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  • Quote from BackwardsAlphabet: “Well....a porn video is always the same. You and your girl can always try different positions, and places.” Theres only so many positions, and different places get boring after a while, then to really chuck salt in the wound, unless your a jammy twat, half the stuff you want to do, your girlfriend wont. If you ever get a girlfriend with no inhibitions people, keep hold of her, nothing is quite as crap as a girlfriend who says no to things in the bedroom. Pro tip: g…

  • All my girlfriend does is flirt with other guys, i used to be ok with it, but its starting to do my head in, as a matter of fact, im considering ending a 2 year relationship at the moment purely because i dont trust her because all she does is hang out with guys who openly fancy her, without me i might add, and flirt with em, shes even fallen out with her best mate by flirting with her boyfriend.... So yeh, some people might say its not cheating, i dont consider it cheating, what i consider it i…

  • Knock em down a few pegs, make some mild joke at her expense, tell her she'd look better with this rather than that, whatever, you have to knock her off her high horse, you need an ice breaker though and for that to work properly you need to be on common ground, hence approaching a girl in the street is doomed to failure UNLESS your both drunk in which case the rules are totally rewritten

  • Find some new best friends, ones who realise that fighting over women is the stupidest thing you can do, bro's before hoes (and hoes before women) and all that kinda rubbish, either way theres plenty of women out there that you can get infatuated with but few good friends.

  • These fools dont know what theyre talking about, hair is ftw, for oral its a pain in the ass, but apart from that its good.

  • Re: Sleepover Pranks.

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from charliebi101: “ahh its funny as hell we did it in cadets aswell u take the metal springs off (old fashioned army bedds) and then there mattress falls through with them on it. best if there in top buk cus then they squah the guy below funny as hell :rofl::rofl:” Precisely, its best when they go out to the toilet during the night, you remove all the springs, they come back, climb up and jump back on their bed, and go straight through onto the poor fella underneath. Oh weve also put gumm…

  • Re: Sleepover Pranks.

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Hmmm, were to begin. Condom over someone head so when they wake up they cant open their eyes. Condom full of pee, tied up, used as a sword..... I went away with cadets when i was younger, my buddy Josh was over the other side of the room, huge gang of lads come in trying to attack us, Josh jumps out of the bed, BUTT naked, runs upto them, jumps onto one of em and starts humping him, they all legged it, funniest thing ive seen in my entire life, 30 lads running down the road with one naked black …

  • Re: gged.

    Sharkbait - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Just be yourself, if your not a funny guy dont try and be, and if you are, dont get too ambitious unless youve got the confidence to pull yourself out of a mess, if something backfires on you, take the piss out of yourself, that is guaranteed to get a laugh

  • Re: Girls into older men?!?!?

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ivaiva: “I agree with almost everything just not with last part. Some younger women pay for their own stuff too and can cook (and some older women can't).” Stop picking holes Older women are way more likely to do both.

  • Re: Girls into older men?!?!?

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    Older women are ftw aswell, aslong as theyre in decent condition that is and havent let it go completely. Young women are extremely insecure, clingy, lack confidence in the bedroom and are not very open to knew ideas, and very often wouldnt know one end of a fella from the other, INFACT, half the time they dont know one end of themselves from the other. Also older women pay for their own stuff, thats the most important thing, OH YEH, and they can cook.....

  • My post workout is this: Warm down, protein shake and lotsa water. Hot bath, ive done ice baths before but usualy i cant be bothered preparing one so i just have a normal one. once my stomach has space its onto eating and ill basicaly eat like a small elephant all the way through the recovery, lots of sleep, about 9 hours a night. more eating and drinking like an elephant untill recovered. Im not even going to bother going through the breakdown of fat carbs and protein because when im bulking, i…

  • Re: Balancing my arms.

    Sharkbait - - Health and Fitness


    Everyone knows a pro wanks with his left hand and operates the mouse with his right. Anyways, im a minimum of 2 years from my target size, my LBM atm is a tiny bit under 160lb's and my target is a lean body mass of 190lb's, so ive got 30lb's of muscle to pack on yet, then i will really focus on balance and shape, but never the less, major flaws wind me up like nothing else. If i can get things a bit more even by then, ill be happy

  • Re: Balancing my arms.

    Sharkbait - - Health and Fitness


    Tbh my triceps are my most uneven feature, theyre really the focus of my attention atm. The medial heads are even, the left lateral head is thinner than the right but has a better and more visible horse shoe, but i think thats mostly due to uneven fat deposition. The right long head is alot larger than the left and alot better defined. Most of my tricep work in the past has been weighted dips, skull crushers and use in compound lifts, which with my right arm being my favoured arm id imagine i su…

  • Re: sex sex sex on the brain!

    Sharkbait - - Teen Sexuality


    I guess im lucky that sex seems to be the last things on my mind when im drunk, infact i think my conscience is fueled by alchohol. Anyways, you dont have to drink when you go out, if you cant handle your drink and do stupid things and want to solve the problem, stop drinking, if drinking is more important to you than your dignity, then learn to live with the problems it causes.

  • Balancing my arms.

    Sharkbait - - Health and Fitness


    Right'o, theres a slight imbalance in the overall size of my arms and i want to fix it, ive spent months literally trying to figure out where the imbalance is and ive decided it is most definately in the long head of the triceps, the right long head has about 20% more volume than the left one (which equates to a fraction of an inch arm cirumference but i can see it). This is more than likely because im right handed and would use my right hand to do the motions of the long head without thinking i…

  • You lot have clearly never attempted anal sex for you to claim it is possible for a concious male to be raped while resisting as best he could. Even a 250lb Hulk would have a hard time raping a 120lb weed if he was wriggling around and not complying, men get raped when they just have to bend over and take it, because theres metaphorically or maybe literally a gun to their head, or because theyre unconcious, you dont come running out of the bushes, pin a smaller guy than you down and slide it in …

  • Re: What is your height?

    Sharkbait - - Health and Fitness


    If ive already posted then this counts as an update: H: A smidge over 5' 10 W: 175lb's 12% BF

  • Ranting, someone else started it somewhere else XD I could go on about that debate all day no problem :p

  • Private armies are considerably more likely to stab you in the back. A public army is much more reliable, however more expensive, but the cost is worth it if the government wishes to stay in power in the long term. Slight de-rail but i cba starting another thread, public armies are ftw but please god no women infantry..... I hate that debate, my god, some women might make great soldiers but great infantry? So rarely it isnt worth thinking about, not to mention the psychological effect's on the m…

  • Quote from It Is Me: “Well you would of have to be weak if you cannot get a drunk guy off of you. One reason why is cause they have bad balance and accuracy when drunk. And if he raped you report it.” Not to mention the mechanics of getting it into a very tight orifice that is wiggling around and resisting