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  • 1) How often do you masturbate? - Uhh i guess every couple of days, sometimes if i'm having a really horny week at lest once a day 2) which hand do you use? -My righty 3) do u jack off to porn? if yes what kind? -Sometimes, depends if i can be bothered aye...but if i do mainly guy-girl and i like homemade stuff 4) where do you do it (i.e. bed, bathroom etc...) - My bed usually but uhm sometimes in the shower 5) How long does it take you to come? -it really depends on the likelihood of me getting…

  • haha i knew it

  • Re: Pubic Hair??

    sora88gold - - Teen Sexuality


    i personally don't like it shaved i LOVE a landing strip and LIKE a trimmed one but i'm not a big fan of natural but it's not exactly important to me aye its just preference

  • yuss girls with common sense...but nah i wouldn't use them as like a serious thing aye just as a joke

  • i heard these 2 yesterday there not really for young ears "hi my names shower, you turn me on, and i make you wet" and also "your legs are like peanut butter, smooth, creamy and easy to spread"

  • :O man really ohk wata bout "if i was traffic light i'd turn red everytime i saw just so i could stare a little longer" or "if you were a facebook status i'd 'like' you"....and no problamo mate

  • Re: Boob sizes?

    sora88gold - - Teen Sexuality


    uhhhhhhhm almost perfect lol jk i wouldn't have a clue

  • yuss it worked i donated you all my moeny escept for 6 bucks gotta pay the bills somehow

  • :O no way not when it comes to you baby you deserve a prize or something first to post on both my posts

  • (woah 2 threads in the past 30 mins it must be illegal or something) anyway....."Last night i was looking up at the stars matching a thing i liked about you to each star i saw, and i was doing really well until i ran outta stars and just so you know your smile was the first star" yeah thats like my all time favourite pick up line but it never seems to work

  • Re: Boob sizes?

    sora88gold - - Teen Sexuality


    lol it was like the wierdest conversation ever cause she was trying to explain bra sizes aswell i really don't understand it aye???? whats the number infront of the letter for?

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    sora88gold - - Teen Sexuality


    lol fck

  • Boob sizes?

    sora88gold - - Teen Sexuality


    hey guys/girls whats your preferred boob size... 'cause me and my mate were talking about it at school and she's a B cup but she hates them, but i think b cups are the best....but yeah i was just curious 'bout other people oh yeah this is European sizing not the weird american sizing (it's hard enough trying to understangd my own countries sizing then i learn you guys have your own seperate way :/)

  • you know the stage where you're comfortable enough around your BF/GF to like burp/fart and like eat like a pig and all that shit??? just a question?

  • 1) How often do you masturbate? Minimum of 5 times a week i geuss 2) which hand do you use? Mainly Right 3) do u jack off to porn? if yes what kind? Yeap Mainly guy on girl but sometimes i mix it up and go lesbian porn 4) where do you do it (i.e. bed, bathroom etc...) when im on my bed 5) How long does it take you to come? depending on the hand i use Righty: bout 4 minutes Lefty: Bout 7 mins 6)What else do you do to heighten your sexual experience? use my left hand

  • Re: Who's your Fav Porn Star?

    sora88gold - - Teen Sexuality


    1. Alison Angel shes so hot and her eyes are so fricken hot aswell 2. Ariel Rebel shes just a babe 3. Rebecca Linares not much explaining needed

  • wait a minute theres two holes in a vag...woah my freind was having period pains and all through maths she was constantly telling me about it and the i finally asked what the hell do you mean period pains...btw i was like 13 i had to explain to my friend how to get rid of a virus on his comp the virus made gay porn results come up on google no matter what you searched it was hilarious

  • premature ejaculation or... not being big enough or... anal sex pull my dick out and its covered in shit

  • Re: Pubes vs. no pubes

    sora88gold - - Teen Sexuality


    i shaved it once and i got incredibly itchy like all the time so now i just trim

  • Re: My problem

    sora88gold - - Teen Sexuality

