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  • Re: Gay people are awesome

    Tsunkatse - - Gay


  • Quote from jerry: “Yea I bet the parents of your grandparents never thought they'd see two guys kissing each other, and that it would be considered ok in society” You're still missing the point that homosexuals are HUMANS. Two men or women kissing is not the same as a man making out with his cow, nor is same-sex marriage the same as a women marrying her cat.

  • Quote from jerry: “Haha I actually agree with you. Before, people looked down at homosexuals, they said it was immoral, and society looked down on it. but now there are the liberals who think it should be ok. it's fine to be liberal, but not TOO liberal, if we keep going down this track, in the future having sex with animals is gonna be ok. and the people who disagree with it are just going to be called "ignorant" for still thinking it's immoral” As I said before, there's a difference between ha…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tsunkatse - - Teen Sexuality



  • Quote from THUNDERSTRUCK: “So, I was thinking about it. In my college, dorm bathrooms aren't co-ed for obvious reasons. That leaves us with a single-sex bathroom. However, gays are able to take showers with the sex they love. Why can't I? How is that fair? Your thoughts?” Believe or not homosexuals actually go to the bathroom for the same reason you go. They don't go to find a date; they go to use the bathroom. Same thing with taking showers. I think the idea of having bathrooms just for homosex…

  • Quote from ANTI CONDOM: “ Well, it is simple. Although I get along with homosexuals, I do not approve of them being married. Are you a homosexual? If yes, then you won't understand. But I am a normal guy who likes girls, and when I have a son or daughter, I do not want them to see 2 guys kissing. It is not NORMAL. Allow me to use an example. Have you seen a video where these guys tie up their testicles and chop off their penises? Do you consider those guys normal? NO, Right? So when a guy goes t…

  • Gray

  • Brown

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tsunkatse - - Teen Sexuality



  • Do you rip the stickers off your binders when you use them at school? Yes What's your grandma's name? Which one? What's your favorite Linkin Park song? Shadow of the Day Isn't Lilo and Stitch the CUTEST movie ever? No. Do you like/love someone? I like someone Tell me why: Because they're great What color do you look best in? I don't know What type of people get on your nerves the most? Not sure. What do you think about Lady Gaga? I don't really like her anymore Is Justin Bieber really that bad? …

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tsunkatse - - Teen Sexuality



  • Do you and your parents like any of the same bands/singers? Yeah Is there any food in your bedroom? What? Yes. Instant rice. Do you know anyone who has road rage? Who? No. How expensive is too expensive for a pair of shoes? Over 40. How far away do your grandparents live from you? Pretty far What kinds of cereal are in the cupboard? None Is there anything related to cats in your bedroom? No. What�s the last thing you spent over 10$ on? Lunch yesterday Over 30$? Textbooks Do you know who lives th…

  • Re: Modern Family

    Tsunkatse - - Films, TV and Books


    When I first saw it I was surprised that it was actually funny.

  • White

  • Burnt orange

  • You Are a Lip Piercing lip.jpg You are rebellious and defiant. You resist conforming and following rules. You're the type to get pierced anywhere you want, and you're not taking your piercings out for anyone! Reflective and philosophical, you've spent a lot of time thinking about how you'd like to live your life. And it just so happens that your preferred lifestyle is pretty far outside the mainstream. While people may find you standoffish, you aren't necessarily rude, mean, or judgmental. You j…

  • Green

  • You Should Say "Oui" oui.png If you were to visit Paris, you'd be up for anything and everything. You'd keep your schedule packed with excitement. From shows to museums to tours to restaurants, you wouldn't want to miss out on a thing. You'd be a very adventurous traveler in France, and there's little that you would say no to. You'd always be saying "oui." You'd sample escargot, check out a risque show, and even don a beret. You'd want the full Paris experience!

  • What are you're opinions on Spongebob? He's really annoying Do you have a favourite toothpaste? No What deodorant do you use? It's green... What's your favourite month of the year? December Do you enjoy school? It's all right How often do you wear make-up? Never Are you a jealous person? Kinda How many people have you dated? None What shoe size are you? 10 Who's your favourite singer/band? Céline Dion What's your most prized possession? My laptop What way do you usually wear your hair? Uh How ma…

  • You Should Love love.jpg It's likely that you've been craving more human connection in your life lately - either romantic or platonic. You've spent some time alone, and now you're ready to open yourself up to the world again. You find happiness when you truly respect, appreciate, and care for someone. Relationships bring meaning to your life. No matter how many times you've been hurt, you have a lot of love left in your future.