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  • And I need some suggestions and software recommendations. Anything that is essential to life on a Mac, plain cool, or helpful, let me know about it! The main thing I haven't found yet is a decent, free, code editor. I think I've tried everything there is and the only one that remotely worked was Editra but I hated the interface and how it felt. I tried TextWrangler but the most important feature of it, FTP editing, didn't work. I also don't want it to be a huge IDE either; something relatively s…

  • Quote from rmg126: “Firefox has a larger selection of extensions and add-ons, and is said to be more customisable, whereas Chrome's webpage rendering engine is definitely the faster of the two and is also more standards compliant. Basically, if you care what your browser looks like, go with Firefox, if you care about speed and web standards, Chrome is the way to go. Another option to consider is SRWare Iron, which is essentially Chrome (same source code) but with the "phone-home-to-the-Googleple…

  • Re: Accepting Christ.

    Steven - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from saraaah789: “How and when did you accept God into your life?” Are you so ignorant that you expect everyone to be Christian?

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “My buddy installed the beta on his netbook. He said it's noticeably snappier than 3.6.” I might try it. I only switched to Chrome because GMail and other JavaScript intensive websites didn't freeze the entire browser. Of course it's also faster, too. I keep longing for Firefox because of the superb adblocking and community. I also had to download FileZilla because I was using FireFTP as my main FTP client (lol). EDIT: Oh my god. This is wonderful. brb uninstalling Chrome.

  • Awesome! By the way, your English is near perfect, just a few syntactical errors.

  • Re: Windows 7

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from morphine: “haha pshh the latest version, that's meant to be for windows 7, you have to have some registration thing for. as's not free. WTF” lrn2torrent? Also, I lol at children still running XP. It's ~10 years old. Upgrade.

  • It amazes me how many .NET programmers neglect to change the default names of controls (and forms) when developing. Had you not the privilege of developing in a visual studio you'd shoot yourself in the face if all you did to set objects apart was numerically differ their names. Also, there's a handy toolbar named "Layout" - enable it. It allows you to easily center, size, and position controls. Don't forget the arrow keys to fine tune positioning, too. Also, get a microphone. "Tutorials" with c…

  • Re: .tk websites

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    GoDaddy is complete shit. Use 1and1.

  • Re: iPhone OS 4

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from hheartstrongg: “If you read like two posts up, you'll see that I've successfully jailbroken mine. And added multitask to an iPod that shouldn't have it.” I've got the MC model 2G. Sn0wbreeze doesn't work and neither does redsn0w.

  • ZMthr.jpg

  • Re: iPhone OS 4

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    ElHrJ.png Still deciding on whether or not I like how I organized my apps. Can't wait for a jailbreak though.

  • Re: iPhone OS 4

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from hheartstrongg: “i want it but not till there's a jailbreak SOMEONE LET ME KNOW IF/WHEN THIS IS POSSIBLE TY” OR YOU COULD POSSIBLE USE GOOGLE OR SUBSCRIBE TO A BLOG OR SOMETHING TY Also: The folders feature is fucking gay. You can only put 12 apps in a folder. So much for organizing.

  • Re: iPhone OS 4

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    Fuck my slow DSL. And Apple's shit servers. Anyone have a torrent up?

  • Re: Miranda Rights

    Steven - - Debate and Discussions


    As if police didn't already harass suspects.

  • Re: InfiniMouse

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from Zigazig Ah: “I downloaded it because I was curious. What I can say is, I am impressed!!! It's only a bit hard sometimes, when I'm scrolling down but I could just get used to it.” I'm trying to get used to that too; next version I might add a check to make sure the mouse button isn't down. Thanks for the feedback!

  • Wow, the United States' education system is more fucked up than I thought. It can't even teach children to count!

  • Re: Limewire.

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    uTorrent is nowhere near the same as Limewire. It's imperative for you to know that uTorrent by itself does nothing. You need to download torrents from The Pirate Bay, Demonoid, etc to download. uTorrent has nothing to do with whether or not you'll get or avoid viruses and other malware. I'd join Demonoid (I have invites if you want one) and other private to semi-private trackers to get better quality torrents.

  • InfiniMouse

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    I've released a new program called "InfiniMouse." Quote: “The best way to describe InfiniMouse is to make an analogy to Pac-Man. You know how Pac-Man could go into the tunnel on either side of the screen and come out the other side? That’s what InfiniMouse does, only with your mouse. It’s pretty awesome.” infinimouse-scr-100.png Read more and watch an introduction video at: InfiniMouse | Phreak Your Geek Note to moderators: I feel like the Computer and Internet section is most appropriate for th…

  • Quote from juststayblunted: “im against drawing someone just to piss a religious group off. if you like him fine but dont do it just to piss people off” The point of Draw Muhammad Day was to show we have the right of free speech and will not be controlled by radical Islamic extremists.

  • Re: Ubuntu 10.04

    Steven - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from Aleksandr: “The day they remove the dependency on the console is the day when the Linux market share will skyrocket. No one other than a masochist actually prefers dealing with the console instead of the GUI.” I broke down laughing when I got to this part. Good one!