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  • Re: League of Legends

    PotEl - - Video Games


    Well, ultimate (or ulti) is the skill champions learn at level 6. Ultimate ready means their ultimate is ready for use.

  • Re: League of Legends

    PotEl - - Video Games


    I started playing a few days ago as well. I was playing Blitzcrank and Fiddlesticks for the first 2 days. Then I saw Annie and I was in love , Last game I played was an hour ago, went pretty good. 19/6/11, 600 Ability Power. It is indeed a pretty addictive game.

  • Re: do your parents know

    PotEl - - Friends and Family


    Mine don't even know what a forum is. So, there you go.

  • Re: fantasy places

    PotEl - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, having sex with a girl in rmg's bed would certainly be something.

  • Re: What to do

    PotEl - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Grey, I'll respectfully disagree with you. It's 2010. Maybe we should move on to a next level. It's more than OK for a girl to ask a guy out. Indeed, when women always wait for guys to make the first move, they probably will meet less guys. Some guys will even find them intimidating and unwelcoming. You are a very cute girl Valentine, and you also have a nice personality. You alone should choose who you want to be with, and how you will maintain your relationships. Because only you know how you …

  • TechGoo Contest

    PotEl - - Advertising Agency


    Hello everyone. A friend of mine recently started a website where Tech,Gaming and random news are posted every day. The website aims to be as friendly as possible, and it now has its first contest! With the highly anticipated StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty coming out today, TechGoo is providing one lucky member with a copy of the game. All you have to do is register in the forum and follow the instructions in this thread. For anyone who knows me, you'll know this is not a scam. For everyone else…

  • Morgana: 800px-Morgana_ExiledSkin.jpg Ashe: league-of-legends-ashe.jpg Also, Lara Croft, and any girl from any fighting game. DON'T JUDGE ME!

  • Talk. When your boyfriend's asking you "What's wrong?" or "I can see that there's something bothering you. What is it?". It's not 'cause they want to poke you with all these questions. It's 'cause they care about you, and want you to feel better. Let go, even if you cry or shout or swear, it's good to take things of your chest, and it creates a strong bond between you.

  • ^That. Think about some stuff you do that other people might find annoying and ask him if any of it bothers him. Then ask him to do the same. But honestly, you are best friends, living in a house together. The experience should be awesome, sure, you might have some fights, but you are probably going to have a great time together.

  • Re: The Beatles!!

    PotEl - - Music


    I am not a die-hard fan, but I certainly am one. Even if I didn't like them, I'd still respect them though. Not only because their songs are awesome but also for their contribution to music as we know it today. I don't like the fact that some people love or hate them just because of their popularity.

  • ^Marla from Fight Club? Are you kidding me?:drool: To the OP: You aren't the only one. And it's not even a weird fetish, if you can call it that. For some reason, I find it hot as well. It could be that we are both a bit crazy. Oh well.

  • Well maybe you think you are interested, or think that you should be interested in the wrong things. Just because everyone does it doesn't mean it's obligatory for you as well. So, I really can't say anything else. Just get up and try new things. You should eventually feel a spark towards something. Good things are hard to come by, I guess.

  • Re: Nintendo shit is overpriced

    PotEl - - Video Games


    Actually, this whole "Kinect" and "Move" thing Microsoft and Sony try to promote so hard are nothing more than rip offs. PS eye and Wii anyone? Sure, the technology is more advanced, but Nintendo has a royal fanbase and a history of good treatment of its fans. Plus, I have not seen anything worth the money on neither Kinect nor Move. Kinectimals?Sorcerery? Microsoft and Sony are going to have to pull something out of their sleeves if they want to draw anyone into buying these things.

  • Let me ask you something. Do you find socially accepted behaviors to be boring or uninteresting as well? Like,things you have to do in relationships, social dinners, meeting with family. If you do, then my only explanation is that since you are going through puberty, and things around you constantly change, like yourself, you just stop feeling. My only advice would be to find the strength to find what it is you don't like about your life, and change it. Take up a new hobby, get involved in somet…

  • ^You just reminded me of a conversation between Joey and Phoebe in Friends. Oh well. A noble deed for me is defined by the situation. Mostly if someone acts in a way towards someone else's interest, even hurting themselves physically and/or emotionally in the process.

  • Re: alcohol consumption

    PotEl - - Health and Fitness


    I only drink when I go out, have a friend over, or visit specific friends. So that can be quite often, or quite rare actually. In a party, I'll drink till I am sane enough to know what I am doing and not sane enough to care.

  • Re: Milf

    PotEl - - Teen Sexuality


    "M.I.L.F. denotes a sexually attractive older female, generally between 30 and 50 years of age and not necessarily an actual mother" M.I.L.F "An extremely hot middle aged mom, who leaves you in mastabatory bliss nighy and night." From the infamous urban dictionary.

  • Re: Dragon Age?

    PotEl - - Video Games


    At last, some DA:O fans! That game is awesome. And yes, the humor is cool. The characters, the story, the gameplay, the atmosphere. Even with its flaws, it's still one my favorite games. I found all the characters to be great. Alistair could be a bit cheesy sometimes but that didn't bother me. Oghren, Shale and the Dog were by far the funniest ones though.

  • Re: How often do you play?

    PotEl - - Video Games


    Quote from NBstunter: “i havent touched my 360 or played a game on the computer for 4 months. kinda good last time i failed a level at COD i threw the controler threw the wall......” You sir, can always donate your 360 to a needy gamer, such as myself. I play every day,it can range from 1 to the the very rare 10 hours of game play. When I first got DA:O for example I played for 12 hours.

  • The over exaggerated lies of the anti-smokers equal the over exaggerated lies of the smokers.Smoking kills,but everyone has the right to do what they want with their bodies and their lives. I will never smoke in the face of a non-smoker if he is bothered,and I will go out where it's dark,cold and wet to avoid it. But I will do it if I feel like it. And here is a picture of a hookah 'cause I felt like that too. HH-Top-Smoke%20Genie%20Candy%20Stripe%20Hookah.jpg