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  • I think I have short term memory loss, depression (because i have strong symptoms since almost 5 years ago), dyslexia (i have all the symptoms) and I do have confirmed ADD. I want to tell my mom all of my unconfirmed mental problems but I'm afraid she'll say something like "well maybe a BELT will make you remember things" or "you're not sad, it's a phase you're going through, we've all been there". I also want to tell her that I have a little friend in my head, his name is Martin and he's a cat.…

  • So, I basically am agender, omnisexual, demiromantic and asexual. On top of all that, I'm sex-repulsed. How do I tell ym parents without them being angry? They are strongly christian and I believe in God too. I pray and pray but those feelings won't go away HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!