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  • Quote from Slyguy7: “...Crusades? Not to mention the genocide in the Old Testament. Shiiiiittt, there's SO MUCH to talk about! Morality, design, the teleological argument, the kalam cosmological argument, etc. etc. Christians, get your Craig on!” I avoided the 'good old days' because religion & politics were inter-mixed. Not so lately. Bani Israel's wars were religious. The crusades were politically contrived and used religion as a veil. The more recent wars I posted up were all political.

  • Quote from Esmo: “Erm, forgive me if this is the point you're making, but... none of them?” Well done. And did you also note that the catch-cry theme has been "religion causes war?" Hence I posed the question... "Which wars listed are religious?" Napoleonic Wars American Civil War World War One World War Two Chinese Civil War Korean War Vietnam War Russian Afghan War Us -Iraq War US-Afghan War

  • Re: Concerning Religion

    Sababah - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Norman Hale Gareth: “I am studying Theology at university so I know this kind of thing. It is also hard to say that if there wasn't religion people would just fight for politics. Do you really think this is the case? We can't honestly say subjectively yes or no although I don't believe that to be true.” Here's a list of wars from recent times. Lot's of blood. bulk death. Which ones are religious? Napoleonic Wars American Civil War World War One World War Two Chinese Civil War Korean W…

  • Re: God Stuff.

    Sababah - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Dr.Carter: “Logically? Ok. There's no proof for a good, no evidence even lending a meager amount of credit to his existence, so there's no rational reason to believe in him. I'm not saying I can prove that God does not exist, I'm saying that I can prove why you should not necessarily believe in him. It's not a matter of proving that there isn't a God, the burden of proof lies firmly on the believers.” If you were in a small boat in the middle of the ocean, far, far from land, with mou…

  • Quote from plax77: “When it can live without absolutely needing to be in the womb” One would think that as the child is totally helpless a sense of moral responsibility would mean more support and help for your unborn brother is called for.

  • You reckon the dead babies will have a good case against the abortionists for robbing them of maybe as much as 80 years of living on Judgement Day?

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “Jerimiah is in the Old Testament retard. Who cares about the Old Testament?” Well, you should care about it. It's the Law that Jesus ordered you to follow isn't it? "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of…

  • Re: Life After Death?

    Sababah - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Aannddyy: “When you die, you die. Until I see hard evidence proving that your person can exist after every biological function in your body has been terminated, I'll stand by that notion.” Trouble is we only have one lifetime to discover the answer. Never-the-less, all will discover the answer after they die, but it will be too late for the knowledge to be of benefit. The second creation surely will be easier than the first. And the first was 'no effort' for God. He merely has to say …

  • Quote from Jarred: “Queensland lawyer Alex Stewart smokes pages from the Koran and Bible | ” "It's just a f---ing book," he says. "Who cares? It's your beliefs that matter." - Queensland lawyer Alex Stewart A momentary lapse of reason.

  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Quote: “Originally Posted by Sababah viewpost.gif This is a lie. No doubt promoted by your Media. This would never ever happen. Muslims would never dare touch the bible. We don't know which words remain from Allah & which ones are lies from jewish scribes. Though some verses are blatant falsehoods, Islam considers the bible to be the holy word from Allah. ” Bud, the more you type, the stupider you sound. ” Even in your own book the prophet Jerimiah warned everyone; " '…

  • Quote from Sash: “ .....People desecrate the bible all the time, especially in Islamic countries and yet it is hardly a big deal.” This is a lie. No doubt promoted by your Media. This would never ever happen. Muslims would never dare touch the bible. We don't know which words remain from Allah & which ones are lies from jewish scribes. Though some verses are blatant falsehoods, Islam considers the bible to be the holy word from Allah.

  • Quote from Journal: “This is probably retaliation against the mosque.” Retaliation for what?

  • Quote from Esmo: “......... I haven't seen proof that celibacy would have this effect. In that way, the child abuse itself isn't a stain on the Catholic Church. The stain is the measures that the Catholic Church then took to keep the crimes secret, which is totally abhorrent. ” Sexual Child Abuse is about as low as you can go. We're not talking about the sheep here. Nor about wolves. The christian shepherds themselves are devouring the flock's lambs that they should be protecting. In ginormous n…

  • Quote from Sababah: “2009 abortion statistics: USA 1,210,000 UK 189,000” Quote from Esmo: “What are you getting at?” Just letting both sides know how many unborn are discarded annually.

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    Sababah - - Debate and Discussions


    2009 abortion statistics: USA 1,210,000 UK 189,000

  • Huh? You have a line but no phone? Or you have a phone but no line? If you have a line but no phone borrow your neighbor's phone and ring your mobile. It'll display the calling number.

  • Quote from David!: “This thread isn't for petty Bible vs. Quran/Christian vs. Muslim arguments. It's rather amusing that you seem to be trying to convince people to follow Islam, or at least believe you. Both books are fabricated religious nonsense as far as 99% of posters in this section are concerned, and most of us here are atheists anyway. So good luck with that, but this thread is about the people planning to burn Qurans and what our opinions on the situation are. Kcool.” My post was in res…

  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “ Sersly stfu!!” Your retort is like all you have is goods of poor quality with which to defend yourself. But defend yourself from what? What is it that offends you so much AL? Have I not explained your concept of Original Sin correctly? ""Free thought, following your whims and not obeying god's laws is as the xians put it - "the original sin". However, instead of obeying God, they instead demanded God himself as a blood sacrifice to be a ransom so they can go on follow…

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “The Nazi Government burned books which is COMPLETELY different from private citizens doing it. There is nothing redeeming about the Islamic religion at all. Though please, prove me wrong. I beg that you find something that will prove me wrong. A contact of mine has an associate on his MSN list that's a Sunni Muslim from Jordan. ******************* Then we discussed the aspects of Islam and he is completely controlled by the teachings of the Koran. etc” The Qur'an is the la…

  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “So God being born by the exact process he designed is disgusting? ” Doesn't your book say Jesus (peace be upon him) replied: "Don't call me good?!! Only God is good." So if Jesus (peace be upon him) is angered by being compared with god, how much more loathsome is what you have said? Quote: “ Ooh you're changing your story now. I was quoting you when you said God would have emerged between a women's two openings. So are you now saying the baby comes out of the urethra,…