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  • You Are the Fairy You are charming, cheerful, and a little bit magical. You make other people's lives better. You are a bit eccentric at times, but you truly care about people in your own way. You are hyper and restless. It drives you crazy to sit still, and you are usually the first to leave any event. You are unpredictable and flighty. No one can guess what you'll be up to next ... or where you'll be!

  • Re: It's A Long One.

    The Wolf - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. Name someone who can always makes you smile? A few friends. 2. What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? Uh.. maybe watching a movie, or sleeping.. I don't remember. 3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Taking a shower. 4. What did you do last night? Uh, talked to people on here and watched movies. 5. Do you watch the Super Bowl? Sometimes. 6. Explain why you last threw up? I don't remember. 7. What color is your hair brush? Silver. 8. What cell phone company do you use? Verizon. 9. Have y…

  • Re: Skillet fans?

    The Wolf - - Music


    Oh gosh, Skillet is like the best band ever in my mind right now. I love the new CD they have out.

  • Re: <3

    The Wolf - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Be honest, who were you texting a little while ago? Tara. What is something that you realized today? Stuffffffff. Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I hope so. :p Who was the first person you talked to today? My mom. How late did you stay up last night, why? Um, like midnight. :p Why? Because I can. Could you go a month without cursing? Yea. Have you ever ridden a horse? A pony. :p You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it? Gatorade. Are you anything like you we…

  • To me, it sounds like he was bored and wanted someone to mess around with (going to the movies with, hang out with, kiss/makeout, and all the other things you two did) along with wanting someone to play around with (lie to, play sick jokes on, and see how worked up he could get you.) <_< He sounds like an idiot, to be honest.

  • Quote from ThatChickKaty: “I wanted to know if it was wrong for a girl to make the first move. Like ask for the guys number instead of him asking her. Or for her to invite him on a movie date instead of him asking her. Because I realllllly like this kid in my tennis group but I don't want to make a move on him if I shouldn't. OH and if I shouldn't make a move, what's somethings I could do to help him out a little. Make him know that I like him without actually telling him or being clingy. Thanks…

  • Quote from Ezri: “There is this really hot girl in my 6th hour class. Her name is Ashley and she is 1 year younger than me (15). I sat by her today (for the first time) and we started talking. Then she asked me if I wanted to be her partner for an assignment in class (I obviously said yes). When the bell rang, we walked down the hallway together and we talked to each other. Eventually we had to separate (since it was a block day and 6th hour is the last hour of the day on even block days, and so…

  • That is so horrible. I know it doesn't do anything, but I'm sorry.

  • What are you doing at this very second? Wondering how long this will really be. If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted? Ha, no. What were you doing at 11 last night? I don't remember. What was the last thing you drank? Gatorade. Reason behind the last time you cried really hard? I was upset, duh. What's something you CAN wait for? Hm.. I don't know, everything? I'm not rushing anything. What time did you go to sleep last night? I don't know. Do you believe that there's go…

  • You Are Realistic Fiction realistic-fiction.jpg You are an outgoing person and very interested in others. You have many relationships that are important to you. You are always willing to lend an ear to a friend with a problem. And you're even pretty good at giving advice! Some may accuse you of loving drama, but you just seem to find yourself in the middle of it. You are a true people person. You find the lives of others to be fascinating. You're up for hearing anyone's life story.

  • Re: QqQqQQqQqQQq

    The Wolf - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Can you do this without deleting any questions? I never delete questions. How many letters in your middle name? Six. Is your last name longer than 6 letters? Nope. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? yeah but its not true haha Last person who laid in your bed besides you? mum Have you ever been called heartless? Probably. Have you ever liked someone older than you? Yea. What are you doing? Listening to music and doing this. Is someone on your mind right now? Not really. Is there someone y…

  • Possibly switching jobs.

    The Wolf - - General Advice


    I was going to put this in the section for jobs and education, but there is more to then just working. <_< It's long so here is the short version : I got bumped up to a position I can't do, the hours are longer, and it's harder to keep up on my school work but I don't want to quit because I think I'll mess up my resume record, I like the employes, and I'm use to the job. _______________________________________________________ I've been working at the same restaurant for about six or seven months…

  • What song are you currently addicted to and why do you like it? :p

  • Thanks everyone. I'll forward the information to him. :p

  • :rofl: That video rocked. :p

  • Alright, so my dad decided that he wants to buy a new laptop, and wants it to have the best of everything (if it's necessary). He wanted me to figure out what exactly is classified as best for each computer part, but I haven't had the time to do it. So, what is the best brand/type of each computer part, or what would you recommend (if it's recommended please say so, and why.) Thanks.

  • Re: Night Voting 6

    The Wolf - - Jamelae


    Oh.. That still means nothing to me. =\ :p

  • Re: Night Voting 6

    The Wolf - - Jamelae


    Why did we get to vote for two people? o.o

  • Re: Night Voting 4

    The Wolf - - Jamelae


    Gardenhead - The Wolf o.o Not sure if voting is over..

  • Re: Mafia 1 Discussion Thread

    The Wolf - - Jamelae


    Ha, this will be super easy if they all do what Giggity want. :p