it's not actually something you can brake but IDK how to say it). And if she bled... I would say yes, you did it.” Tore..?

  • Re: Am I a slut?

    Apollo - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Casey_Bubbles: “i don't think it's slutty, i do that sort of thing every now and again when i get drunk at parties. don't feel bad about a lot of people do that sort of thing. and hi everybody :D” No just sluts do that.

  • Re: Let's get random

    Apollo - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Do your eyes change colors? No. Why do you hate your ex? I don't. Do you think good things come to those who wait? Sure. Are you sad? No. Have you learned from your past mistakes? Yep. What do you want to be when you grow up? Musician? Do you hate when people lie to you? Oh yes, especailly to my face. Are you fond of anyone? yes Do you like being single? Not really. Do you want to move out of the town you're living in when you turn 18? Yes. Do you show your feelings? Yes, especially my anger. Do…

  • Disliking Math Says You Are Expressive You are an expressive, passionate, and spontaneous person. For you, math is way too cold a subject. You dislike how black and white it is. While some people have extreme passion for math, that would take far more work than you're willing to put in. What you're into changes like the wind, and you could never be forced to choose one thing. You have to be free to follow what you love. Hmm.. exactly the way I think..

  • Quote from AlexMason: “It was God using a sound to get your attention. You can come up with all kinds of explanations, but why? No need to try and disprove God.” Your houses shifts did you know that? If an object was against the wall long enough it could break or fall down. My aunt had a mirror that cracked because their house shifted quit a bit. You can't physically see or feel your house moving.

  • Quote from BeHappy: “Wow that was so not funny..........” I'm not a big religious person.. that's why i found it funny you were talking to God.. and something fell over.

  • Quote from BeHappy: “So I was in my room alone in the night probably around two- three hours reading my book and no one else came in for that 2-3 hours. So after I finished I read my bible and then started off to pray.I was thanking God as if he was right infront of me. I felt as though someone was there the place was soo quiet. I keep telling him that I was so thankful of all my flaws......I was doing that about 10 minutes then all of a sudden something fell. No one was there with me.While I wa…

  • Quote from Glitterandpolish: “Title says it all. Like come on ! Guys always turn the simplest thing , to something dirty and sexual. Okay, its funny sometimes, but not its just annoying. Keep your hormones to your self ! :thumbdown:” That's nice, now take off your shirt!:D But really, it just depends on the person. Did you know most women mature faster then men do? That is why you see some girls dating older guys.

  • I think trimmed would be better than shaved.. I've shaved my balls before, I know what the pain of stubble feels like.. So I'm not going to force someone to go through that to satisfy me.:)

  • Average male penis is 5.5-6.5 inches.. The penis grows mostly between age 15-21. Don't worry be happy with what you've got. I copied this from the internet the first 3 inches of the vagina are where the main nerve endings are (so its alot more sensitive) the rest is pretty much numb to the touch. apart from the gspot. so really a 4-4½ incher would work. Btw this is the internet, most guys are going to add an extra inch or two to make it sound bigger. Just wait there will be tons of posts saying …