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  • Small Package

    Mick01 - - Gay


    I'm older. We both graduated from college last May.

  • Small Package

    Mick01 - - Gay


    I've talked about this before. My bf is on the small side and it doesn't make any difference in our relationship. In fact, we're moving in together next week.

  • Small Package

    Mick01 - - Gay


    I've said this before. I had a bf who was kinda small. But I decided I was really into him long before I saw his size. And it didn't change my feelings for him. And the sex was awesome.

  • Quote from Gay-paul: “Quote from Mick01: “Since our parents masturbated as much as we do, I don't care they know that I do it. Which they do. I just don't need them walking in on me in the middle of it. ” It's seems you're family have pretty high sex drive ” I know for sure that I do!

  • I have lots of thoughts on your post but what sticks out to me was that you had to make sure everyone knew she was fucking a "white boy." Racist much?

  • Since our parents masturbated as much as we do, I don't care they know that I do it. Which they do. I just don't need them walking in on me in the middle of it.

  • straight, gay, bi or curious

    Mick01 - - Puberty


    Quote from gagefromtx: “Quote from Scotty R: “gay. but i'll watch str8 porn if the guy is hot. ” Straight, but I will watch gay porn if the girl is hot. ” "I would say straight, but I have messed around with a few friends. Maybe pan or bi or heteroflexible." If you've messed around with a few friends, I don't think you're straight. Especially when you admit you could be bi. Sorry, not trying to be a difficult with you.

  • Quote from Chris 16: “Quote from EmmaMary: “Quote from Chris 16: “Quote from EmmaMary: “Quote from Chris 16: “Lime green briefs ” Lime Green? ” Yes, lime green lmao ” Gosh! What an absolutely ghastly colour! Hopefully no one gets to see them! lol ” Nothing wrong with them. You will not be seeing them. Get over it and keep your comments to yourself. I really didn't ask for YOUR opinion on them ” My first purchase of 2023 will be lime green briefs!!

  • Do you like going commando?

    Mick01 - - Gay


    Not wearing underwear with a suit is uncomfortable for me. So it's a personal choice.

  • If they did, no one ever said anything.

  • I posted this on here before, I think, or maybe it was vt, but early in high school I was so horny that I managed to jerk off in class. Found a hole in my pants pocket that I made a lot bigger and was able to finish. The detail I hadn't worked out was the cleanup. So I was little sticky and wet for a while.

  • My brothers have but I didn't stop.

  • Elections and Voting

    Mick01 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from D. Falcon_11: “The biggest problem for the democrats is its "leader" President Joe Biden. The Greeks have a saying, "a rotten fish stinks from its head". As I see it, the democrats offer no real solutions to the many problems confronting the USA. In fact, they are denying that the USA has any problems on any levels, i.e., Inflation (8.5%), crime running rampart in major cities, energy prices going through the roof since Biden took office, chaos on the U.S/Mexico border (4.8 million il…

  • BJ's are ok / Kissing no way

    Mick01 - - Gay


    Do it, dude. You'll likely enjoy it.

  • Embarrassed Moments

    Mick01 - - Teen Sexuality


    Like losing a boner in the middle of a blow job?

  • Coming Out

    Mick01 - - Gay


    Quote from nolapolak: “I came out over the summer and told my best friend first on a sleepover and this is how it want down. I was over at his house it was a round 1ish in the AM and told him i need to talk. Hes like okay whats up, I stared to cry and hes stops what hes was doing and goes whats up dude. I said dont hate me and i dont know how to say this but im gay.... i look at him and he looked back at me for what seams like hours and he said "well duh man i love you man your my best friend wa…

  • Elections and Voting

    Mick01 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from BJade: “Does the fact that Trump says (and by removing the documents has) declassified the documents. Mean any top secret document held by anyone be declared by them declassified. As there's no record apart for in his mind. More than criminal he's set a precedence of instead of there being documentation, in theory every document now has to be proved not to be declassified by him. Risking National security It also give a bad impression to the world (as a president is your representativ…

  • Elections and Voting

    Mick01 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from D. Falcon_11: “Quote from Mick01: “Wrong, blackparadepissie. That is not even close to being accurate. ” Fiona (BlackParadePixie) is entirely correct. DOJ isn't indicting Trump on espionage or mishandling nuclear secrets about foreign friendly countries as reported in the liberal media. What they want to indict him is on conspiracy and withholding public documents at his residence Mara-A-Lago. That's probably the best they can get him on. Another point: Your attack on Fiona using a co…

  • Elections and Voting

    Mick01 - - Debate and Discussions


    Wrong, blackparadepissie. That is not even close to being accurate.

  • Elections and Voting

    Mick01 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from D. Falcon_11: “Quote from Mick01: “Quote from D. Falcon_11: “I was just stating the fact that Trump or any sitting president has the power and authority granted by the Constitution to classify or declassify any or all government documents There is no higher authority over the president to prevent him from doing this, certainly not the Department of Justice nor the Congress. If indeed Trump did declassify the documents, he took to Mara-A-Lago no judicial body can indite him for a crime…