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  • Quote from they call me mark: “Hey, I need advice in regards with motivation to do exercise. I guess that I am that person that who is just have no motivation to do some exercise. Lately I've noticed that I have gained 3 kg in 2 weeks. I spend around 2 hours max a week exercising. University load doesnt bring much help. I am pretty much have to spend 40 hours at uni 20+ at which is with patient. just a quick background, I am Oral health student ( pre dent) and with that 20+ hours I pretty much j…

  • Quote from MissPez: “I'm a girl who's been strength training since I was 12, and competing (and winning) national rowing championships, which are all about leg and core strength, working one on one with trainers. Believe it or not, men and women are different. Women don't build the kind of muscle mass men do, and they don't build it the same way. It's ill-advised for women to do squats as low as men, because of the differences in weight distribution of a wider hip/pelvis area. It's true that squ…

  • 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg

  • Quote from Iceman_: “Oh ok. Thought you ditched TH. To fill you in I had so far hi-jacked this thread and given half-assed advice.” Thanks for the good advice Quote from Titus Pullo: “Welcome back.” SUp bro! How you been? Check out my cheat meal today 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg Around 6000 cals.

  • Been gone.. finals. Sorry.

  • anabolic steroids. And people demonize me more than potheads, and even crackheads. AAS arent miracle drugs. You still have to work your ass off/eat.

  • Quote from The Jem: “you are soo tall man.” o.o *hides*

  • Coming from a guy with an immense ass (muscle) I can say this: Squat as low as possible regardless of weight. My hamstrings touch my calves. Increase wholesome food intake somewhat from what it is at now if you are maintaining weight with your current diet. Thats it. Squats. Jump Squats, Front Squats... and more squats. pm me for more specific info or a routine. ---------- Post added at 05:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 AM ---------- Quote from MissPez: “ All in all, though, none of…

  • I weigh 271 now. 8 pack o.o 6'4

  • Re: Cereal

    Kristian von Kiel - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Rubyz: “Is food of the gods. I love cereal....I dunno why but lately i've been eating and craving it constantly. I'd have like 5 small bowls a day...and more if I could lolz. My fave combination is honey nut cheerios mix w/this sunbelt cinnamon and raisin cereal thingies...and it's like...sugary heaven in your mouth. :P” :eek: *barf*

  • Quote from Kilmer: “What are the white jars up top? And what percent milk do you buy? Sausages? Badass diet. ha” The milk is raw milk. It is straight from the cow. Sausages are made from bison. Quote from Dior: “No veggies? :confused: Isn't too much calium and protein bad for you? :P” Kimchi has veggies. I also eat fresh veggies from the market every day. I don't store veggies... I prefer them fresh. And the same goes for fruit. Too much protein is bad for you from the wrong sources, and too muc…

  • Quote from Titus Pullo: “I'm assuming you mean you biceps? Hit both arms with isolation work. Like dumbbell preacher curls, and one arm cable curls. That way you'll be hitting each bicep individually. I believe you should use the same weight, and do the same number of reps/sets for each arm.” Completely correct. Refrain from using Barbells for some time, and focus on work with dumbbells. Your dominant side will always have a bigger arm, but you can minimize the difference by working with dumbbel…

  • Quote from dyslexic_beaver: “I'd hit it” Would hit with the force of 1000 angry hurricanes.

  • Quote from Titus Pullo: “It's true. After just 4 weeks into my first cycle, my friend said "So, are you on orals or injectables?" and I hadn't told anyone at the time. It's because I went from struggling to shoulder press 90lb dumbbells to lifting 110lbers with ease. Like Kristian said though, you have to make sure you don't get carried away and lift too heavy. I ended up with a nasty shoulder and tricep injury. I was big before I started though.. some people thought I was using even what I was …

  • Quote from panicmayarise: “Do you like it in the butt, brother?” No Quote from DeamonD: “YouTube - Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)"” Yes

  • Quote from petriieplayspool: “hahahaha. emo mother fucker you know you love it” You are instantly and permanently my favorite girl on these boards o.-

  • Quote from AngeLic: “huig” Not sure... You're too cute! If 17 or over, If 16, If under... Pass, period o.0

  • Quote from unigrad2009: “Just a quick question, I am 19 and wondering how to lose belly fat fast, I am moderately average in size, I go to the gym 2-3 times a week, I do not eat any fast food what so ever, well in 8 months any ways, I cook my own food, I do not buy that cook-in-microwave stuff, and I do not know how I have such a big belly. I hate it, and it hinders my social life, to the point where I do not wear single t-shirts, I either where a t-shirt underneath, or a sweater on top, and I h…

  • Quote from DeamonD: “Here are my question: a) Why not get laid? b) Why not fap?” a)Just got laid lol. Hence my absence b)Would have fapped, but there was a chance I might get laid. Quote from Crimsonflame: “here is a even greater question why isnt this thread closed?” Because it is in fact, not gay. Men who enter this thread to comment about how gay it is are insecure. Quote from DeamonD: “here is THE greatest question: You DO know that this will not get you any attention from girls who may be e…

  • ^_ Fellow horny brah This thread is for lulz on my part btw