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  • 2 or 3 years isn't bad

  • Quote from collin13: “Quote from Gabraham247: “Quote from AB/CD: “Are you boy/girl? Boy When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 12 How old was your partner? 12 How did you know them? In the neighborhood How long did you know them before you did it? Yr Were you dating when you did it? No How long did you last? 5min Did you use a condom? No Do you regret it? Nope. It showed me who i am ” It showed you who you are? You didn't know who you were until the 5 minutes of sex you had at ag…

  • Are you boy/girl? Boy When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 12 How old was your partner? 12 How did you know them? In the neighborhood How long did you know them before you did it? Yr Were you dating when you did it? No How long did you last? 5min Did you use a condom? No Do you regret it? Nope. It showed me who i am

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    AB/CD - - Fashion


    just some loose baggy shorts

  • Locker Room Nudity

    AB/CD - - Puberty


    Quote from Oliver41: “Why would anyone just walk around the changing room naked, everyone covers up in ours ” you can't wear a towel the whole time either and you have to strip naked to shower anyway

  • Small Package

    AB/CD - - Gay


    Quote from HeyCameron: “Wow, I can't believe no one has said "good things come in small packages" yet And yes, I would, that is of no consequence to me. I say that as someone who's smaller than average. ” what's the average.

  • Small Package

    AB/CD - - Gay


    be truthful, would you date or fuck a boy with a small package

  • Right or Wrong

    AB/CD - - Gay


    Quote from Laws: “Quote from go.mattmatt.go: “not sexually active but I do have oral sex ” OIP.cyMj3zBeMSyBBtlarbin1wAAAA ” lol I have heard some people say oral sex is not actual sex.

  • Body Parts Shape

    AB/CD - - Puberty


    my grandmother says they did my mother like that in her school.

  • Body Parts Shape

    AB/CD - - Puberty


    he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to. Why is she even looking at him. We don't make or force girls to do anything but we force guys. So much for 2023

  • Body Parts Shape

    AB/CD - - Puberty


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “Quote from The Fold: “in other words she is body shaming my male parts saying it's offensive because she can see my the shape of them and she was trying to question why my body parts were shape like an adults and I should be more modest so girls won't be offended ” yeah...that's not body shaming, its common decency to make sure you bulge or junk or whatever isn't completely obvious, especiall in a school setting which I am assuming this was... ” I disagree, girls ha…

  • Body Parts Shape

    AB/CD - - Puberty


    why is she so worried about your body parts, tell her worry about herself.

  • Swim trunks

    AB/CD - - Teen Sexuality


    sounds cute but maybe save it for a private swim pool occasion when it's just you and him.

  • Nudity with lover.

    AB/CD - - Teen Sexuality


    showering and sleeping in bed together

  • Quote from Laws: “Quote from Eilae: “Why does it upset you that she cheated with a white boy? Aren’t you white? ” His bio says he's white but according to his post he's apparently not. What in the bloody heck. ” his actual Ethnicity says multi ethnic

  • Quote from collin13: “You need to evaluate your decisions and stop thinking with your penis. Holy fuck dude ... Sorry but this is all just to crazy for me to even comprehend. ” I can't and won't argue, i have let my hormones get the best of me.

  • Worst Ever. Advice

    AB/CD - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from BJade: “maybe tell him it was nice, but he's not your type Or maybe just tell him that before you did anything as it sounds like you never really had any interest in the first place ” I really didn't have any interest in him. He is a sweetheart but not for me his body type is all wrong and he lacks the sassy attitude I like when I flirt. Also another boy may not be as nice if he is hurting them. Granted it wasn't intentional but some boys would be nasty.

  • Worst Ever. Advice

    AB/CD - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    oh boy. I just had the worst sex ever. One of My fwb decided to tell his closest friend about me. So the kid text me and asked could he come over. He wanted to fuck me. I forgave my fwb and spared the other kid humiliation (he is adorable but not my type). He and I go in my room undress and he's all giddy and happy to see another boy naked. It was so boring and painful. The kid loved every minute of it and wants to do it again. But don't want to hurt his feelings and tell him hell no he sucks an…

  • Same Sex Crush

    AB/CD - - LGBT


    Quote from Robrob12: “Jentzen Rameriz ” wow he is cute. What show is he on

  • Locker Room Nudity

    AB/CD - - Puberty


    it make perfect sense to shower if it's a first or second class thing