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  • Re: I Shed a Tear [Poem]

    Chrisii - - Creative Writing


    Thanks! Took me forever to change the things I didn't like and rewrite the parts that didn't go in!

  • Re: Mom or Dad?

    Chrisii - - General Advice


    I'm 14

  • Re: Mom or Dad?

    Chrisii - - General Advice


    I'm not exactly sure if they choose. Usually the kids go to the mother. But I think they put the kid's decision into consideration as well.

  • Re: Mom or Dad?

    Chrisii - - General Advice


    I love my parents - with all my heart. I don't want to destroy them by leaving the two of them. I'm scared they might do something drastic, and, judging by the way my dad likes to make threats about "putting a gun to head", I don't want that to happen. They've always been there for me, and I don't want to leave them in the dirt. And my little brother's only 10. I don't think he would understand if I told him we were going to live away from mom and dad. Like I said before, my dad's his idol, and …

  • Mom or Dad?

    Chrisii - - General Advice


    Okay, so here's the deal. For about a year now, my parents have been fighting on and off. My dad's been venting by getting drunk, cussing, and disappearing to bars (and, I think, strip clubs) while my mom is out partying with her friends until 5am in the morning. My little brother and I are seriously depressed about it. Anyways, they'd been perfect on Father's Day, complimenting, saying "I Love You", hugging, etc. But today... When I came home, my dad's words were slurred and crashing into each …

  • "I can ride my bike with no handlebars, no handlebars, no handlebars..." When the song is playing, have you ever listened carefully to the words? Wondered what they meant? Well, the video ([ame=]YouTube - Flobots - Handlebars[/ame]) might change your mind a little. So what do you think the point of "Handlebars" is? What is means? I have two theories: 1) I think that two friends went their separate ways. One chose the simple life while the other went to gain …

  • I Kissed A Girl

    Chrisii - - Music


    :kiss:Do you agree with what the lyrics say? Personally, I hold nothing against the song. To me, it's telling a story, not an opinion. Either way, I'm straight.

  • Re: Don't Like Being Home?

    Chrisii - - Friends and Family


    I like being home SOMETIMES. My parents are fighting (on/off for about 2 years now) and I can't sleep when they're yelling at four in the morning so I go to my neighbor's house on weekends because I just want some GODDAMN SLEEP. Also, my dad is an alcoholic and he gets pretty wild. He likes to hit me, play EXTREMELY loud music, and threaten to kill himself when he gets mad. And, I can't STAND the smell of his cigars, so I either completely ignore him or go to my neighbor's house (they're sweet, …

  • I Shed a Tear [Poem]

    Chrisii - - Creative Writing


    Please give me your opinions on this poem I shed a tear for every soul, Whose heart was torn in two, I breathe a sigh for every soul, Who gave their heart to you, They sought someone to whisper in their ear, During times of pain, They sought someone who’d always be near, When they were in the rain, But you took a hammer to their hearts, Smashed them right in two, Broke them into little parts, ‘Cause they thought they trusted you. So you can laugh at their cries, Or feel their sorrow, Make right …

  • Public school. Grade 8. It's cleaner, since it was remodeled in '03, but some of our teachers suck. And the Vice Principle always has his hand down the back of his pants for reasons unknown.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Chrisii - - Teen Sexuality



  • I told my dad about it. He said some parents were like that... No computer, no TV, no movies. Sure, she's seen Ratatouille, but that's it. Wow... no computer. I would NOT survive if I didn't have my daily dose of YouTube.

  • Re: Have you drunk/smoked?

    Chrisii - - Health and Fitness


    I've had some beers at some parties, but never smoked. But my dad smokes, and second hand smoking is just as bad. *cough*

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Chrisii - - Teen Sexuality


    High Five!

  • Fencing, Swimming, Basketball, Running/Walking, Soccer, PE

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Chrisii - - Teen Sexuality



  • If you really truly believe she is cheating on you - and that you KNOW this for a fact - then you shouldn't date her. If she is cheating on you, then you're just another one of "those boys" to her. But you need to know. Ask her, but be nice about it and don't force the answer out. Don't worry about not finding another girlfriend. There are lots of people you haven't met yet.

  • Re: Divorced Perhaps? :X

    Chrisii - - Friends and Family


    He probably does, because I'm pretty sure he was hurt when his ex left him for drugs. Sooner or later, he's going to have to realize that he's doing just what his ex did to him.

  • Thanks

  • I've done it once, when my dad didn't have a job, we had my dad's drug-using friend living at our house, and when my parents were fighting. I did it when my dad was in jail for the night because the cops suspected him of drunk driving. It was because I was so stressed. After that... I dunno, it kinda just let everything out. I knew it was wrong, so I asked the school counselor. Didn't go so well from there... But now, I'm cut-free, with just the tiniest scar to show for it. Freeeeeeee!:chairdanc…