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  • Oracles- Fleshgod Apocalypse Dismantling Devotion- Daylight Dies The Conductor's Departure- Anata Black Reign- Sanctification Though there are plenty in my collection I could've picked from, but these I've listened to the most.

  • Re: Help Me...

    Chevy3232 - - Health and Fitness


    Replace stuffing your face with empty calories to stuffing your face with something at least moderately healthy with actual nutritional value if you have to. Of course, I suggest not overeating, as you'll need to be eating on a deficit (approximately x15 your weight -400 or -500). And of course exercising: Cycling, swimming, running, etc. I don't know how tall you are, so this is really vague advice.

  • Try Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. In particular: Quote: “If you are bulking, which is what people usually do on this program, you need to be eating like there is no tomorrow. 3000-4000 calories a day. Make sure you get 1 to 2 x your bodyweight in protein (in grams) and more than that in carbs. Mark Rippetoe also suggests that you drink up to a gallon of milk a day and plenty of water.” Quote: “Just remember to get big you need to eat big because eating is 90% of your muscle gains. ” If you…

  • Re: Disturbed's new album?

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    I listen to plenty "real" metal bands, I simply enjoyed post-Believe Disturbed a lot. It's just the new album is hard to really compare to 10,000 Fists and Indestructible. And before you ask, a few bands I enjoy the most: Immolation, Aeon, Blood Red Throne, Nile, Fleshgod Apocalypse. I used to be a COB fan, but then they came out with "Are You Dead Yet?" and such, never liked Five Finger Death Punch or Amon Amarth.

  • Re: slayer

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    80's Slayer = Classic 90's Slayer = Bleh God Hates Us All = Bleh Christ Illusion-era = Great World Painted Blood = I haven't gotten around to listening to it.

  • Disturbed's new album?

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    What does everyone think of "Asylum?" Personally, I hate myself for buying it, I thought it would be like Indestructible or better, but no, it is ruined by cheesy vocals by David. I only like two songs: "Asylum" and "Never Again," the rest can just be scrapped. Anyone else have thoughts on it? I should say however, most of the riffs are awesome in the album.

  • Re: favourite metal album

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    Altered Genesis by Blood Red Throne atm.

  • Re: What Am I Missing?

    Chevy3232 - - Health and Fitness


    You're where you need to be weight-wise. I wouldn't worry about a few pieces of flab here and there, you'll drive yourself to anorexia if you do. Getting more active may help, but I highly suggest making sure you stay around 110-115 lbs.

  • Quote from sk8datgnar: “most people have the opposite problem but no matter what i do i cant gain weight. Now that i started erging and working out for crew i started loosing weight again. im trying to gain more weight so im not a lightweight on a heavyweight boat. i eat nonstop probably 3,000-3,500 calories per day. when i went to italy, where people complain about gaining weight, i lost 8 lbs. I eat a good balance of protein, carbs and fat but i continue to lose weight.” How much do you weigh?…

  • Quote from randomacid: “Hey, I'm a 17 year old male. I am about 6'2-6'3 and weigh about 205-207 pounds, whcih gives me a BMI of around 26. I'm looking for a diet and/or excercise plan that I could possible use to lose some extra weight (fat.) I'm not looking for anythign crazy, just something which could help me lose some gut, and man-boobs, and maybe add some definition to my muscles. Thanks.” You want to eat (15x207 - 500 calories) 2600 calories if you're at 207 pounds. 40/30/30 is probably th…

  • Re: Weight loss???

    Chevy3232 - - Health and Fitness


    Wait for your body to fully grow at 15-18 years of age before worrying about being fat, in fact as scaredycrow said, you're underweight. You may carry weight in different places at the moment. The best thing you can do is stay slightly physically active (walking an hour a day, cycling to school instead of taking the bus during appropriate seasons, etc.)

  • Re: Weight Loss Tips

    Chevy3232 - - Health and Fitness


    FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal Input a normal day's intake. Tell us your total calories, fats, carbs, and protein. We can't do much diet advice-wise without knowing where you're standing now.

  • Excess sugar is stored as fat in the body. Your body needs no sugar 99% of the time. Fats are necessary for many things, especially your EFAs (omega-3,6). Start eating things like fish and beef (cuts like new york/kansas city strips) to get some fats in. Fats don't make you fat (thus why low carb/high fat diets actually work), so don't be worried about that.

  • What does your diet look like? Obviously you don't want to diet too low, but your maintenance right now is approximately 2400 calories. Try eating 1900 calories, and track your macro nutrients via fatsecret, fitday, etc. Eliminate as many sugars, refined carbs, junk food in general as possible. Eating right will get you about 80% there for the rest... I think HIIT could help you. You can do this on a stationary/mobile bicycle, jumproping, elliptical, etc. Though if your shins can take it, on a t…

  • Re: Favorite Punk Rock/Metal band?

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    Wow, I must've just misread the thread as punk rock/punk metal. That must be why I was so confused by Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, BFMV, etc. In any case, my top 3 metal bands right now would be Immolation, Suffocation, and Nile.

  • Re: Who Loves Lady GaGa?

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    I like her song "Alejandro" for some reason, despite its repetitiveness.

  • Re: Favorite Punk Rock/Metal band?

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    BFMV? Slayer? What is this I don't even.

  • Re: How many songs on your itunes?

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    I don't have an iTunes, but around 6-7k on my external hard drive.

  • Re: METAL!!!!!!!!!! \m/

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    My favorites atm: [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • Re: Any songs that make you tear up?

    Chevy3232 - - Music


    [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]