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  • Re: Unsure

    lilpunk1302 - - Teen Sexuality


    Assuming by second base you mean hands on penis/vagina, When you're kissing her and you feel you want to go further, just slowly kiss down her neck over her whole body (Works better if shirts are off, but she gets the idea if they're still on) and kiss all the way down to her bellybutton, then put your hands on her belt/button/waistband, pause, look up and see how she reacts. As long as you don't do this too aggressively, she should get the idea and either stop you or let you continue. If by sec…

  • People's reactions to this thread confuse me. My grannie tried to walk in when I was having sex, I was still inside my girl while I answered some questions, then once she left, I resumed sexing. But never had a full walk-in.

  • Yes, I know google can be your friend here, but I seem to be hearing a lot about fraud in the sex-industry(Prostitution/Porn not included), so I figure i'd ask for confirmed legit places. Discreet shipping to Canada that doesn't cost $25/order preferred. (That's all I seem to be able to find)

  • Re: Guys & Blowjobs (:

    lilpunk1302 - - Teen Sexuality


    When you're doing it, pull it away from his body so it's sticking either straight out or a bit past that. You have to hold the pressure to keep it that way, but don't pull too hard or it hurts. But for me it very much intensifies sensations. Edit: Quote from xman: “:wink: finger herself” This, too. Maybe not exactly fingering yourself because it may be a bit of an awkward motion and distract you from the task at hand, but guys tend to enjoy watching/being in a presence of a girl that's pleasurin…

  • Coming from a guy: When you're making out with her, run your hand up and down her body, eventually landing on her tits and massaging them. After some time just making out/groping, slowly move your hand down, and slide your fingers on her skin into her pants just a tiny bit past her underwear. At this point she'll asses whether she wants to let you down there or not and respond accordingly.(Moan vs pulling your hand out) At this point, if you like, you can slide you hand all the way in and either…

  • Re: 16+ part

    lilpunk1302 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from angelafwks: “I've been inside it once, before they suddenly decide to up membership to 250 posts. The guys rarely showed their cocks unless they had a sock over their cocks. And although some girls did post a few naked photos they started to worry about their pics being posted on other sites so stopped posting themselves naked so other than posting pics of other people naked not that different to here!” I thought total nudes were banned...? Hence the socks and lack of raw tits. 16+ Is…

  • I'm very keen on the verbal/text teasing, I don't do so much in person/physically.

  • Re: Erection when kissing

    lilpunk1302 - - Teen Sexuality


    My girlfriend's totally cool with it, so I even stopped trying to conceal my attempts to adjust it, she'd just be like "'lil uncomfortable ;)" I'd say Yep, and we'd move on with life. (Or in those cases, making out)

  • Re: Stop getting it hard

    lilpunk1302 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Dayved: “I found this interesting.. that guys are cleaner in this sense. Hmm. Oh and its completely out of your control, you don't own your dick, your dick owns you. ;)” I can see it happening, guy-cum is really globy and sticky, so you tend to want to wash it off, while girl-cum is more...smooth... so you can deal with it just drying out.... I tend to get hard from any form of interaction past that of friends, even with my girlfriend, so we'd be hanging out, and just walking around h…

  • Making out in the backseat of a car is hot. They're not making out in the back seat of a car. You are. You win.

  • Last night when I was shaving (my face), without even thinking I ran my thumb across the blade end of my razor, like pressing relatively hard, it sliced off three little stripes of skin, but no blood, no pain, nothing. So I wouldn't worry about it. At one point, I was trimming with a 9" pair of scissors, and got a bit too close and made a half-centimetre cut in the sac, it didn't hurt at all when it happened, but wouldn't stop bleeding(because I couldn't keep my hand still so the skin kept being…

  • I don't know where you're from, but in my province (I'm in Canada) Our insurance/vehicle control company has a "Practice test" you can take on the site.

  • Re: Kind of bi?

    lilpunk1302 - - Teen Sexuality


    Do you know whether this other guy is a)Single and b) Bi/Gay?

  • Re: Kind of bi?

    lilpunk1302 - - Teen Sexuality


    Who says you *must* come out as anything? If you're actually considering asking one of these guys out, or trying to "get with" one of them because you are genuinely attracted to them, then you would probably have to come out. But if you're just harmlessly fantasizing and it's not getting in the way of any of your female relationships or your life, then I don't see why you would have to tell anybody anything.

  • It really varies day-to-day for me, some days I'm naturally horny so it takes ridiculously little, other days it's almost impossible. Like, one day I was sitting across from my Friend With Benefits(you could say) on a bus, and her knee brushed up against mine and that got me going. On another day, we were full-on making out and all, and although I was getting into it, I wasn't getting turned on per-se.

  • Quote from dannym2326: “Is your size calculated flaccid or erect?” Erect, measured across the pelvic bone to the tip.

  • Quote from ivaiva: “If a tip of a tongue can get a girl off then....” The problem with the tongue analogy is that you're going for different "sensations" a tongue has the sucking and flicking associated with it and is more for the clit.... Fingers/dick go for penetration more.

  • So I'm somewhere between 5.0 and 5.5 inches which is below the average of 5.5-6, and I really don't care. The way I look at it, if 2 fingers can get a girl off, then I'm just fine. Figure if we have enough confident below-average guys post, it might help those that're struggling to accept the reality of their dicks.

  • Re: Making out

    lilpunk1302 - - Teen Sexuality


    Do you girls react to gently lip-nibbles at all?