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  • Quote from asoiafdude: “You're actually very mistaken. The poverty level of Native Americans on Reservations are extremely high, and their lives are very hard. That's why they have so many casinos, its one of the few ways for them to actually make good money to survive.” Yes and no. Yes to increased poverty also crime can be higher. I will disagree on the Casino's. Most of the income from them barely covers there expenses and what does make it out will be taken by the tribal leaders after that a…

  • Re: clits

    Dime_A_Whiskey - - Puberty


    Quote from ddevlin: “yup its all to do with X and Y chromosomes, X and Y ur a boy X and X ur a girl:wink:” But what about chromosome abnormalities like Klinefelters (XXY):wink: I personally wouldn't say that a child starts feminine, both sexes require differentiation from what they start with to be anatomically male or female.(an interesting process)

  • Quote from saminmontreal: “technicaly, our human instinct would tell us that a pregnant woman is not a turn-on. because we get turned on because we want to fuck, and fucking means making babies, thats evolution. so when you see a pregnant woman, there should be no urges that turn you on because she is already carrying a baby. but like everyone is saying: hey what ever floats your boat. we live in a world of gays and animal porn. so its ok to get turned on by big bellied women. not me.” But by he…

  • I hate my local self defense laws. I was reading up on Texas laws and much prefer them. But to the topic I would much prefer to detain them in any means possible if that means shooting them fine. As far as intervention by neighbor it would be nice as long as it does not put them in great deal of harm, but the least I would ask is a call to the cops.

  • Sure it does. Hockey is great sport and they need to stop screwing with the rules. There is no requirement to fight so if you cant handle it dont do it. I love this fight Boogaard Vs Fedoruk. Fedoruk is not the smartest fighter as proven in his fights. [ame=]YouTube - Derek Boogaard vs. Todd Fedoruk OCT/27/2006[/ame]

  • Re: gun control

    Dime_A_Whiskey - - Debate and Discussions


    O hell this is back in full swing Quote from Baku: “If guns are outlawed, eventually the outlaws won't be able to get them(If enforced right). I'm not crazy enough to think there still won't be a few criminals especially big criminals getting their hands on guns, but it's a lot better than ever common dumb criminal running around with a gun they bought from a guy, who bought from a guy, who bought it from a gun store. The common criminals that will be the people sneaking into your house at night…

  • Re: Johnny Cash feat Snoop Dogg!

    Dime_A_Whiskey - - Music


    O god. A country Outlaw does not mix with rap. I doubt I will like this as a fan our country.

  • Re: Bailout

    Dime_A_Whiskey - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Frosty: “So you agree that money is merely a medium of exchange? So how would government efforts to increase the supply of it increase this aquisition of wealth?” it doesn't you have to have a base or a perceived value throughout the world since we operate as a global economy. If a country just began producing as much paper currency it would suffer from hyper inflation would it not? Be just like Germany in the 1920's, or America during the revolutionary war(both caused by a different …

  • Quote from _Frank_: “Agriculturally it will also be a huge advantage, tescoes in europe will as of this year require all meat products to show the carbon footprint of the place the animal was reared due to the increasing demand for "green" meat, so hacing a small footprint means higher demand and higher profit. although I'm not sure on the extent of american exports.” What do you mean agriculturally? Your example looks more like a model in business. I disagree agriculturally i mean here in the U…

  • This is pretty funny cause your an idiot. I vote troll but in any case, if not; in 2005 the CDC found that ~48% of aids cases were in blacks. So obviously your statement "it isnt gunna happen to me" seems to go against statistics. By the way HIV/Aids is not only spread by sex. So do something smart and get yourself tested.

  • The best thing for burns is to remove the heat from the skin by submerging burned area in water or applying a cold damp cloth, You could also use ice. Dont pop the blisters if you have any. Apply vitamin E on the area for a while.

  • Try taking an antihistamine.

  • Quote from assassinROW: “Oh, well haha .. why not just eat a girl out, get the smell and all without being the creepa. Seriously though there are so many creepy kids these days.” Never really understood it. I would much rather draw straight from the source.

  • Re: fave musical?

    Dime_A_Whiskey - - Music


    One of my favorite has to be Les Miserables.

  • Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]And here, again, is [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]the ad Obama doesn’t want you to see.[/FONT]…8436939&length_seconds=62 1 minute 1 second worth watching [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] from my source.... [/FONT]” If it was a credible source to people you would have absolutely no problem telling people; especially given your current lack of credibility in your shoes I would def. put out this all …

  • Re: Bailout

    Dime_A_Whiskey - - Debate and Discussions


    I have mixed feeling on the bailout. I whole heartedly support bailing out the Big 3. Throughout Ford has confused me with a decrease in sales over a a while they would then logically have a decrease in income that is not being replaced by the sale of their cars since they dont have a strong car base. and they "dont need" the money but would like it in case of the need. When they are granted it they immediately take it. AIG is important but I dont see how a company with such a wide base can fail…

  • Quote from swedekid: “I believe that certain rights are fundamental (such as right to life, trials, etc) . But rights such as freedom to religion and freedom of speech shouldn't be rights, but privileges as many people take advantage of that claiming they have the right to spread hate. But like I said I don't want to get into a discussion about rights. I probably should have said that in totalitarianist governments, people have zero rights. And remember communism does not necessarily equal total…

  • Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]obama has some racist views so do his Pastor anti - white audio YouTube - SHOCKING Obama words: bombshell anti-white audio uncovered! [/FONT]” Im not going to waste my time watching that. Have you ever heard of a credible source? When you find one il look. Not a fan of Obama but that does not mean I would go around supporting/spreading lies about him.

  • Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]''Barack Obama hangs around people who are bitter to the core. His entire inner circle -- his wife -- his pastor -- is filled with almost insane rage. Barack Obama has been attracted to extreme radical elements his entire life."[/FONT]” I dont get it your quote is different from what is listed in your source. I did not find any valid proof of that either.

  • Quote from dizzywizzy: “I find it funny that the nazi kid is against socialism.” No it is because the guy supporting it is not white.