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  • I think facebook has the ability to ruin a relationship, only when there is no trust. If your partner is stressing over your fb friends and stalking everything you do then really there is no trust. Some people are very immature and stupid though, so it depends on how mature the people are and the relationship :wink:

  • I probably wouldn't be able to date anyone who isn't christian or catholic, purely because I think when we have children our faiths would clash. She would want this I would want that etc... + I believe that if you share the same religion your bond is sometimes stronger. that's my opinion though..

  • Your 13, look at this situation, It's your friends gf... do you want to be the guy that's responsible for breaking them apart and you losing a friend. She might be teasing you, avoid her. Bro's before hoes.. Your probably just extremely horny... just forget the situation occurred.

  • Well by what you've said there sounds like there is some chemistry between you, either that or she's just screwing with you. No harm in asking again... if she says no forget about it, you don't know until you've tried!

  • Re: heart broken

    Curkz - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I would have to say for him to talk like this behind your back is really rude and wrong considering he's in a relationship with you!. Secondly there is no point being in a relationship without trust, the question you now have to ask yourself is can and WILL you "trust him again". You can only go so far before you become suspicious of his activities. Nobody here is going to give you a magical answer but they will give you their opinion. I personally wouldn't stay with him as your probably still v…

  • I'm in the same shoes nearly 17 and haven't been in a proper relationship because I've been shitted on by other girls or have not let myself stoop down to those low levels of just taking girls out to get laid. The one girl i actually felt for believed we couldn't be together (long story) and now shes with some douche bag that i hate... Life's shit sometimes i guess thats why we wait and continue patience is the true test of time.

  • experience man.. you don't know till you've tried.. and big whoop if something doesn't go according to plan its in the past. Learn from your mistakes but first you have to try !

  • as lucee has pointed out. Nobody is "perfect" but sometimes the things that separate us bring us closer together as they set us apart and make us unique from the rest of society. I for one adore this one girl the way she treats me and the goosebumps i get from being with her. Unfortunately the way life goes i can never be with her so sometimes different is better and the "perfect girl/ guy is non-existent and an illusion" We each have our own interpretation of 'perfect'.

  • i don't think it's gay.. personally its your hair so who gives a flying f**** about what randoms say.. your life not there's. I just got a new hair style which needs to be straightened to get that look.. do i care what others think? besides you don't need approval from anyone else!. Now i need to buy a hair straightener ... nooot buying a ghd!

  • Re: Hairstyle :)

    Curkz - - Fashion


    Quote from PirateX: “I need a cross and holy water now. lol jk I'm just pulling your crap. But anyways, it looks like you're emo in the 2nd pic” very very weird interpretation of emo.. and i think it looks nothing like an emo cut. rather insulted from you saying that actually.

  • Re: Hairstyle :)

    Curkz - - Fashion


    Ended up getting a new style, really like it as well. i just need to buy a bloody straightener to keep it that style. and ideas? I don't need a ghd lol I'm thinking of a silverbullet what do you guys think? 03022010018.jpg

  • maybe give her some time to re asses the situation and give her some space.. she might not trust you right now so just leave her, if she wants to stick it out she'll come to you.. otherwise it's not meant to be as much as it hurts to say that..

  • Well yes and no.. I mean we all start off as friends but sometimes you just click so well that your feeling change towards that person. That's when things get messy I'm currently in this situation and it's not a very pretty one that's for sure. Avoid it! Stay clear of temptations unless your willing to put the friendship on the line.

  • 1. Go Skydiving 2. Go skinny dipping 3. Go diving

  • That was a awesome short story, The ending was a great twist Keep up the good work :)))

  • Your words have said enough Batgirl thanks for explaining so i can sort of understand what you mean. how selfish of me to hijack this thread Back onto Topic

  • Re: Boy Advice :D

    Curkz - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Some of shy guys don't always put ourselves out there because we fear rejection and don't want to be hurt. I know I'm shy and it would take a lot of convincing to get me to ask a girl out at the shops or in a public place... I would just freeze up lol. You just have to look harder hehe we're out there!

  • Money sometimes gives certain individuals the illusion of happiness and makes life seem easier a majority of the time.. You can take your money with you ... i mean you can have it burned with you or burried with you lol.

  • Re: do is till have a chancee?

    Curkz - - General Advice


    Sounds like he's liking you again, and he's interested so go and meet up again like rockshock28 has said go as a friends and then see if things develop? Good Luck

  • Quote from bad news: “Very unattractive. Smoking is like not showering. Its disgusting.” +1 The biggest turn off for me is a girl who smokes I instantly develop a reason to dislike them. Smoking is vile the smell, the problems just don't balance out.