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  • Re: my mom

    CrashKas - - Friends and Family


    You could have just had your dad entrust you will the money or have him take you shopping.

  • There really isn't anything you can do except work on your relationship and let time heal her frustration and feelings of betrayal. Don't force the process along; let time take its course.

  • Re: help

    CrashKas - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Well, depending on what type of mother you have.... Option 1: Tell her in a public place, like a restaurant, so she can't smack you. Option 2: Sit her down and just open up about all the problems and feelings you're having lately. Tell her that you want to get better and want her to help you find a place where you can do that. It's probably going to hurt her a lot to see that you've fallen back into self mutilation but you'll both work out a plan for you. I know it's a sensitive issue and it rea…

  • I just got a brand new HP Notebook and I adore it. I'd recommend anything but Dell, really.

  • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

    CrashKas - - Fashion


    Quote from Albatross seven: “What about the guys like myself who don't really have the -attractive- quality about them? I'm in sorta a similar situation to the topic starter, but instead of being just ignored, I've been flat out told that I'm not attractive. Where do I go from there? lol” If you have a girl you're friends with, it's be a good idea to have her pick out some new clothes for you, do your hair, have her help you out on a physical sense and generally making you look more attractive t…

  • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

    CrashKas - - Fashion


    I'd say looks are almost as important as personality (in young relationships anyway). If you aren't physically attracted to someone in the beginning, well, what type of relationship will that be? Not physical at all, which puts the fun in, and fuels the fire of all new relationships. Try being more social. From the looks of your post, I'd say you aren't exactly a extroverted person who goes after a girl he is interested in. Confidence, looks, conversation, hunter attitude are all things you need…

  • Re: Break-Ups

    CrashKas - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Try brutal honesty. Don't just ignore him. Guys are thick, and I know you're afraid of hurting his feelings, but in the long run he'll thank you for being blunt, and not leading him on in a fruitless relationship. It's like taking a band-aid off with guys like this; it must be done quickly.

  • It's pretty simple really, call your mom and tell her about your inhibitions. Your family should be able to clear up any anxiety you have about visiting. If that doesn't help, a combination of anti anxiety meds plus antacids should do the trick.

  • I love the cops in the town I live but I also live just on the edge of a major city, and that is where all the real corrupt cops are. Portland city cops are terrible; power hungry, completely corrupt, use way too much force on everyone. It wasn't too long ago that they killed a homeless man because they thought he was a threat-- he was actually just having a seizure. They beat up a 12 y/o girl here and completely bashed her face in when she didn't have a weapon and was just incredibly scared of …

  • Re: My Career Plan...?

    CrashKas - - Education & Jobs


    I'm probably going to pursue a degree in aeronautical engineering for my Coast Guard career.

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    CrashKas - - Music


    French Navy [Camera Obscura]

  • Re: What's your favourite Musical?

    CrashKas - - Music


    Fiddler on the Roof & Chicago

  • Propensity for Monogamy: Your propensity for monogamy is medium. In general, you prefer to have only one love interest. But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long! There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering. Experience Level: Your experience level is medium. You probably have had a couple significant loves. And you may have even had your heart broken. But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people. Dominance: Your dominance is medium. You tend to be the one with more po…

  • Re: survey >:o

    CrashKas - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Start off with the typical, are you taken? No Who do you like? Plenty of people When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you? This morning Is your cell phone a touch screen phone? Yes Do you have any chairs in your bedroom? Just one What is your current annoyance? My headache When was the last time you were in a good mood? Right now Are you a bad influence? Eh, my friends would probably say I am. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Very good Are you dating the last person you…

  • You Have Your Attitude to Smile About attitude.png Things may or may not be going well in your life, but you always take time to smile a little. You know it's important to keep looking up and looking toward the future. Optimism always wins out. You're the one person always eager to see a silver lining in dark clouds. It's important that you feel hopeful. No matter whether you're having a good day or bad day, you keep smiling. A smile makes everything better!

  • Re: Nosebleeds

    CrashKas - - Health and Fitness


    If it's never happened before and this is as unusual as you're saying, then you definitely need to go get checked out by your doctor. Chronic nosebleeds don't usually start for no reason.

  • Anything Mediterranean or Indian. The only fast food place I'll ever order from is Burgerville; their Vegetarian Black Bean Anasazi Burger gives me a vegasm (vegetarian food orgasm).

  • Depends what you like and what you naturally smell like-- the same perfume can smell different on any person. Personally, I like light and airy scents. I usually go for something like Daisy by Marc Jacob or a simple lemon fragrence that you can pick up at Sephora. I'm partial to Betsey Johnson's perfume as a heavy and more nighttime scent though.

  • Hm.. Well, you obviously are expected to meet extraordinary standards. 2,140 on the SAT just isn't good enough man. You totally won't be accepted to a good college; your future is already turning to dust. In fact, your future employers will look back at your SAT score and wonder why they hired you at all. ***Take Ritalin. All the overachieving teens are doing it so it must not be wrong. Snag a cheerleader by getting on the football and baseball teams. You'll even be spotlighted in your high scho…

  • Sounds like a promising abusive relationship if you do go back to him.