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  • Definitely through email or msn... or cheating on them and finding out later.

  • Re: Cant get the nerve

    ames - - Friends and Family


    Go hit the gym and practice on punching bags. I mean I don't condone fighting but you also have to know how to defend yourself if your being attacked.

  • Re: Finding it strange

    ames - - Friends and Family


    I wouldn't say it demands sacrifices.. but you said yourself that he isn't doing it on purpose. I think thats just how is personality is? I guess my advice is to weigh out your feelings. Is he cool enough to hang around to have your ego lowered once in a while? Or should you be making new friends and hanging out with a different crowd so your self-esteem doesn't deflate.

  • Re: Just wondering...

    ames - - Friends and Family


    I am sure they love and want you!! Maybe there just busy with work and such so thats why there not around. I think its good to try and tell them that it bothers you and you should just ask them outright if you can go along. Maybe because your 16 now there having a hard time knowing what to say and connect with you.

  • Re: my parents

    ames - - Friends and Family


    I am sorry to hear that =( My parents have a tendency to tease me and call me fat at times but I know deep down its not true. However, its still hard to hear it. My suggestion is to either tune it out or tell them that it bothers you and hurts your feelings.

  • Quote from Carmillo: “My dad is driving me crazy! He's never home because he's a truckdriver, and when he is home all he does is watch tv. He never spends any time with me, even when I try to do things with him. He always hands out money as if thet will fix everything right away. Usually i end up just going to the mall with my friends but I shouldn't have to live this way. He just really doestn care. I don't even know why he bothers comeing home. I feel like i'm just about to say screw it. Years…

  • Re: Starting High School

    ames - - Friends and Family


    Be outgoing and friendly

  • haha good call.. glad I could help

  • Your Scent is Key Lime key-lime.jpg Sassy, real, and totally smooth You're a total flirt who's always ready for a challenge!

  • Re: Ex rules...

    ames - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Ask her out and trust that she'll listen to you if any rumors arise.

  • Ask him about his plans for the weekend, what he does for fun, does he play sports, any hobbies, siblings, whats his favorite movie, etc.

  • My boyfriend made me a mixed CD of all the songs that reminded him of me. It was soooo adorable!! I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world

  • I am old fashioned. I like it when the guy pays, but I also offer from time to time.

  • Re: Age difference

    ames - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    No worries, I would get self-conscious of that too. However, if you like him, then date him. Don't date him because your afraid of what others might say, I am sure hes more mature then the usual 15 yr old, thats why you were interested in him in the first place right?

  • Send her flowers with a card that says would you like to go on a date with me.

  • Ditto. The answer is right there.. you can't change him no matter how much you want to, or try.

  • I agree with the others. It could be that he's embarrassed of his house, where he lives, his family members etc. I am sure he doesn't mean to hurt your feelings but I would definitely talk to him. Make sure he knows that you like him for him and that it doesn't matter where he lives.

  • Well.. theres no use crying over spillt milk or feeling guilty over something, because in the end you didn't really feel that guilty right? Or else you would of done something drastic like tell his girlfriend. Anyways, let bygones be bygones and realize that if he was such a great guy, then why is he cheating on his ex.

  • I am sorry to hear that but the bright side is you will get over it. It just takes time and each breakup is different but I didn't get over some of my exs for like 6 months or so. Don't be hard on yourself. Just try and keep busy. Its okay to think about him from time to time but you have to also realize that you two broke up for a reason. If he really cared about you, he wouldn't have put you through all that. Trust me, your better off

  • Re: Concern for a friend

    ames - - Friends and Family


    Calling her is definitely a good idea. Or even grabbing coffee and having a heart to heart. See whats going on in her personal life thats affecting her school life. Make sure that she knows that your concerned and worried and if theres anything you can do to help. Goodluck!