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  • Quote from Izzie :): “Well I'm not sure if I regret trying or if I regret not succeeding, to be honest, I mostly wanted to die, and for the person who hurt me to see my suicide note, and see their reaction, more than I wanted out. I just wanted a new life but to keep my very best friends.... not really possible..” I think wanting someone to read my suicide notes, or at least understanding that they meant that much to me, was also a big motivation for me to try. I really thought that I would be h…

  • Quote from Batgirl: “^I hope you're not being serious with that.” At one point, I believed that God was a big part in my life, but after years of my life tumbling down and down to the ultimate riverbed that I am currently climbing out of, I don't believe in God so much. I guess I still do, but it's a battle in my mind that I don't think that I'll fight until I don't have anything better to worry about. I am afraid of dying though, just to respond to anything else that may have been said. I guess…

  • Kindly ask her what she means by her advances, and if she wants to be romantically involved, or if she just wants to be friends, because she acts like she wants more then friendship. Hope I helped!

  • I'm 15 and currently a virgin. Thinking of changing that soon.

  • Quote from Bektas: “I wouldn't do anything. You'll just look needy. Let him have his boy time with his friends.” This is what I do, but he spends up to 10 hours a day with his best friend, who lives next door, and he still has to come over and hang out when I'm there. I give him all this time to hang out with them, and then he still has to hang out with them around me!

  • Quote from help565: “Hmmm... If you have never regretted surviving why keep doing it? ^^” Because my life kept progressively getting worse after my first attempt. When I would fail, I would always take it as a sign of God, that I needed to be alive, but life still got worse and worse, and I would eventually try again. I'm better now, though.

  • Re: Girl's preference?

    thetroll - - Teen Sexuality


    We just mostly want guys that are taller then us. Or, at least, tall enough to where we can wear heels and not look like giants o.o

  • How do I get my boyfriend to pay attention to me when he's around his friends?

  • I have tried on several occasions. I tried to hang myself from the rafters of our barn when I was in the 7th grade, but the extension cord that I was using broke, and I just fell into hay unharmed. I was okay with not succeeding that time. But I tried several times after, cutting, and I have never regretted surviving, because it always gives me some sick twist on life. But I always ended up trying again.

  • Suicide isn't you're only escape, I promise. It sounds like you have some really good friends, who care enough about you. Mothers tend to tell their daughters that they are inadequate, and it's something that you may have to accept. But I'm sure that your mother still has an ounce of love for you, and it is said that the hardest thing to lose is a child. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this, that so many people have to put up with this. Just so you know, I'm always here to talk.

  • Wow. This sounds really similar to my story. Only, I was 5 when my parent's did this to me, and it was to tell me that my real parent's were dead, and that they were my grandparents. And then my life slipped away. However, I now have a very dedicated and loving boyfriend, who, I don't think would ever hurt me. People still pretend around me, they pretend that my life is so much better then theirs, and they say that I use my parents as an excuse when things go wrong, but I didn't tell any of my f…

  • Yeah, it's hard to be an early bloomer, and I understand that. I was one too. But pretty soon, or maybe not so soon, your friends with catch up, and you won't even realize that they have. At least, it happened that way for me.

  • Re: Girl's preference?

    thetroll - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ivaiva: “I can answer just for myself. So: Shaven/Trimmed/Wild [Pubic area] Trimmed Shaven/Groomed [Facial hair] I don't care, groomed looks nice sometimes, and feels nice. But shaven too. Depends on a guy. Shaven/Trimmed [Armpits] Whatever Tall/Short [height] Tall (around 6' - 6'3'') Skinny/Average/Fat [weight/size] Whatever Runt/Average/Above Average/Bodybuilder [general muscle mass] Runt or average” I pretty much agree with her. I'm pretty indifferent about most of these. I would l…

  • You Are a Winter Person You are calm, serious, and focused. You're the type of person who appreciates the quiet and calm. Winter is the perfect time for you to get cozy and work on a hobby. Summer is a bit too hectic for you. You like the dead of winter... preferably with a roaring fire inside.

  • Re: Novel writers?

    thetroll - - Creative Writing


    Quote from DeathByControl: “I've been trying to work on one since I was in 7th grade, and I'm in 10th now. I've been pretty much doing exactly what you're doing, going back, hating what I wrote, then starting over. 3 years of work on I'm only satisfied with my first chapter lol. I like to get things done right the first time, so I'll probably take another 5 years before I have a full length story. Its a lot of work, but MAN is it satisfying to write something and it actually be good! lol Good lu…

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “Music that's one year old can hardly be considered old...” Exactly what I was thinking. But who wants to know what I'm thinking. Um, maybe you should be more discrete about what you listen to. then he may not do that?

  • Re: Fav old rock band or singer

    thetroll - - Music


    Um. Bob Marley, Billy Joel, David Bowie. Kansas, Blue Oyster Cult (can't believe no one has said it!), Foreigner and Journey (They come to mind as one musical mindfu*k) And, sorry to be a little bit country, Merle Haggard.

  • Re: Your Favorite Song(s)

    thetroll - - Music


    My top played on iTunes is Scars by Papa Roach, but it hasn't been reset since my depression stage. My current favorite muse is Bob Marley, so pretty much anything by him. And my, possibly, all-time favorite song either I'll Pray For You by Jaron and the Long Road to Love or The Ballad of Billy The Kid. = ] But, I have 4,111 songs on my iPod. = O

  • Not all people can be bodybuilders, they can't handle it. I know that I can't. This is a really great guide, and I'm pretty glad that I found it! I am currently trying to loose weight, and I have tried a plan very much like yours, and I have lost two pounds so far, so I'm really happy!

  • Re: I need advice. . .

    thetroll - - Teen Sexuality


    We don't have very many opportunities to be naked around each other. We have really overprotective parents.