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  • Re: moms boyfriend

    RockMeBaby<3 - - Friends and Family


    [INDENT]Wow, that's terrible. I'm so sorry. I suggest talking to your mom again and bringing up what makes you feel the way you do about him. Like the things you posted here. You could also talk to your sister about what's een going on. Since she's older and out of the house I'm sure she'd be more willing and able better to help you then your mother who seems to be in denial. But I would also try talking to her again because perhaps she's done with her denial stage, assuming you spoke to her abo…

  • Alright. So, Tuesday I got a text from my boyfriend's ex saying that he was cheating with her and that they had hooked up two weeke before they got together. Anddd they got together on our anniversery. My boyfriend's ex is a nut job, she's very jealous, almost like a stalker and has all these mental problems. However, my boyfriend and I were fighting for about a week to two weeks about him cheating because I hought smething may have been up; he said no every time. And perhaps, I was just worried…

  • So, my mom is talking about looking into and probably following through with home-schooling me or cyber school online or something like that. However, she's said this so many times before, I don't know if I should believe her or if I want too. She wants to do this because I've been bullied very, very badly and nobody wanted to help me with this. And because now, there's alot of drama and I have no friends and so, I'm always alone at school. But my grades are really good. I don't really wanna do …

  • Re: All over again.

    RockMeBaby<3 - - Friends and Family


    I'm so sorry for everything you're going through, that's got to be terrible. Have you spoken to your real father about any of this? Maybe he's be willing to take you in and provide for you until things settle down with her mom and her boyfriend. You said that your mom and her boyfriend have talked right? Have you talked to your mom's boyfriend about getting your mom some help,? because it seems like she needs some help so she can stop partying and drinking, ect. I think you should talk to your m…

  • I'm going to be starting high school soon too. :] Are you going to be going to a new school and that's why you won't know anyone? I wouldn't stress out too much, there's going to be lots of people, just like you! Who don't know anybody. I would be yourself and things should sort of fall into place easily after that. You'll make friends before you know it. :] I wish I could offer more advice, but I don't really know what to say and I'm kind of in the same boat as you are. :] So, talk to me whenev…

  • Okay, so I want/ need to change my signature. And I remember Mayank sent out a PM with a signature site; but I don't remember what the was, does anyone know?

  • ew.

  • What do you have: [x] Mother [X- but he passed away.] Father [] Step-Father [] Step-Mother [] Step Sister [] Step Brother [] Brother [x] Brother In Law [x] Sister [] Sister In Law [x] Half sister [] Half brother [x] Nephew [] Niece [x] Mobile phone [] Own bathroom [x] Own room [x] Have/had a swimming pool [] Have/had a hot tub [] Guest room [x] Living Room [x] Own computer [x] Own TV [x] Full size/Queen bed [x] More than 8 pairs of shoes [x] MP3 Player/iPod [x] PS2/3 [x] Nintendo DS or PSP or 64…

  • Your Colors Say You Are Fearless color.png When you are at peace, you are: Energized and innovative When you are moved to act, you are: Courageous and resolute When you are inspired, you are: Spontaneous and adventurous When your life is perfectly balanced, you are: Light hearted and funny Your life's purpose is: To live a passionate life

  • Hello Anthony, I understand how hard this must be for you. I think what you need to do is; first, try to talk to him about everything that's been going on. If that can't happen or all else fails. I think you should just move on and make better friends, because really, if he blows you off and stops talking to you because his girlfriend told him too; he's really not a true friend or a best friend.

  • 1. Where did you take your profile pic? Camping. 2. What exactly are you wearing right now? Ripped jeans and a tank top. 3. What is your current problem? Nothing. 4. What makes you the happiest? Just about everything. 5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to? I'm not listening to music right now. 6. Any celeb you would marry? No. 7. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Ty and Trevin. 8. Ever sang in front of a large audience? Yes. 9. Has anyone ever said you look like a cel…

  • Noooo! I love my iPhone except for that.

  • Okay so, this may be the wrong place to put this... But, I've had my iPhone for about a year now, maybe less. And I love it! But lately, it makes me sad. So, I got two new rings tones and I can set them are ring tones but I apparently can't add them as text tones things. Why is this? Is there a way to do it? help.

  • Survey.

    RockMeBaby<3 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    do you have anything that belongs to your ex: Yes, but I don't know why I don't think he'll be an ex much longer. Are you trying to avoid somebody at the moment: No. Do you have nice eyes: I like them, so sure. Whose birthday is coming up: No one that I know. How do you feel about girls who smoke: I don't care, it's their life, not mine. Were you happy when you woke up: Yes, actually. Do you plan on moving in the next year: I kind of wish; but I don't think so. If you were to marry the last pers…

  • School Year.

    RockMeBaby<3 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Now that the 08-09 school year is coming to an end, answer these questions reflecting back this school year. What teacher do you hate/dislike the most? Ms Englert, probably. What was your favorite thing that happened this year? I don't know. Did you get suspended this year? No. What was your favorite class? Art. Are you glad this year is over? Yeah, it was a bad year for me. What are you looking forward to this up coming school year? Well, I'm going to high school. so, a lot. Are you moving scho…

  • Re: Am i good looking?

    RockMeBaby<3 - - Fashion


    I think you love very good. bangin' body.

  • Do you miss anyone? Yes. What are you doing tomorrow? I'm not sure I might be packing to leave, maybe I'll finish that tonight though, but I know I'll be picking up Briana and maybe the other kids and then probably just hanging out. Where is your phone? In my room. Are you excited for anything happening in the next week? Yes, I think I am. Are you currently in a relationship? Yes. How are you currently feeling? Lonely blahh! What will you be doing in the next 2 hours? I don't know. Do you regret…

  • Quote from LieutenantDan: “nice and uber sexy ;)” ...Don't get the sexy part, but alright. Quote from armyforthebroken: “Wow, Brittney! Good job! I really like it! I would love to hear it played out. They lyrics seem really great, but it's not a song without a tune.” Thanks and I know, I'm working on it. I've been busy though, sorry. :\ Quote from JaMeLae: “clap clap! great! :)” Thanks.

  • Thanks. I'm sure you could.