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  • Wetness with boys

    Hotaro - - Gay


    just seeing if anyone had a actual answer. Just question about something I don't know.

  • Wetness with boys

    Hotaro - - Gay


    since no one replied in my other topic I will try here. I had a friend/partner stay over,and we just finshed kissing and masturbating and in the heat of cumming he said that his butt was so wet. I didn't know boys get wet in the butthole.

  • Another question

    Hotaro - - Teen Sexuality



  • Another question

    Hotaro - - Teen Sexuality


    I had a friend/partner stay over,and we just finshed kissing and masturbating and in the heat of cumming he said that his butt was so wet. I didn't know boys get wet in the butthole.

  • Uncut dicks

    Hotaro - - Puberty


    I am embarrassed cause my brother is cut and my dad is. But I am uncut.

  • Stupid Question

    Hotaro - - Teen Sexuality


    why the img.

  • Stupid Question

    Hotaro - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Ashley2004: “anal sex can cause anal fissures or irritate hemorrhoids which can bleed and if you don't prepare well, you can end up pooping or at least see poop afterwards. ” thanks. That makes perfect sense. Just learning in case of....

  • Stupid Question

    Hotaro - - Teen Sexuality


    thank you

  • Stupid Question

    Hotaro - - Teen Sexuality


    my dumb question is about gay sex. Wouldn't boys bleed from doing it up the was or poop. How do you safely have boy sex. Anal virgin by the way.

  • Shirtlessin PE/Gym

    Hotaro - - Puberty


    I removed mine for basketball.

  • Shirtlessin PE/Gym

    Hotaro - - Puberty


    this is just a regular gym class/p.e. we dont have swim, so we do football or basketball or some soft or hardball and other stuff. Us removing shirts was just random

  • Shirtlessin PE/Gym

    Hotaro - - Puberty


    I was wondering because I took mine off but when me and two other boys put on cutoff shirts we were ok even though my cuttoff barely covers anything.

  • Shirtlessin PE/Gym

    Hotaro - - Puberty


    Are of you boy allowed to play on gym floor or outside shirtless or with cutoff shirt

  • Questions for boys

    Hotaro - - Puberty


    Age: 13 Ethnicity: Carribean Height: 5'4 Weight: 105 Leg hair: none Armpit hair: none Chest hair: none Pubes: little bush Butt hair: none Head hair colour: dark Body/pubes hair colour: dark Penis size: I guess between 4-6. Havent measured Circumcised (yes/no): Are most people in your area circumsized: my brother and dad are. Most of the boys at my school are Do you shower naked at school: yes Would you say your penis is smaller or larger than people your age at school: bigger than some and small…

  • Thread for boys

    Hotaro - - Puberty


    when did you start puberty?11 do you sleep naked? Yes do your ever walk naked in your house? Yes. clothing rules very relaxed do you masturbate and do parents know?yes. And brother and parents caught me once what race/skin color are you? Carribean dick size? Never measured, doesn't matter but its getting loner. Body weight? 105 how tall are you?5'4 who has seen you naked?mom dad brother sister do you freeball/commando?yes