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  • I want to add that you shouldn't worry to much about what it looks like. Most guys don't give a damn what it looks like as long as it feels good.

  • Re: What do you shave?

    summer7922 - - Teen Sexuality


    EVERYTHING. You name it, I shave it lol Well I mean other than like my feet and face oh & my back lol

  • I used to be that way. Now I just say what I think. You only live once and frankly highschool doesn't last forever. I regret being so shy in my earlier years.

  • Re: i changed my mind

    summer7922 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from XxskatergirlxX: “you really need to stop making rude comments on my post. its so annoying. if you dont like me then leave me alone and let me do what i want to do.” If you do end up getting pregnant young you are going to have to deal with the criticism. You aren't going to get a break. I know it always seems like girls have all their friends and everyone gives them more attention, but really friends aren't always there and you will be looked down upon. You aren't going to be given an…

  • Re: What the?

    summer7922 - - Teen Sexuality


    That is so awesome Ive always wanted to squirt

  • Re: song you never get tired of

    summer7922 - - Music


    I always end up getting tired of songs, but I like Usher -- Hey daddy. & Rihanna's -- Rude Boy at the moment.

  • Yep I love porn. hehehee.

  • you dont accidentally delete someone lol she's lying & she seems sort of selfish.

  • Re: Iphone?

    summer7922 - - Technology and the Internet


    ahah okay thanks.

  • Start thinking of all the good things about yourself. Don't think about the bad. It's hard, but make yourself be more optimistic & make yourself go out and do fun things you wouldn't normally do

  • Heaven must be lonely and g-rated

  • Don't force yourself to like her. If you can't get over the attraction issue then she obviously doesn't mean that much to you. Just wait it out, if you don't get any stronger feeling then end it before it's too late

  • Re: i changed my mind

    summer7922 - - Teen Sexuality


    Oh & another thing. It isn't really easy to be emancipated. Why not stay at home with your parents? I would love to be living with my momma again, no responsibilities or bills.

  • Re: i changed my mind

    summer7922 - - Teen Sexuality


    I still think you should wait until you are atleast 18-20. Believe me I know what I am talking about. Go ahead and get emancipated and move in with your boyfriend. Yall live together for a year or two and then yall make youre decision because living together will be a hard step of its own. I am living this life that you obviously dream of at the moment and it's not all it's cut out to be believe me. It's very hard. I know everyone says get out of school first, but believe me when I say it would …

  • Re: Iphone?

    summer7922 - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from Jarndyce: “I've got the original Iphone, it is nearly 18 months old now. I would recommend it. Texting is easy, though it might take a little time for you to adjust to touch texting, as it feels different not having buttons of course. Since the mid year patch last year the texting screen will flip to landscape which makes it perfectly fine. I've heard complaints about the battery, but it varies a lot on how much you use the phone. Some people *must* whip it out every few seconds to ch…

  • Quote from xXDaRCAngELXx: “im actually shaking as i right this...HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU CAN SUPPORT A FUCKING KID..i've dated and 18 yr old girl with a kid (not my kid) but the dead beat bf who said he loved her dumped her and barely pays support.... she made her parents fucking miserable and the guys parents this is no fucking just...i want to have kids but after dating her i wont have any until im at least 30 and married jesus fucking H christ” 30 huh? i wouldnt go that far, but i do wish I ha…

  • You should NEVER give up friends and family for someone. If you devote all your time to one person it gets tiring and stressful being together ALL the time. I think you should break up with her honestly. She is obviously being a selfish little bitch. She's a teenage girl and some teenage girls don't have the maturity level to stay in a serious relationship. Break up with her if it's meant to be you will realize it later on down the road. You are seventeen, get out more and enjoy life. Don't sett…

  • Iphone?

    summer7922 - - Technology and the Internet


    Do you like your iphone? tell me the good things and the bad, please How long does the battery last? Is it hard to text?

  • Re: plz, I need your advice :(

    summer7922 - - Fashion


    If you quit trying, someone will come along

  • Let's start it off with, does somebody have feelings for you? My husband; Billy. Who was the last person you rode in the car with that was under 21? My son; Liam. If you were kicked out of your house, where would you go first? Eh, I wouldn't get kicked out of MY house. lol Do you consider yourself lucky? Yes, in some ways. Could you cry right now? Nope; I never really cry anymore. In the past week, have you cried hysterically in front of a friend? Nah. Do you have an older brother/s? Brother in …