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  • Thanks for your input everyone. Here's an update. I continued being his friend and tried talking to him, texting him, etc. but he seldom replied or attempted to give me more than one word answers. He blew me off a couple times after I invited him to hang out with friends. A couple weeks ago he started hanging out with his ex again. Today, my friend told me that his ex found out about how he said he liked me, and she asked him about it. His reply? "Haha, rumours are so funny." So.. yeah. Looks li…

  • I don't think you sound ready at all.. I think you should tell her that you want to wait.

  • Re: Losing weight

    Samanthakathryn - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from kurtis49: “First of all your suggestion is crap, you dont have to fast or whatever to lose weight. All you gotta do is eat healthy, combine this with moderate physical activity (preferably cardio) 5+ days per week, and you will notice a difference” Suggestion..? May I ask what I am suggesting?

  • Re: Losing weight

    Samanthakathryn - - Health and Fitness


    Thank you Taylor, I've never tried counting calories, but that might be a good way to keep me on track. I think it will be easier to stay within limits. Thank you Indy as well. I didn't know that 3200 calories equaled a pound, that will help alot. Cardio is fast-paced, right? I've always been weary of that because I've had severe asthma since I was a kid. I think I'm going to try anyway, it will probably help me in the long run with my breathing once I get used to it. Thanks again

  • I agree with sharkie, writing stuff down really helps, at least for me. I would also write down every possible positive thing you can think of about the situation and assure yourself that everything will be okay. Honestly, it does help. And make sure you surround yourself with your friends and people that love you, get out often, do things that you love, etc. The more time you spend by yourself with nothing to do, the more your mind will wander and you'll start feeling depressed again.

  • Re: Losing weight

    Samanthakathryn - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from _Frank_: “So you're too lazy to work out you have shit eating habbits yet you want to loose 40lb??? So your solution is to fast and walk for 20 min a day? That's just stupid and nothing good will come of it. You will loose too much muscle whilst telling your body that food is sparce, meaning that it will store as much as possible. You say that when you start eating you can't stop, how much more do you think you'll eat if you're hungry all day?? Go talk to a doctor seriously.” You're b…

  • Re: Losing weight

    Samanthakathryn - - Health and Fitness


    Thanks for your input! I know 40lbs seems like a lot, but I am short and it would put me in a healthy weight range. I'm very small boned naturally anyways. I think I might take up some of those other excersizes, I am soo lazy, but I will try anyways. xD Thanks again

  • It really depends on the person I think. I know some girls who find it hot. I don't though.

  • I think it should be legalized, but grown and sold by the government. Same for other drugs.

  • Losing weight

    Samanthakathryn - - Health and Fitness


    I'm 5'0" and 152lbs, and I'd like to lose about 40lbs quickly, but not too fast obviously. I am getting a breast reduction surgery in November and I expect it to knock off at least 5lbs. I have really bad eating habits, and I find when I start eating, I can't stop. So what I'm thinking I will do is fast, sort of Ramadan-style, eating nothing except in the morning and at dinner, and drinking alot of water during the day. Also I've started walking home from school everyday which is about 2 miles. …

  • Silent Hill!

  • I know some girls like this. If this has just started happening, talk to her about it, because there's probably something bugging her. If it's something that's always happened, she's just a bitch and you should dump her.

  • Sorry for such a long post, I didn't want to leave out any important details. I like this one guy alot. We used to talk constantly. One night we were out with friends and we were cuddling and holding hands. But after this, he didn't text me much or seem as interested in talking to me. I texted him and I said 'I got the impression that you were interested in me, but after that night you seemed to stop caring' and he said 'I am, but I just don't think I should be in a relationship right now, I am …

  • Anyone heard of fun.?

    Samanthakathryn - - Music


    They're awesome, the lead singer is Nate from The Format. Their first album came out in August. It's super catchy. So yeah. Any other fans out there?

  • Re: Your favorite verse?

    Samanthakathryn - - Music


    Right now my favorite verse is from Going For The Gold by Bright Eyes. "I know a girl who cries when she practices violin because each note sounds so pure it just cuts into her, and then the melody comes pouring out of her eyes now to me, everything else sounds like a lie"

  • Re: MGMT is so fucking awesome

    Samanthakathryn - - Music


    i agree. right now i am really liking weekend wars.

  • Noone is going to actually tell you. Did you honestly think they would?

  • Re: the sims 3

    Samanthakathryn - - Video Games


    I still like The Sims 2 better, but probably because I have no custom content on TS3.

  • Wait, so you claim that you couldn't care less what people think about your opinions. May I ask, then, why you posted this to begin with..?

  • A punch in the boob hardly hurts at all.