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  • I seriously wanna kill myself right now so that I don't need to deal with all of the bullshit people throw at me on a daily basis. This whole world is surrounded by the ever-expansion of technology and have thus become victims of the human condition of materialism and the idea of superiority over nature. I've been victimized by those around me for so long that I built up a facade of false confidence for three years and I can no longer sustain such efforts. Death seems the only escape, yet I don'…

  • 'Aight, here goes... Met this girl I am pretty into a week or so ago at a Christian Youth Camp, and we are real into each other physically, but I am seriously doubtful it'll last: We don't have much in common and she lives an hour and twenty minutes in change north of me. I want to see where it goes with her since we've got a picture on facebook together that she made her primary, and all of her friends think I am the greatest guy ever since she is SUPER happy ever since meeting me and all... Bu…

  • Well, I met this girl at a youth group camp not too long ago, and we have really strong feelings for each other. I am confident in my feelings so I am going to give a relationship with her a chance. One issue: She lives an hour and twenty minutes north of me, so it would be a long-distance relationship. I have never had a long-distance relationship, so I do not want to mess things up or turn it into an unfulfilling relationship for both she and I. Any advice to help things go smoothly and such w…

  • I met this girl at a church youth group weekend camp thing and we hit it off pretty damn well. We are both really into each other, but other than our liking of each other a lot, we don't have a ton in common. Secondly, she lives like an hour north of me, so it would make it a long-distance relationship. If I pass, i get my license thursday morning on 4/22, but it's still an obstacle to add to the package. Looking for thoughts, opinions, etc, on whether it's worth the hassle since I am on the fen…

  • Re: Do you Love 3OH!3??

    AllDayEveryDay - - Music


    I liked their songs for a good year or so. Especially Colorado Sunshine. But then they became a part of the trendy songs that only last for a month or two on the radio and everyone said they loved them even though they only listened to that one song. That's when I kind of lost interest in them, but I still listen from time to time.

  • Just curious because I am in my high school's nationally recognized choir, and it sort of takes up a great deal of my social life... Up to the point where at times, I don't feel like I can relate to the girls I am interested in unless they are in choir or interested in that sort of thing. Now, I'm not one of those choir boys or anything, but I am good at singing. If interested, here's a tid-bit of my curricular choir from 2007 - I wasn't in this group, but we're just as good, if not better now: …

  • It all depends on his personality and taste in women. If he hangs out with the fit and the how-do-i-look-when-i-go-anywhere-in-public kind of girls, than he may be psychologically inclined to that type of woman. However, if you are genuine and convey your interest to go to prom with him, I think you have just as good a chance as any other woman he has contact with, for him to say "yes". Best of luck!

  • Without making it really awkward? I don't know. Not to be sexist or anything, but you've got to "man-up," and get make the move if you want it to happen, haha.

  • God is not real. Mankind has always had the need for some form or security. The fallacy of a higher power, that is loving and there to protect you if you are willing to follow in his path is just one massive way that has helped we as people feel secure in our lives. Those that do not follow "God" and partake in whatever behavior pattern they choose are not "sinners," as the church will call them. They simply make different choices in regards to what they're willing to do. People who are not reli…

  • Re: My Career Plan...?

    AllDayEveryDay - - Education & Jobs


    Going to go to college for some degree in a physical science. Possibly physics. Looking into Clemson University and it's a top choice so far.

  • Be a genuine guy. Go the extra mile and take her somewhere special. Now, don't wine and dine her, because that is very cliche. Perhaps a place nearby she mentioned she likes a lot? Do not go overboard with devoting yourself to her, but for the time being, she should be the center of your universe. Make gestures that get her to smile, and make sure that you convince her you are sorry. It seems dumb to say sorry, but it works.

  • Since grades are stressed so strongly at your school, all you can hope for is your best. Do not try and compete with the super genius guy who has all of those awards. They only get you so far. You could be the smartest guy in that school, and be a complete waste of space when it comes to something else. Do not try and be someone you're not! Just take life in stride. Be proactive about trying to find someone. It may not be in your high school. Try going to a teen club or something similiar if you…

  • I like dating someone who is close to myself in level of physical attractiveness. It just goes to show that psychology is right!: People tend to look for partners who are as physically attractive as them. On another note, you must base the beginning stages of a possible girlfriend/boyfriend on physical attractiveness. Straight up, if you do not think they are pretty/handsome, you will not try and start a conversation with them. Only once you do start talking can you discover if they have a good …

  • Re: 360 gaming updates

    AllDayEveryDay - - Video Games


    1) I find it increasingly biased and greedy that Bungie is forcing people to buy ODST, despite it's worthlessness, to have any contact with their future product. 2) Excited for FFXIII but not sure I would have enough time to play and enjoy it due to my upcoming purge of electronics to focus on my bulking.

  • Anyone love to play SnD as I do? I play core, and hardcore whenever I am online. Xbox GT: xDoosey Post your gamertag and connect with others who enjoy the gametype as much as you!

  • Since I am on a bulking regiment, I weight myself every week.

  • Depends on your body fat composition. If you have the money, just go to and get a pair of body fat calipers. They are relatively inexpensive and can give you a good indication of your fat to lean body weight ratio. A healthy body has under 25% body fat, but an ideal weight for someone like you... I would say around 12-16%.

  • Re: Creatine

    AllDayEveryDay - - Health and Fitness


    Creatine is found in all red meats and is thus a ludicrous thing to ban from the school system. It is the cheapest, and easiest to use protein powder supplement if you are trying to gain muscle mass, so I would say buy it. The guy is not trying to make a sale - He is just educated in the product his establishment sells. Good luck with your workouts!

  • Just curious about what schools other people are looking into. I'm from New Jersey, but I want to go somewhere warm and where the women are in good shape, so my list is as follows: UNC Chapel Hill [Tough due to 17% out of state admission] Clemson University University of Georgia Florida State University University of Florida Note: Money is not an issue, and thus does not restrict my selection of a school. What does your list look like?

  • I have a 3.420 unranked GPA in the United States education system. I take all honors or AP courses except for mathematics and history. Looking to go to a public university, and I believe I will be able to do so.