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  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    tethys - - Sports


    Quote from Number Juan: “Most WC and JKD guys will tell you the only reason they won't win is because they can't kick to the groin or poke eyes. At least that's what I've heard from lots of WC , and JKD guys. I think they would easily lose as they are not as skilled as a pro MMA fighter. Their style doesn't match up well against the average MMA fighter. Some JKD guys might do pretty good tho. The only WC guy I've seen in MMA is Shawn Obasi... Google him. The first time I saw him he was crying an…

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    tethys - - Sports


    because that's only demo for an audience. true kung fu doesn't look beautiful, but instead it's useful. you can google it and you'll see that wing chun is used from SWAT, to FBI, to RAID and so on. it's useful because you do't have to rely on your weight and muscle mass but instead on speed. it uses principles it's better to hit your opponent 5 times than once and Knock him out. one of the main weaknesses of boxing and other full contact arts is that is really hard to defeat someone who's 50 pou…

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    tethys - - Sports


    well all of the styles i described earlier (wing chun, krav maga, JKD, ryukyu kempo are used in the special forces around the world. with all of them you can easily kill your opponent. [ame=''][/ame] this is what true karate is not the sport karate that 99% of the people learn. [ame=''][/ame] tensing up doesn't help you to withsta…

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    tethys - - Sports


    - i guess it really depends on who's your teacher. my wing chun teacher things that the martial art is useless if you can't test it. i agree with him because you really can't find your weaknesses and the things you're good at if you never test yourself, and sparring it's still the closest thing to reality.wing chun is really just fighting concept with some important principles. thats why wing chun has so many different styles because every master can adopt the style for himself that's why there …

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    tethys - - Sports


    Quote from Number Juan: “Most of the martial arts you cited as dangerous are actually garbage most of the times with the exception of krav magga. Jeet Kune do guys are obsessed with groin shots and they have no idea how to defend an armbar or a choke. They think they will be able to bite their way out of everything, but if an MMA fighter gets a JKD in an armbar and hebites his leg, the MMA fighter will just snap the arm off. JKD guys severly underestimate grappling saying it downright will never…

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    tethys - - Sports


    without a doubt MMA is the best thing you can do in the ring and sometimes on the street. by sometimes i mean: - MMA will always win against any other ring sport like boxing, muay thai( if the fighter have equal knowledge, of course a beginner mma fighter doesn't stand a chance if the other guy has trained for a long time ... simply because none of the stand up fighters don't know what to do on the ground. this goes if fight is 1on 1. if there are more guys against you going to the ground is bad…

  • Re: What martial arts do you do?

    tethys - - Sports


    did some karate. now i'm in aikido, wing chun and sometimes i do a bit of arnis. i'm also starting ryukyu kempo in a week.

  • almost everything really. mainly because of my healthy food diet so this involves nothing from pizza to mcdonalds, french fries, chocolate...

  • well i always wanted to be a doctor. but then i also want to be an air force pilot and a member of special forces because i'm really into the military. but perhaps i'll be a doctor in special forces

  • Re: UFC 118 Gambling.

    tethys - - Sports


    toney doesn't really have a lot of chance unless he knocks couture out on my opinion.

  • Quote: “Once again, right after his workout I was referring to. Milk is thick, it doesn't settle that good in your stomach. Also, apples and bananas are fruit and grapes are a fruit to. So the only non-fruit things you mentioned are peanut butter and rice cakes. And rice cakes are bland, peanut butter is fine. Fruit is just the general area you should stick to.” the amount of vitamins you get from fruit really isn't that big. it's much better to eat vegetables to get all the vitamins. also if yo…

  • Re: Milk or Orange Juice?

    tethys - - Health and Fitness


    nothing of this two things drink water. orange juice--- no because it has only sugars. the amount of vitamins you get from this kind of a drink isn't really big... milk---- no because milk products are only the burden to your body, and you don't want that after workout...

  • Re: UFC 118 Gambling.

    tethys - - Sports


    couture all the way!

  • well drink a protein shake few minutes after you finish. then have a meal that consists of lean protein and some simple carbs(rice, pasta.....) -- don't consume any healthy fats in the first real meal after the workout. you should have this meal around 30-90 minutes after the workout. there really isn't no point in eating an apple... what does an apple have? it has only glucose and nothing else...

  • Re: Inception

    tethys - - Films, TV and Books


    i think i'll say HOLY SHIT too without a doubt one of the best films i've ever watched if not the best. the story is amazing so are the special effects

  • yeh valentina but you don't have school in Wednesday right? i start at 8 and finish at 2:30 pm (8 periods 1 is for lunch break)

  • Re: Cutting back.

    tethys - - Teen Sexuality


    i tried to stop masturbating once. i think i managed not doing it for about 2 weeks but then i said to myself i'd rather die then try to stop again but at that time i had the best dreams in my life:D

  • take a bus and go to the nearest town/city. call friend or two and go to the club or some place where teenagers meet.

  • Re: Hight

    tethys - - Health and Fitness


    milk only makes your bones stronger because of the calcium. you can't increase your height you can only make sure that your growth won't be stunned by eating right, having enough sleep working out and things like that. Quote from amando96: “Milk has loads of hormones, many of which are intended to make things grow.” if this would true i would be 2 metres tall. i drink at least 1 litres of milk a day and i eat at least 500g of chicken that is full of hormones and i'm still only 173 centimetres ta…

  • Re: Favorite Lyrics?

    tethys - - Music


    Eminem - When i'm gone Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for? Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for? When they know they're your heart And you know you were their armour And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm 'her But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you? And everything you stand for, turns on you to spite you? What happens when you become the main source of her pain?