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  • I don't look at porn. never have, never will. Maybe I should move to Singapore. lol

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    Darthnut - - Sports


    I would post links of the awesome breaking skills... but i need more posts. lol anyways, muay thai is one of the deadliest martial arts. i agree to that. but the kicks they use are different than TKD kicks. and boxing is a sport, the punches arent full force. also, judo means "the gentle way" it is also a sport

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    Darthnut - - Sports


    Quote from Number Juan: “ What techniques are able to kill? ” Almost all of them. Even many of the blocks (when done properly) can break bones and separate joints. one of the first kicks you learn can break through 10 inches of freshly cut pine boards

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    Darthnut - - Sports


    Quote from Number Juan: “I've heard about ITF. It's the best TKD. However, have you ever sparred an MMA guy? or a MT guy? I'm curious.” I haven't... but I would love to try it some time. But the thing with ITF Taekwon Do... the sparring is light contact. It basically has to be. Almost all the offensive techniques are able to kill.

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    Darthnut - - Sports


    1--- The minimum age where I train is 6 JUST TO BEGIN TRAINING 2--- when sparring, my face is always guarded 3--- I can break several boards with a good punch 4--- they do teach grappling, its just not in competitive sparring 5---we do learn ground fighting, also just not in competitive sparring 6---low kicks and sweeps are also learned. just not in competitions 7---the PROPER Taekwon Do (developed by General Choi) is VERY practical. We do defense against weapons, stretches, pressure points, and…

  • Re: Is this overreacting?

    Darthnut - - General Advice


    I think both of you may have over-reacted. It was horrible for her to stomp on your gift, but that doesn't mean you should have destroyed her things.

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    Darthnut - - Sports


    Quote from Number Juan: “Tkd sucks Hope you win bro.” Thanks I would love to hear why you think Taekwon Do sucks though.

  • I've never looked at porn, and I never want to.

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    Darthnut - - Sports


    I study Taekwon Do. In fact I'm going to the region 1 Championship in Battle Ground Washington this Saturday.

  • They ARE mentioned... in the book of Job... twice. Behemoth (described as moving it's tail as a cedar tree... hmmmm... a brontosaurus maybe?) and Leviathan (some sort of swimming dinosaur)

  • No. you aren't weird. I'm not going to have sex until I'm married, whenever that is. If I never get married then I shall die a virgin! Also, I have never had a relationship with anyone either. I've never kissed a girl, or seen one naked. I've never looked at porn. So if you're weird, I'm WEIRDER. lol And yes, I'm an 18 year old guy.

  • Do you have the guts take this survey? Nope.... Im terrified... lol Would you do meth if it was legalized? no Abortion: for or against it? Its the worst kind of murder. Im absolutely against it. Do you think the world would fail with a female president? I don't see why, as long as she has morals Do you believe in the death penalty? Of course Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? NO Are you for or against premarital sex? against it Do you believe in God? yes Do you think same sex marr…