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  • Well, thank you for the answers, but I don't think it's the "can't stand to see you" theory because we're still friends and still chat fairly often.

  • Well, I never come right out and say it, but here's a few things I've noticed from myself and my friends: he always wants to talk to you, he always smiles when he's around you, he laughs at all your jokes (even pathetic ones), he has to force a smile or walks away when he sees you with another guy, or if he always agrees with you. However, this may only be true for me and my friends, other guys may act compketely differently.

  • Ok, here's the situation: I was going out with this girl and, a couple months ago (sorry for time lapse, I just found this site) she wanted to go trick-or-treating with me, but her dad said no. So I went with some of my friends instead. When I got home I saw that I had an email from her telling me to meet her at the town library at 6:00pm (it was 9:00pm by the time I read it) so I sent a message apologizing. The next day, I saw that she had deleted me off of her friends list, so I sent another m…