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  • Wow i havnt posted here for awhile, think i shall get myself into this site, peeps here are helpful and friendly well heres some stuff i wrote... theres alot of it, what do you think? (try to ignore obvious spelling/grammar mistakes, i tend not to re draft my work and sell it as it is as such) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like the darkened rains. a symbol of my ever lasting pain My heart longs for you to be mine My body lusts for you to be close This ever lasting feeling flowing through m…

  • Love?

    Embodiment_of_a_heart - - Debate and Discussions


    well, im new here, this is my 2nd post, 1st thread. just spent 30mins odd searching the net for a forum where i can post something i wrote. basically its a bit of writing of my thoughts on love and the things surrounding love. here it is:- Love is not an emotion. It doesnt bring happiness, and it doesnt feel right. Its a disease, a human disease thats so common its considered the "norm". When someone falls in love, its a happy time, but only if the feelings are returned. If they're not, your low…

  • well im new here, just been wandering the net for this type of forum lol one thing that springs to my mind maybe not with you, but with the subject of pre marital sex on a whole, is if its a personal want, that is not religion etc, maybe its due to a slight insecurity of it? i mean, losing your virginity after marriage would obviously be a very safe and very secure thing, maybe pre marital poses to much of insecurities and un certanties?