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  • Re: I m worried!

    Tanner - - Teen Sexuality


    No I have never experienced this, but I'm pretty sure it is just sperm. google it.

  • Say he does go out with you if/when you lose the weight, what if you gain it back? or he doesn't like something else about you? If he doesn't like you for who you are then all your effort's for? Also I think your lovestruck crush is giving you illusions, "If I do this and change this he will like me for sure". That's my 2 cents.

  • Re: I m worried!

    Tanner - - Teen Sexuality


    Did it burn? if it didn't then it was just your skeet.

  • Re: Anal sex?

    Tanner - - Teen Sexuality


    lots of lube or it will be horrible. lube and anal sex is like oreos and milk, they just don't work without each other.

  • Re: Mute

    Tanner - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Quote from artizhay: “I am usually the same way about people, in regards to them being stupid and a waste of my time. However, I don't think this is entirely connected to not talking to people. You should just surround yourself with people with similar interests or who you think are intelligent so you can enjoy conversation with them. I think it's a problem if it affects your work skills. If a job requires you to talk to customers, what are you going to do? Most of my customers aren't proficient…

  • Re: Girlfriend.

    Tanner - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Hitman: “dude do what comes natural to u” that's what I was going for.

  • Re: Girlfriend.

    Tanner - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Then do it.

  • Quote: “ i am not even worthy of, that i am not even aware of. ” :rofl:

  • Re: Girlfriend.

    Tanner - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Do you want to hug her? there is no set list of what you are suppose to do.

  • Mute

    Tanner - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    I haven't been depressed in a long time, but about 2 years ago I was really depressed. After a year of being depressed I stopped talking entirely, talking only when I had to. and every time somebody talked to me I just wanted to slap them, I literally didn't say a word for a good 2 months. Now I talk to people, but I can go for days without talking to anybody. I am not depressed I just think that people are stupid and a waste of my time. I feel like I could live in my head. Is this a problem?

  • Re: Losing him and my mind

    Tanner - - LGBT


    I say you get over him soon, it will only hurt you if you keep this crush, if it isn't gonna work out then just move on.

  • Re: Good Rock Music?

    Tanner - - Music


    Quote from ShadowNinja: “Pink Floyd Queen U2 Bon Jovi” Quote from BadaBing: “Led Zeppelin - Stairway, Black Dog, Dazed And Confused, Communication Breakdown, Immigrant Song, Heartbreaker, Lemon Song, Whole Lotta Love, Kashmir, Anything live, any song (their my favourite band) Black Sabbath - Paranoid, Ironman, War Pig, Crazy Train Rolling Stones - Sympathy For Devil, Satisfaction, Thru And Thru, Jumpin Jack Flash, Paint It Black Jimi Hendrix Nirvana Eric Clapton Dire Straits Red Hot Chili Pepper…

  • I didn't read any other posts, only the OPs: My school has punishments like that, and what has happened is that, say If me and my friend are joking around, and I call him gay, a teacher hears it and next thing I know I have a 5 day suspension for harassment and hate crime. meanwhile, the bullies just become teachers pets, allowing them to get away with murder. The best way I have found to deal with bullies is too just get right back at them, don't show fear. Most bullies bully because it is easy…

  • I believe a guy named Jesus existed X years ago, and he had great ideas, blah blah blah But do I think he was "God on Earth"? Not at all.

  • Re: Losing him and my mind

    Tanner - - LGBT


    Quote from adamEcstacy: “I'll tell you what I think about it. But first, I'll remind you that even though your emotions are conflicted, look at this situation from a logical standpoint. Let yourself see the likely truth, not what you would like to be the truth. (if you get what i mean) Okay, - I'm not going to tell you not to tell him. You want to tell him because he's your best friend and you have some sort of feelings for him, so you feel obligated to let him know the truth. Even though you kn…

  • Re: Life After Death?

    Tanner - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Techno Viking: “People wonder what it's like to be dead but the way I see it we have already been dead, for millions of years. Where were you in 1000AD? You weren't alive or conscious of being dead which is exactly what it will be like when your brain ceases to function when your body dies.” This. when you die, you don't exist anymore, just like you didn't exist before you were born. you don't feel or think or anything, you are nothing, there is no pain, there is no pleasure.

  • Re: Losing him and my mind

    Tanner - - LGBT


    I think you should tell him you are bisexual, even though he doesn't like you in that way, it would make you feel better if you told him. He obviously isn't completely against gays if he has experimented with you.

  • Re: My Tattoo :)

    Tanner - - Fashion


    Him and you both need to come online more. we are low on Aussies.

  • Re: has this happend to you

    Tanner - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Treebark2268: “dont sit on your balls while you drum then, problem solved..” :rofl:

  • Re: Piercings on guys

    Tanner - - Fashion


    don't get it on the right side, you gotta have it on the left to even it out. don't want all the main features to be on one side of your face.