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  • 13zdg1t.png My one changes so yeah.

  • Tons of shows but I only have channels 7, 8, 9, SBS and TVS. Sucks for me. I really enjoy Supernatural, Dexter and NCIS. And How I Met Your Mother

  • Re: The Maine !!

    mesonoxian - - Music


    @Silverstein I love that song. That song is the reason why I got their EP.

  • Re: Radiohead

    mesonoxian - - Music


    Radiohead's good. I only have OK Computer though so I shouldn't be allowed to judge. They've influenced a lot of my favourite bands so...yeah.

  • I've never touched a drug that I didn't need. And I've only really needed painkillers and crap. I wonder where I'd actually get weed and stuff if I ever do use it in future. It's not legal here.

  • I trust They even gave me credit to buy 2 domains (I won this trivia thing) but I'm still using a sub domain so yeah. Definitely don't use that .tk thing. I've never seen a decent website with that extension. And don't they put that hideous banner on top? Back a few years ago I used and it was free but people say that that doesn't work anymore.

  • Last year's math teacher. He spoke in monotone. Gave us halves of chapters to do overnight for homework. Gave students weekend detentions for the smallest thing - like, if some students didn't do their homework, they'd get afternoons but in math they got weekend detentions. Once I got marked down for using a light blue pen for an exam instead of a dark blue - my dark blue pen ran out. So for all the questions answered in light blue, I got them wrong. He had huge black circles underneath his eyes…

  • Well I really wish I didn't do well in so many subjects so that choosing was less difficult. Most people I know find it so easy to choose what they want to do for the rest of their lives...sigh. I've considered the following: lawyer, web developer, historian, psychologist (not really, I just want to study psychology like Stephen Christian did) and teacher. I still have years to go, though....

  • Re: Favorite Lyrics?

    mesonoxian - - Music


    Citizen Erased - Muse Wash me away Clean your body of me Ease all the memories They will only bring us pain And i've seen, all i'll ever need Inevitable - Anberlin I want to break every clock. The hands of time could never move again. We could stay in this moment for the rest of our lives. Is it over now hey, hey is it over now? I want to be your last first kiss That you'll ever have. Kick Push - Lupe Fiasco So he kick push, kick push, kick push, kick push, coast And away he rolled jus a rebel t…

  • Re: The Maine !!

    mesonoxian - - Music


    I only have their EP so I don't know if I want to buy their new album. Thanks for announcing though. They're good. Really catchy.

  • Re: I need more music

    mesonoxian - - Music


    Muse Darwin Deez is a new alternative band but I don't really think you'd like it. Incubus? I wish I could give you more but I listen to a mix of rock-ish music and R&B.

  • Enjoy The Silence by Depeche Mode. And Creep by Radiohead. Most Radioheads find it overrated but I find something beautiful about it. + Some other Radiohead songs. Everyone hates on them. Say Goodbye To Love by Kenna is epic and no one I show it to likes it.

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    mesonoxian - - Music


    Quote from Caladium: “I have a lot.. But if I had to choose I'd say The Maine.” Hey, I like the Maine too but I only have their EP In no order: Muse Kenna Anberlin Lupe Fiasco Amy Winehouse N.E.R.D Hillsong United John Legend Yeah my music taste is weird.

  • I wish I could say that I feel your pain because I worry a lot about the future too but I'm probably not even close. I'm only 13 and I'm guilty of Googling universities I could go to in 5 years. Call me paranoid, because I am. I really think though that's it natural for you to feel that way. Many people may look like they're enjoying their final days but really, they're a bit lost. I think you should just go with the flow and see where life takes you. Don't you guys up there have the one year br…

  • Re: Is smoking cool?

    mesonoxian - - General Advice


    Some people at my school consider it cool some people don't. But I really wish people didn't - it's going to slowly kill that person and eat their insides. I wish my brother'd stop too. There's already an increased chance of him getting Diabetes. He doesn't need any more health problems. But then, it really is that's person choice. If someone does smoke, it's not like I'm going to treat them differently. I'd just stay away from them when they're actually doing it. And in response to Nate, my fri…

  • Everyone calls Australia accepting, which we are but there's some really ignorant people here. In my school, it was going around that this Vietnamese guy was going out with a Tongan and people starting hating on then. Real unfortunate, hey? And I remember back a few weeks ago in Neighbours, the doctor (who looks Fijian) was referred to as 'good-looking' so I'm sure there's someone out there for you. Not to worry I reckon it's racism.