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  • Well, first of all, it's understable that you were angry and confused, but you didn't trust her that it wasn't important. EVEN THOUGH she did cheat, she might not of done and you would of dumped her due to what you assumed, which isn't good. You should of at least tried to talk to her about it first, instead of just dumping her. You're saying you're sad and upset, but if you love her that much, then why did you sleep with your ex a day after? Even though you were angry and confused it doesn't gi…

  • Well no-one knows what he's thinking exactly, apart from him. However, to me it sounds as if he still has feelings for you and wants you, but he doesn't want to get involved in a full-on relationship atm. Does he know exactly how you feel? If I were you; I'd just be myself, talk to him, be best friends, and build up the great relationship between you as friends first, then maybe go in for the relationship. Even though it's hard, try to be happy for him if he's happy. Even if you're not inside, p…

  • She has a good reason to freak out, she's just being protective of her son. Some parent's don't want to admitt to the fact that their kids are growing up. That's how it sounds like she is imo. Just try to be reasonable with her, and tell her the whole plan, so she knows where you'll be, how to contact you etc etc.

  • Re: Should I get into it again?

    xoCLO - - Sports


    Those pictures are AMAZING! Especially the ones of Zac Efron(:lovey:) and the train. Like, wow! You should get back into it, if you like doing it as you have a great talent. I think you could also sell some of them, if you wanted to.

  • Re: How many pushups can you do?

    xoCLO - - Sports


    0 :d

  • Re: would you be my friend?

    xoCLO - - Friends and Family


    I haven't got any IM programmes, but if you ever need someone to talk to, you can PM me. I'm gonna be honest; I'm not very good at giving advice, but I'm a pretty good friend and a good listener.

  • Re: what have you done.

    xoCLO - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Level 1 ( ) smoked a cigarette ( ) smoked a cigar ( ) done drugs (x) kissed a member of the same sex (x) drank alcohol SO FAR: Level 2 (x) been in love (x) been dumped ( ) shoplifted ( ) been fired (x)been in a fist fight SO FAR: Level 3 (x) snuck out of a parent's house (x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back ( ) been arrested ( ) made out with a stranger ( ) gone out on a blind date SO FAR: Level 4 (x) lied to a friend (x) had a crush on a teacher (x) skipped school ( ) slept wi…

  • Re: talking online?

    xoCLO - - General Advice


    Just go for it I say. Just make conversation with her, then when you feel comfortable, talk to her irl.

  • Re: Clothing style question?

    xoCLO - - Fashion


    Well if you like your style, then it really doesn't matter if it's in fashion or not. Your true friends won't judge you by style.

  • Re: I Don't Know

    xoCLO - - General Advice


    Well I'm sure they would rather you be honest with them, than keeping it from them. You should sit them down, and just tell them straight out. It will be quite awkward, but if they love you, then they will accept you for who you are.

  • Tbh, you sound so up yourself, no offence. You're saying that you go to school with people that 'look like crap' but I bet they've had their fair share of relationships, because of their personalitys. Girls think it's cool to have a boyfriend that looks good, but they prefer personality. It's good to have self-confidence, but yours is a bit over the top and girls don't like that.

  • Re: Missing home right now

    xoCLO - - Creative Writing


    Aww, one beautiful country. Have a good time on the pilgrimage in memory of your mummy.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    xoCLO - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Wtf?!!!!

    xoCLO - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from anonymous_gyal: “my BEST FRIEND wouldn't lie to me.” well still ask him to make sure, you never know.

  • Re: Wtf?!!!!

    xoCLO - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Well; 1. If it's just your friend that's told you then ask him about it, as it could just be hearsay. 2. If he admitts to it, tell him how he's hurt you. 3. If he doesn't care, then tryyyyyyy to get over him, I know how hard it is as I've liked this boy that treats me like dirt for 5 years now, but I can't get over him.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    xoCLO - - Teen Sexuality



  • 1. Name: Chloe 2. Age: (Bold Your Selection) - - <13 3. Nationality: English 4. What mode of purchase would you prefer for your clothes? (Bold your selection) a. Online - - yes - no b. Readymade clothes (Bold your selection) - - Branded - Non-branded - Both Are you loyal to any particular brand? Not really. c. Getting clothes stitched/tailor-made (Bold your selection) - - yes - no 5. Customer issues: I struggly trying to get exchanges or refunds. a. Is it easy to get the clothes you want? (Bold …

  • Re: Jonas Brothers

    xoCLO - - Music


    Tbh, I love them, I think they're awesome. I love their looks and music. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion at the end of the day.

  • Blogthings - What Should You Major In? Your Scholastic Strength Is Innovating innovating.jpg You are the master of new ideas, techniques, and ways of looking at things. You are talented at structuring thoughts, decision making, clarifying, and making deadlines. You should major in: Marketing Psychology Desgin Cognitive Science Economics Photography

  • Blogthings - What Do Your Dreams Mean? Your Dreams Are a Warning bad.jpg Your dreams seem to show that you're very preoccupied with your fears and problems. These bad dreams indicate that you need to spend more time on your issues during the day. Your dreams tend to reflect your insecurities. You have a very vivid imagination and a rich creative mind. You secretly want to hide your dreams from your waking mind.