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  • Re: Asian Penis size?

    Unknown Antics - - Teen Sexuality


    By stepping outside your low confidence skin and growing a pair... Just go get one it's not hard they get easier and easier as time passes.

  • I think this would be a great idea. A rapist should have his dick cut off. Maybe they would think twice sick bastards.

  • this thread is perfection.

  • thank god my dick was cut too perfection.

  • Re: sex

    Unknown Antics - - Teen Sexuality


    don't joke about rape. You wouldnt be so shallow if say you're sister had gone threw that horrible experience.

  • Re: Guys - PLEASE HELP!

    Unknown Antics - - Teen Sexuality


    just think of it as being like a snake. just shedding your skin so you can get a new fresh set. im thinking about doing it.

  • NEAL if I wasnt a complete idiot like ( ) says i am Id say you kinda agree with me.

  • Re: .

    Unknown Antics - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    You will be making a mistake. The older you get the more you learn about the truth. Be honest and it will make your life a lot less stressfull. In life you are presented with an option... It is usually between what you know is the right thing and the WHAT appears to be the easy way out. The more you decide to come clean the more pure your life will be. So if you say hes a great guy why do that to him?? Dont start building the wall of lies now... You wont ever stop I think your a smart girl cause…

  • Oh My God Chill out I can see panic all over the place. Telling her not to pass you the ball or letting her pass you the ball is the big question here??? or Taking her to prince of persia or toy story 3??? Seeing yourself like this?? Like what wondering about a girl? Calm down i get it your 13 this is new and all but chill. Just be cool about it k. Go to a movie or somthing then just say..I like you i think we should hang out more. Then ask her out BTW deff prince of persia toy story?? Cmon

  • Re: .

    Unknown Antics - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    The bf is a good guy. I don't know what event started this buttt i hope you grow out of it. Look at your scars as previous battle wounds from a hard stretch of life but work on becoming stronger from within. Cutting doesn't solve anything work on another way to cope with emotions. Not inflicting yourself with more pain... I was in the same position as you're bf. Seems like a long time ago and told my girl i would not be a part of her life if she wanted to keep hurting herself. Just like i hope y…

  • YAY GREAT IDEA Anyone know the story of Pompeii?? The world will End It would destroy all that sex had stood for all these years!! Wait porn already is doing that why not.

  • ****PLEASE ONLY READ THE BOLD FOR THE OVER REACTIVE (Linda)**** I knew when i posted that some girls would be steaming thinking i just hinted at inequality... Which was never mentioned. Sure I did write "Ruled over" but that is not a stretch. History has treated women poorly. What I am saying to the OP (for relativity so the almighty Linda doesn't jump at the chance to delete my Ridiculous claims that are off topic cough cough Power abuse)(but that's what you get with teens moderating teens shit…

  • If you want to put it that way please do so. others may take another message from it. its to bad just because one of the mods on here is undeserving of the power and needs to learn to treat it much much better. Why is it she may delete my message because she feels threatened by it PERSONALLY? I never crossed any line So give her an INFRACTION lol. I know you wont but i would like to have my opinion posted so i will do so again. I know its an infraction and i hope it may just be edited to fit thi…

  • she deleted the message because SHE is just that a girl. And she was upset by the information i brought to the table. I will say it again and she will delete it for all the wrong reasons again. Here we go... Women naturally feel the need to please there man/partner. This has been a female trait for as long as man kind has been around. The male is Dominant. Given more muscle mass larger build and a more egoistical view due to there powerful position. All threw history MAN has ruled over women. Wo…

  • Yes the female dependency to please her man is a natural trait in all women. Rather you admit to it or not i don't care. It is present in all women i wont argue cause you believe what you want. Give me 3 months with a girl and yes i will have already made several changes to her that fit me better.

  • Fucking girls in the ass is fun!!! If a girl even asks me about somthing touching my ass... I will have to remind her how things work here!!

  • Women can be trained like he said ^^. Get the one that fits your mold with looks and educate her yourself. Its not that hard just get them to really like you and you can make them go out of there way to keep things going with you. But its not for every guy some just arnt that evolved. They didnt get into enouph fights when they were younger i beleive....................

  • Congrats your officialy GAY. Join the Up The but Clan over there > My gay rant is for another day...

  • Sounds like a guy having fun playing around with some girls. Don't get to into him. If you really started flirting with his close friends you already messed it up. Now him and his friends are talking about how you like all of them. And most likley how they could all bag you if they wanted to. His view on you has changed BIG TIME! You wont beleive me i know but i try

  • caller her up... This is what you say Hey what the fuck?? I canceld my shit for you. I am like a cooler younger Tom Cruise who you think you are??(that parts optional) Well get your shit straight and be my taxi or else i have no need for you im stuck in the fucking boondocks without a ride. IDK its just one incident your upset about? So shit went down bad for you ONE TIME give it a rest. See how she goes about HOLLY SHIT THE SUNS TIED THE LAKERS YESS I HATE LAKERS