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  • Re: Males: Penis size?

    Timon - - Teen Sexuality


    Plenty of lies and bad measurements.

  • Re: freckle removal

    Timon - - Health and Fitness


    Freckles can be cute.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Timon - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, you're a guy! So - let's shake hands!

  • 1 - Who is your best friend? Ben 2 - Who do you like? Angie 3 - Who is your mom? Dor 4 - Who owns your house? Dad 5 - Who bought you the clothes your wearing? Mum 6 - Who is at your house? Family 7 - Who loves you? Family and friends 8 - Who said hey to you today? Angie, family, cousins etc 9 - Who are you talking to right now? Nobody 10 - Who was your ex-boy/girlfriend? Chloe 11 - What town do you live in? Naxxar 12 - What are your pet peeves? Butch lesbians... repeating myself. Stupid habits, …

  • Re: Can a guy be raped by a girl?

    Timon - - Teen Sexuality


    He'd have to be hell-a-big of a pansy though. I know it sounds sexist, but think about it. He'd have to be a wimp.

  • Never happened to me. Can't imagine getting THAT horny off of porn or something.

  • Re: Are You A Homophobe?

    Timon - - Gay


    I wouldn't say you're completely correct. I agree that they're perhaps not comfortable. It's pretty much upbringing and the environment they are exposed to. It's wrong to be homophobic as long as the homos aren't affecting your life. I mean, just leave them alone, you know? But if they're stepping on your toes, it's as much a reason to be angry as with a straight person. I dislike lesbians for unique reasons, but I don't hate them as individuals.

  • Re: Stereotypes

    Timon - - Fashion


    You forgot to add Rocker. =P But even then I'm my own man. I'd just think that if I HAD to fit into a stereotype I'd be a rocker, most likely. I don't try to be different though, I'm me.

  • Re: Are You A Homophobe?

    Timon - - Gay


    I don't like lesbians, but that doesn't mean I won't respect them. I dislike them because of personal reasons and a bit of shit that happened.

  • You'd probably have been better off not telling her that stuff, since it makes you look bad. Understand they won't be together forever. Best thing to do if you really care for her is to patch yourself up, try gain favour and show her you're a good guy. When that fateful day comes along and they do break up, hopefully you can support her. But at this rate it sounds like you're messing up that chance, by acting towards her as if you're desperate. Try get some distance from her for awhile, and talk…

  • Just don't let your mum get to you. Talk to her if you can. Hell, she's still human and still your mum even if she's messed up. Watch your own back though, stay strong.

  • Yeah right.

  • Re: How Evil Are You?

    Timon - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 50% Evil evil.gif You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

  • Re: Random poam!

    Timon - - Creative Writing


    It's spelled 'poem'.

  • Thanks to all! Hard to express my gratitude. Sometimes it helps just to talk and share the situation a little, you know? I'll keep everything you've all said in mind, and thanks again.

  • I won't bore you with self pity. My life isn't as horrific and terrible as the lives of many other people. In fact, I'm not trying to whine or complain. I'm just your average joe, with the same problems as most other people. Rejection, education, friends, family. The usual package. It's just that I'm in a bit of an iffy situation at the moment. So a bit of casual advice would be nice, mind you. That's all. :wink: You know the cliche about falling in love with your best friend? Yeah, that just ha…

  • You know, you're a mile ahead of most people like you. Most people would give up and sink into that dredge, without hope, without even trying to save themselves. I'm not going to rant on like some happy, do-gooder. Life is hard, and even moreso for you than for a lot of people. Still, you DO understand that going back into that mire of pain and drugs will not make you happy? There's only one way out of this. You can sink and die having poisoned yourself, or you can make your family happy and you…

  • Re: A Story

    Timon - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    You are a very strong person. I'd never have survived that.

  • What a bitch.

  • Let's put it this way. If an attractive girl came up to you and asked the same thing you'd probably say yes. You just need to work it right. But when I say work it right very few people would have the right balls and style to pull that one off, seriously. Girls aren't as willing, I figure.