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  • When I had bad acne, I actually found something at walgreens that worked really well called Nature's Cure. They have it for both guys and girls, and it usually helps overnight (at least it did for me).

  • I had a science teacher who would come into class 20 minutes late then immediately make us copy notes from a PowerPoint that he got from another teacher. Then if you had any questions he didn't know the answer to he'd just shrug it off. When you were done with the PowerPoint, which took about 2 days, he would tell you have a test the next day. Aside from that, he pretty much yells at the class everyday, even if we weren't doing anything.

  • Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “The maturity in question would be yours. Freshman-Junior is not a big deal. I'd say go for it.” ^this. Along with whether you'd feel comfortable with it. I have a lot of friends who dated seniors when they were freshmen!

  • Re: Learning Guitar...

    Dreamer23 - - Music


    Quote from Red Stripe: “If you want some good advice from some other guitar enthusiasts you should take a look at ultimate guitar. Also If you learn to read tabs this site will be a gold mine! ” I actually already know how to read tabs. And the website has an App, so I downloaded that. Thanks though!

  • Worst for: Just because it is. Which is generally what people say when they have no idea. Best for (in my opinion, don't hound me for it): "I believe in God because there are some things that science does not address some thing properly in my opinion. While I'm not saying that I agree with everything that followers of God say, I do agree that there is one. I like having that feeling that there is some ethereal force that will keep me safe. But along with that, one thing that science does not add…

  • It's completely normal. Most of my friends do the exact same thing with who ever they are going out with. Usually as the relationship progresses that thoughts don't occur as much. But your feelings may be different, I mean everyone's are, aren't they? Even if you are thinking of other guys, just make sure your relationship actually makes you happy, that's the most important thing in my opinion.

  • I suggest confronting him then. Maybe not so blatantly, but just casually ask something like hey did you let your friends use my flash drive, or something like that. He will probably deny anything like that but you'll probably be able to tell from his reaction and tone of voice. If you are almost completely sure, you should go to your parents and let them know. Think about it, would you rather have them know or everyone in your community know?

  • Are you sure it wasn't your internet at that current time? I know my internet messes up for like a second and then it takes a while to become fully functional again. If that wasn't the case, then it could be one of two things: Firefox or your computer. Sometimes if you've have your computer on too long and it gets too hot its functions slow down and it won't load stuff. If all else fails, try another browser like DamnImGood said.

  • The first thing I would suggest is getting your flash drive back and deleting that stuff (or renaming and password locking it). You could take your chances awkwardly talking to your brother, but honestly it sounds like you need to go to your parents again, just dont bring up the flash drive. This is more than a phase. Something needs done.

  • No one I know likes the song Can't Stand It by Wilco, they yell at me to change it!

  • Re: Favorite Lyrics?

    Dreamer23 - - Music


    Heard the World by O.A.R. I just heard the world is breaking down into bits again tell me what am I to do and you just want me to stay here so I'm just gonna stay here Home the last resort Build a castle with an iron door Lock the window Pull the shades The hazed out sun wont help anyway If the world is crumbling down I dont want to be alone No Locked up in this place I heard the world up late night holding my breath tight Trying to keep my head on right There's a chill in the air Nobody could c…

  • Re: Learning Guitar...

    Dreamer23 - - Music


    Yeah I know practice is the key. I've been practicing about 30 minutes a day. I've never really thought about number 4. Thanks for your help!

  • Re: Then and Now

    Dreamer23 - - Creative Writing


    I loved it! It's so true and I can relate to every bit. Not only is it true and well written but it also has something that a lot of what I read doesn't: sincerity.

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    Dreamer23 - - Music


    Secrets by OneRepublic. When you hear it a hundred times a day it's hard not to get it stuck in your head.

  • Quote from crazyTHING66: “ok i am a huge Avatar: the last airbender(the show) and i went to see the movie toady this is my Facebook status: (i was too lazy to type it out in this font) SPOILER ALERT!! THE LAST AIRBENDER SUCKED SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! NO ONE COULD PRONOUNCE AANG'S NAME RIGHT, THEY MESSED UP THE STORY LINE, YOU COULD BARELY SEE THE SCAR ON ZUKO'S FACE, THE LAST 'BATTLE' SCENE ALL AANG DID WAS OPEN HIS FINGERS, THE FIREBENDERS COULDN'T PRODUCE THEIR OWN FIRE(IN THE CARTOON THEY COULD) …

  • Quote from It Is Me: “It's just gonna suck that they are going to put 3 seasons worth of the series into a 100 minute movie.” From what I've heard, they are supposedly doing only Book 1: Water for this movie. The series was good a few years back when I was younger, but I'm not holding any high standards for this movie. The characters' ages makes it a little harder to relate to.

  • Quote from rmg126: “My thoughts exactly. The Saw series can fuck off, I hate shit like that. :nono:” The whole concept in my opinion is just stupid. As for Harry Potter, I can't wait! The seventh book was always my favorite, so let's hope they don't screw it up. I've noticed that in a lot of the latest movies based on book, they've been leaving out a bunch of important things which makes parts of the story not make sense. Even in the Half-Blood Prince they did this!

  • Learning Guitar...

    Dreamer23 - - Music


    I'm going to try to teach myself guitar so I want some advice/opinions. What tips do you have for a beginner? What habits should I stay away from? Also, please don't suggest lessons because I don't usually do well with instructors because I don't like being too dependent.

  • Re: Help with a title

    Dreamer23 - - Creative Writing


    It seems good. The only thing I can say is the second stanza doesn't quite follow the rhyme scheme for the rest of your poem, but that's fine if you like it. As for a name, I always like to choose something that is either repeated, suggested, or important to the poem itself. So I like the name "A Blind Eye." When it comes down to it, it's all up to you.:)

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    Dreamer23 - - Music


    -O.A.R. -Oasis -Ok Go -Augustana -Eagles