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  • Re: online or on campus!?

    schmedes2 - - Education & Jobs


    campus. Online classes are OK (I personally hate them) but that interaction you get with people in college is priceless

  • Quote from nthdelusion: “she said money isnt a problem. Personally i think you just love to explore and be out being creative. If that is so, it looks like there really isnt a specific major for you. Evidently you are passionate about art, why not try for an art degree? art history? well there are my two cents” Not caring about money now and money not being a worry are two different things

  • Well despite wanting to be in college only to learn, you're going to need a good idea of what you want to do after college. Unfortunately, we're a very work driven world and if you don't plan, you're more than likely going to be struggling in life later. I know two friends with master's degrees that are waiters because no one cares about their degree. Personally I would suggest spending you're own time researching fun and interesting things, but get a degree that can serve you career wise. Sure …

  • Quote from alfaspider06: “You people are overlooking what I am saying because it doesn't agree with what you think is right. What I am saying is that everybody regardless of religion, race, gender, sexuality has the right to build whatever they want where-ever they want, but it is not wise to build a mosque on ground that was attacked by a muslim terrorist group ( by muslim terrorist group i do not mean all muslims are terrorists, what I mean is that Al'Queda is a terrorist group of muslim peopl…

  • Quote from teenboy: “the girls who like douchebags are douchebags ---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 PM ---------- also i quite want to clear up some alpha-male isues here evolutionary the women would all be attracted to, and have sex with the alpha-male, however the alpha-male relationships are just sexual so relationships based on the alpha-male attraction tend to end quickly and messily, becuase when a bigger alhpa male come along even for one second, as s…

  • Quote from alfaspider06: “.....” I agree with you on that level; many people have argued the practical side that it will start problems and may lead to violence down the road. However, I don't think that's right. See I disagree that it's an affront to people that died on 9/11. Just because the terrorists were muslim doesn't mean all muslims are bad. I see it more akin to rich, white folks getting up in arms when a black person wants to move into their neighborhood. "Our property values will go d…

  • Quote from ItzTom: “Dude, you can't have it both ways. It sounds like to me you've already messed it up, because now she thinks as you as a friend instead of as a man. You have to state your intentions from the VERY start of the relationship, while managing to be cool and fun. When I walk up to a girl I like it generally goes something like: "Hey, I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you. My names Tom!" You can't just randomly stop being her friend one day and be like "SURPRISE, I HAVE A D…

  • Re: Final Fantasy 13.

    schmedes2 - - Video Games


    I don't like this one as much as 7 or 8. I thought the stories on 7 and 8 were the best. 9, x and x-2 were ok and 12 was kind of boring. This one is "pretty good"; the story has been really cool and has drawn me in, but the voice acting is to over the top and kind of killing it for me. Also, it's so repetitive. 7 and 8 were repetitive, but the story drew me in so much that I didn't notice at the time.

  • She didn't give a number and denied your FB request? Seems pretty clear cut to me

  • Don't tell her. You should have said something years ago. You can't go back and undo that now; she sees you only as a friend. Also, I'm sure she knows. Girls at some level always know when their best guy friends like them as more than friends. You really need to let this one go as nothing good will come about from it. It'll just be awkward for a while and nothing is going to come about from it, except that maybe you'll wake up and realize there are tons of girls out in the world to go meet. If y…

  • Quote from LauraJane: “Tbh, you're a bit of a bullshitter. I've never turned down a guy straight away, due to guilt. And "it's been the exact opposite in my experience"? For you to go on probability then you must have loads of girls that have turned you down - and from what you said I can tell why. Sorry - just venting my feelings. :cool:” Right, you're just proving my point! I'll bet for guys you were interested in, you did what you could to let them know you were into them, before some other g…

  • free tail with no strings? Enjoy it while it lasts

  • She already turned you down and you're wondering if she likes you? Quote: “i agree, 99% of the time 'no' means 'yes'” Actually it's been the exact opposite in my experience, except when watching some sappy love movie. Most girls will turn down guys that they're not interested in

  • If youve been hanging out with them, why haven't you made out yet? Just due it. The biggest mistake that everyone makes is waiting to long and expecting some perfect moment to make their move. The perfect moment to make a move is the moment you actually do something. Keep waiting any longer and they're going to be bored with you

  • lol I love when girls say this. Sex is just as important to women but you're somehow above that because you're female. You ever stop to think for a minute that maybe you have the problem? edit: bahaha just realized you're 13. Go on thinking that all you'll want from a boy is a hug and kiss

  • Re: Girl on Call Of Duty...

    schmedes2 - - Video Games


    Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “The only truly notable FPS on the PC is the half life/cs series. Other than that, console games have begun ruling the genre. Halo/CoD” Just want to ask if you know that CoD came out on PC as well as consoles...? Anyways, CoD is fun enough, but I'm into bad company 2. Way more intense firefights and the like. MW2 is fun for fast paced twitch action, but BC2 is a little more tactical

  • you waited to long to say something. There is no perfect time to initiate something with a girl. The sooner the better

  • 1-2 pounds a week is what you should be shooting for; plenty of studies/journals back this up. 1-2 pounds a week means you're losing mostly fat weight. Anything more than that and you start to burn muscle and lose water weight

  • Quote from wellfuck: “A great fear of mine that brings me to my knees is the fear that she'll just end up saying "lets just be friends?" Cause we still do talk every know and then casually sometimes, but ofcourse we dont really talk so much about the sexual stuff anymore... Which we were into a lot before.. I still try to hint at her that I still like by saying stuff like "till then, sweet dreams ;)" With the wink face at the end. But yeah, im just so worried that'll she end up friendzoning me c…

  • Quote from Claire1: “then why do people drink x_X” Well when you learn how to drink properly IE not trying to down everything as fast as possible and learn your tolerance limits, having a few drinks loosens inhibitions and can make for fun times. Not to say that not drinking = boring, but when you learn how to pace yourself, it's very enjoyable and fun and you won't feel bad that night or the next day