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  • Hey Everyone, I'd just like to let you know about a new forum that I have made for Shropshire, England. If you live near or in Shropshire I'd be very grateful if you could register The site is on a free domain at the moment, this is because I am trialling to see if actually does become popular. I am also using PhpBB which isn't the best software but it does the job Here's the link: Welcome to Shropshire Forums Thanks

  • Hey Like the above poster has suggested, you could try talking to your friend about your concerns. They may not realise that you are concerned about their recent behaviour and I'm sure that if you talk to them about it that it should help you to understand what has been going on. If they aren't willing to talk to you about it, perhaps you could tell an adult you trust about your concerns. Also, I'm sure your friend will appreciate that you feel concerned about them because it shows that you care…

  • Wouldn't your parents prefer you to go to the doctors rather than smoking cannabis? ---------- Post added at 07:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 AM ---------- Also, why do you believe that you're not worth loving?

  • Hey I'm here if you do need someone to talk to, just PM me. You've said that you feel paranoid all the time. What is it that you are feeling paranoid about? Is it that people think that you are fat? I must reassure you that you most definitely are not fat. You need to think positive about your body because there really isn't anything wrong with it. Why is it that you didn't want to hang around with your friends anymore? Also it's good to hear that you and your boyfriend are close. Maybe you coul…

  • Re: do your parents know

    Gonebyfar - - Friends and Family



  • Re: do your parents know

    Gonebyfar - - Friends and Family


    You're not anti-awesome. You are obviously very awesome, I can tell

  • Re: do your parents know

    Gonebyfar - - Friends and Family


    Why are you anti-awesome? :o

  • Re: do your parents know

    Gonebyfar - - Friends and Family


    No they don't

  • Re: do your parents know

    Gonebyfar - - Friends and Family


    Yeah my friends are a bit like that too lol :wink:

  • Re: Which Genre do you hate

    Gonebyfar - - Music


    I hate hate hate screamo. :wink:

  • Re: do your parents know

    Gonebyfar - - Friends and Family


    I don't know what my parents do on the internet so they shouldn't know what I do. Some of the stuff that I say on here I don't even say to my friends irl

  • Hey there I'm sorry to hear of your situation. I have in fact been suffering with a similar situation myself just recently. I really, really liked this other guy in one of my classes at school (I still do), he was perfect, but I know now that he doesn't feel the same towards me. Although, I haven't let it affect me too badly. Also, I feel the same about my sexuality, I'm bi and I hate it. I just wish that I could be straight but I know that it isn't going to happen. None of my friends or family …

  • I can understand how you feel. I agree with the above poster, leave messaging him for a while and then see what happens. Try talking to him when he next comes online otherwise he might feel that you are getting too obsessed with him lol Also, be careful when arranging to meet people on the internet, sometimes people aren't who they say they are. Best of luck :) ---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 PM ---------- Quote from Kat_B: “Thanks --- It's just I feel stu…

  • Being honest, you do look a little underweight. Although, I think you look great as you are You shouldn't listen to people who say that you look anorexic, like a previous poster has mentioned your weight does have a lot to with your genetics - if you have a high metabolism you will find it quite difficult to put on weight.

  • Re: Really ill...

    Gonebyfar - - Health and Fitness


    Where do you live? If you do believe that you have meningitis ring for an ambulance immediately. This is a medical emergency and must be treated very seriously. If you live in England this site will help Meningitis - Symptoms Best of luck

  • Hey I'm sorry to hear that you have been feeling down. Although, there must be something that you enjoy - or, if you don't like anything you're doing at the moment, try something new. It could be a hobby, a club, or maybe even a pet to look after - just something that you could find enjoyment out of and take your mind off the things that are making you feel down. Personally, whenever I'm down or have just had a bad day, I use music to cheer myself up. Also, I have two dogs and trust me, they wil…

  • Re: Opinions of Hairstyle

    Gonebyfar - - Fashion


    Quote from Aannddyy: “Plain and boring... I don't like it. But it's your hair, do what you want.” I wouldn't say it was boring. It's sophisticated (wow I feel posh saying that word lol ;)) What would you rather see his hair like?

  • Good humour - I suppose this is part of what I would look for. But I think this should really be changed to personality The first things I look for is good personality, and part of a good personality is to be quite funny and cheerful. Good looks - Really, for me this is joint first, but I suppose personality is really more important. Good loyality - Very important in a relationship, without loyalty there isn't a relationship in my opinion. Romantic - It is good to have a partner who is romantic,…

  • Re: Opinions of Hairstyle

    Gonebyfar - - Fashion


    I think it would suit you well then :wink:

  • Yeah like the above poster has said, any porn website has all of the categories and I'm pretty sure you'll know what they are talking about. If not, just watch a few of the videos in that category and you should get the idea