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  • Re: Wants to be an Author

    GrYmSouL - - General Advice


    @artizhay. WOW, I was hoping for a good response but your quick and detailed one completely shattered my expectations. I appreciate the incredibly detailed information. I am serious about making a novel. I've always loved reading book but never really thought about writing one myself until recently. Thanks again for the response. I'm on my way to check out those options you gave me.

  • Wants to be an Author

    GrYmSouL - - General Advice


    Hey all. I have a problem. I'm always imagining short stories within my head. I create fantasies and dramatic situations of where I am often the main character. It's the only way that I could make the day go by faster. One day, when asked by my teacher, "What do you want to be good at?". I thought for a second, then finally came up with the answer of being an author. I thought that since I am always creating far-fetched tales and conjuring up ridiculous daydreams, putting it on paper for the wor…

  • To the original poster, simply put, he doesn't truly love you. There is no way that he does. I was in love with my ex for three years and never once did I do anything physically aggressive toward her. Sure, we had heated arguments but never anything physically abusive (aside from that one time she slapped me). Infact, even when she cheated on me, the worst thing that I could think of by retaliation was throwing her cel-phone into a lake (maybe even her teddy). But I never thought about physicall…

  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “Trust can be restored in a person. Who knows? Maybe she has changed. Perhaps you should give it a try. You obviously want to, because you have these feelings for her. It's been years, and she still wants you. Maybe she's learned her lesson. If she still wants you after all this time, that means she shares these feelings you have for her. Since she does, maybe she's realized what she did was wrong, and will not make the mistake again. I say go for it. Everyone deserves anot…

  • Ok, I just got out of a two-year relationship with "Debra". We ended on good terms (I think). We kissed eachother one last time and whispered loving words before she disappeared from my doorstep. That was almost two weeks ago. I'm not too broken up about it since lately it seemed hopeless. Now my ex before Debra, "Alexia", is pushing herself back into my life. The story with Alexia is that she was my first love, first girlfriend. We've now known eachother for five years. We did everything togeth…

  • Kopite, I hope you're right. I miss her and I want to atleast see her again. I'll lay low for a while as not to seem desperate or clingy. Then I'll try again in a week or so, this time showing up at her front door with some flowers and food for her pet rabbit. Maybe that would get her back.

  • That's a pretty good question. At first I only dated her for her looks and she went out for me because I would ALWAYS say yes to whatever she wanted. It was a relationship doomed to fail from the start. Gradually, we actually started to see OTHER qualities and then started to fall in love. Unfortunately with the strong emotion of love came other strong emotions as well like jealousy (me at the guys who would hit on her) and spite (her for seeing that I was nice to other girls). We already figure…

  • Re: guys

    GrYmSouL - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Depends on who her boyfriend is and how hot she is. Say she's 80% hotter than the average girl and my ass is 50% likely to get stomped by her boyfriend if he found out, then. . .yea, I'd do her.

  • No, none f my ex-girlfriends have died. . .yet. Though, there is one that I'm wishing a would pay a visit to. I'd pay good money to see that happen.

  • Quote from Mr. Peel: “From what you said to her, it seems like that girl doesn't really appreciate you. Now I don't know the whole story, but a girl like that ain't worth it.” Yea, you're probably right. The relationship was crumbling anyway which is why we broke up. Though, we still managed to stay good friends, until last night. I just want to know where we stood. Are we friends or now forever strangers? We never had closure. I guess that's all I'm really looking for. ---------- Post added at …

  • I burnt all my ex's (not recently ex-gf) photos and sold her ipod :D. It was much easier for me because I didn't want any memories. strangely though, last time I checked her myspace pics, she was still wearing the emo skirt I bought her and the heart necklace I gave her is still around her neck. . .fudging mixed-signals.

  • Ok, last night I said some horrible things to my now ex-girlfriend. It was along the lines of "That's your first mistake, you always need me for the stuff I can give to you. When will you need me for the person that I am? Maybe one day when you do, give me a call, until then, just don't talk to me" She never texted or called me back. Yesterday I was angry and she just kinda escalated it. I tried apologizing for it this morning but she never replied to my texts. I tried calling her but it keeps g…

  • It's perfectly fine. I didn't get my first gf until I was 19. Then I lost her because I was "inexperienced" hope a finds her in a dark alley some day.

  • Well, it all really depends on you and the how you feel about the guy you are with. If it's a guy that you think you can really get into (not literal ofcourse), then you should do what you feel is the right thing, whether it be sexual, platonic or just plain romantic. About the stop and go method you were describing. NEVER do that. Take it from a guy himself, it drives them nuts (no pun intended) in a bad way. It's okay to feel a bit conservative but let him know off the bat so you don't easily …

  • Thanks for the advise everyone. I tried to get her into the exercise thing and for a while it was actually working. She was getting a workout. Then, out of nowhere she got irritated and stopped working out all together. I know it's because she thinks it's hard and that I won't accept her as her heavier self. I really don't know what to do now. I just tried talking to her over the phone and it seems like she REALLY has no patience for me anymore. I'm guessing this marks the end of something we th…

  • Quote from BeautyBombshellx: “Ugh- Part of me wants to understand you and the other part makes me cringe at you. This is why- Your girlfriend gained a few pounds so what? She is obviously selfcontious about this already and I dont think shes HAPPY about it either. Instead of being an insensitive asshole why don't you try to be active with her? Go for walks every night or do active things like rock climb or even a skating rink. Go to a batting cage don't just go online and post about how your bec…

  • I met her two years ago. She was beautiful, flirtatious and independent. Who could have known so much could change in so little time? We had fun together. Laughed together and explored our physical and emotional fields. Now, it seems like all that is about to end. She's been putting on weight lately. . .and I mean a lot of weight. I guess I really started to notice when she left for two months to stay with some family in another state. When she came back, she was noticably plumper. She was self-…

  • Well, I lost my girlfriend. . .again. She left me alone once more. I'm not too angry about it, I was kinda expecting it. I'm not sure where I stand in life anymore. The only other girl I seem to like beyond friendship is gay and currently engaged in a relationship with another female. My luck doesn't seem too good. . . I wonder why I keep letting my so-called other half back into my life. There only seem to be pain whenever she re-enters my heart. Maybe there's a bit of fun and happiness in the …

  • Well, thank you for all of your advise. The whole reason I posted here was to get a responce or even atleast some interaction. As lame as it may sound, I'm kinda desperate for some conversations sometimes. Although, my problem have been tearing me down of lately, I feel as if my whole life is meaningless if I don't atleast TRY to get better. Someone meantioned a good point about my girlfriend. She was the only person I coould truly trust at the time. She listened to me when I was sad and she con…

  • Quote from KrayzieTeen: “Man I've been going through so many different emotions lately and thinking about death almost everyday. I am turning seventeen years old in November and I feel like I failed my teenage years and I just can't take it. I have no real friends at home but a few at school. I am so insecure about myself. Its because of the size of my head, it has affected the way I have lived. I am about 5'8" and the size of my head is kinda big for my body. I have been made fun of my entire l…