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  • Re: Ways to combat Bullying

    JC - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Scaredycrow: “I don't see why not, although in most cases it'd likely be impossible to do it on your own. The problem is, not everyone can fight back. And they shouldn't be ashamed if they aren't able to do so. Remember, bullying isn't just physical, it can be emotional and psychological too. And, in the event someone does stand up to a bully, beat him up, get rid of him, whatever. That person's self-esteem may increase, but what about the bully? His is likely already very low and uns…

  • Quote from Muppy: “I've tried but I can't actually cook lmao so they end up doing it.” Lol. Lrn2cook? Get them to teach you haha.

  • Rach you'd never cook for a guy?

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from Darthnut: “I would post links of the awesome breaking skills... but i need more posts. lol anyways, muay thai is one of the deadliest martial arts. i agree to that. but the kicks they use are different than TKD kicks. and boxing is a sport, the punches arent full force. also, judo means "the gentle way" it is also a sport” I've boxed before. Punches are anything but pulled in a boxing match. The glove actually allows you to punch harder, just because you are not scared of your hand br…

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    JC - - Sports


    Wait. Wait Wait. If that is true, then Muay Thai guys should be killing people left and right with every single kick they throw, even if it is blocked. Muay thai guys kick like twice as hard as TKD guys... Boxers should be killing with a well thrown cross. Judo guys should be killing everytime they manage to throw someone...

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from Darthnut: “I haven't... but I would love to try it some time. But the thing with ITF Taekwon Do... the sparring is light contact. It basically has to be. Almost all the offensive techniques are able to kill.” Dude. In Bujinkan Tai jutsu , there is no sparring because all techniques are able to kill. My sensei that teaches me Karate and Muay Thai told me he was 100% sure I would choke out Bujinkan Taijutsu teacher. That's another bad aspect of the martial art... They tell you you are D…

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from Darthnut: “1--- The minimum age where I train is 6 JUST TO BEGIN TRAINING 2--- when sparring, my face is always guarded 3--- I can break several boards with a good punch 4--- they do teach grappling, its just not in competitive sparring 5---we do learn ground fighting, also just not in competitive sparring 6---low kicks and sweeps are also learned. just not in competitions 7---the PROPER Taekwon Do (developed by General Choi) is VERY practical. We do defense against weapons, stretches…

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from Darthnut: “Thanks I would love to hear why you think Taekwon Do sucks though.” The Mcdojo percentage is too high. You probably train in one and don't even know it. 7 year olds can get black belts easily. Look at the way you fight. Hands down. Chin up. No good guard. No hands. ( I mean no good punches.) No grappling at all. No ground fighting. You kick only to the mid section and the head. No kicks to the legs. More emphasis on flash than on practicality. I could go on... It does have …

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    JC - - Sports


    Tkd sucks Hope you win bro.

  • Ross remind yourself of your long term objective. Remember that the cost of not doing your homework outweighs the satisfaction you will get from sitting there and doing nothing. Also, just take out your stuff and start doing it. You won't be able to stop until you finish. A lot of times at least.

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from breakboy: “i know this guy that's been doing tkd since he was a kid and he still fights like a girl. some martial arts are only useful for looking pretty” Good point. I did TKD for a while too. I once got in a fight with some guy at school, I couldn't land a single kick. It's a fail martial art. You need to be at a very high level with it to be able to fight mediocre. I won't go as far to say that No training> TKD training because TKD will give you flexibility, speed and other things.…

  • Re: Ways to combat Bullying

    JC - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Esmo: “The point is to eradicate that thinking by making the bully empathise. If they're thinking that, you haven't done the job.” Is it really possible to make every bully empathize though? In my experience, bullies are the kind of people that will kick you while you are down. If they know they are causing you pain, they'll work harder. So I think its better to stand up for yourself. " If you don't hunch over people can't get on your back." Besides, imagine the self esteem of the kid…

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from lostpariah: “well put from both of you guys. I think that training martial arts can go as both a sport and as a way to conquer deamons inside yourself. Lots of Tae Kwon Do places in Chicago and around the world teach martial arts as a form of self-discipline, while MMA is obviously a sport. Theres alot of debate on this WC and JKD stuff. does it have any real backing to it, or is it just show?” WC has some pretty good theories. But they are just that.. theories. I've never seen a Wing…

  • Re: Im a virgin.. Dont know why

    JC - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Batgirl: “They didn't just pick on your picture, they picked on your attitude. Being a virgin isn't anything to be ashamed of, and when you talk about it like it is, it shows how pathetic you really are.” This.

  • Re: Rapist on my bus?

    JC - - General Advice


    Is it true that he did? Just because people say that it doesn't mean that he did it. Don't do anything unless you see him doing something.

  • Just trade with the country. No helping it out or anything. That'd be hypocritical.

  • Re: Ways to combat Bullying

    JC - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Esmo: “A combination of punitive and restorative justice would probably do well in my opinion. But it's important that the bully realises the harm they have inflicted on the victim through a face-to-face meeting or something.” How do you know that it isn't the kind of person that thinks "The more I hurt him, the better." ?

  • Re: Ways to combat Bullying

    JC - - Debate and Discussions


    Tell the kids that are being bullied to stop being little wimps and start learning how to fight. Worked for me. Also, when you see someone weak getting bullied a LOT , please don't join in. Stand up for him and then tell the kid to stand up for himself. Thing is, no kid that is being bullied will tell the teacher. Why? Because it will make it worse. The bullying is obviously going to stop when the teachers watch, but outside ( i.e. at the mall, movies, etc.) The kid is going to be freaking scare…

  • Re: awsome anime!!!!!!!!

    JC - - Films, TV and Books


    You just found it? That stuff is old. Angel Beats is pretty nice Imo.

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    JC - - Sports


    Quote from dyslexic_beaver: “MMA is REALLY gay. Half the fight is just two guys rolling around in homoerotic positions.” If you see 2 people fighting as gay, then you probably are