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  • My 8 year old brother likes to climb into bed with me sometimes and cuddle, especially when he's had a bad dream.

  • Ever been caught masturbating?

    Darian - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah, a few times. Mostly by my brothers, so I guess in some ways it wasn't as embarrassing as it could have been.

  • Naked in front of ther boys

    Darian - - Gay


    Yeah, like with the locker room at school or with my brothers and such.

  • Having to pee after ejaculating

    Darian - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, even though the original asker seems to have been banned, I'll answer anyway just in case anyone else is wondering the same thing (I've had a couple of other people ask me some form of the first question in PMs): Quote from shimmer: “You should just do it before. ” This is what's so strange about it and what's bugging me - I don't have to go before, but after I blow my load, there are times where suddenly I've really got to go a few minutes later. Quote from shimmer: “Quote from maseb: “Qu…

  • Having to pee after ejaculating

    Darian - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Pultost: “Gotta clean them pipes, fellas! ” Yeah, I guess...

  • Underage Sex

    Darian - - Debate and Discussions


    I kinda think having sex under the age of 18 is not as bad as some people make it out to be. I mean, when you're a horny teenage guy and a good-looking girl wants to ride your dick, it's kind of difficult to say no. People of any age can be forced and people of any age can make bad decisions, not just kids.

  • Having to pee after ejaculating

    Darian - - Teen Sexuality


    Does anyone ever find that they have to pee soon after ejaculating? Sometimes I find that I do. It's not so bad if I ejaculated after jacking off, but it's really annoying if it's after having had sex with a girl. I hate it because it's annoying when we start cuddling after sex and then I have to tell her "Oh hold on baby, I gotta go pee!"

  • Yeah. I was banging a girl once and I guess we weren't as quiet as we thought we were. My dad sat me later down and have a talk with me about it.

  • Are you boy/girl? boy When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 13 How old was your partner? 16 How did you know them? neighbors How long did you know them before you did it? a long time Were you dating when you did it? no How long did you last? maybe 5 minutes Did you use a condom? no Do you regret it? no

  • Number of sexual partners

    Darian - - Teen Sexuality


    Age: 16 Partners: 4 (all girls)