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  • Depends on their diet. If they eat a lot of meat, it tastes more bitter and salty. If they eat more fruit, it will taste sweeter.

  • It's wrong. You should trust them enough to not even think about their text messages.

  • No, but they have a thing of KY out in the open on the desk beside their bed in a basket with the regular lotion. They aren't shy about their attraction one another (still, after 25 years together). It's good that they still lust after each other, but I can't say I love seeing them constantly making out or something like that. I have, on the other hand, heard my brother going at it. Ugh, that's probably worse than my parents, honestly.

  • I think that if the woman is causing harm to the man, he has the right to hit her in self defense. I also think the same about a woman hitting a man, a woman hitting a woman, and a man hitting a man. I don't like violence and think it should only be used in terms of protecting yourself.

  • Dark blonde, I think. I forget the exact color, but that works. I have been dying my hair for six years now. Haha.

  • Turn ons = sarcastic personality, good sense of humor, able to carry on an intelligent conversation, able to laugh at themselves and be a bit of a goofball, secure in who they are, intelligence, good teeth, laidback, willing to try anything once, likes the outdoors, not afraid of being sexual. Turns offs = people who are rude for really no reason at all, not intelligent, negative attitude, very uptight and strict (like, a very structured individual who won't budge, I guess?), judgmental, bad hyg…

  • Re: Blokes n dykes.

    Glam Band - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from stanleyjenkins: “as long as they are propotional to the body size, anything looks good.” That's what I think, as well. Given, I'm not into girls, but I know what I like in a person and boobs that aren't in proportion to the girls body just tends to look a bit ridiculous. Some people can pull it off, though, so it also depends on how the girl carries herself and her body. Confidence really is key.

  • Wait, so you got ALL of that for the six months anniversary or you have given him all of that stuff over the course of the time you have been dating? I'm confused. Either way, that's enough crap and I personally think that years are really the only thing that makes sense to celebrate.

  • Always use a heat protector when using ANY heating products. I love the Aussie leave-in conditioner and heat protector 2 in 1. It works awesome and smells good, but doesn't leave your hair feeling heavy or greasy. Also, try a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner (Herbal Essences has one in their line, so does Pantene, so does Bath & Body Works which is my favorite, and I think pretty much all hair care product lines do, look around for what you want or like) and be sure to leave the conditioner …

  • Re: Masturbating in college

    Glam Band - - Teen Sexuality


    Wait until you are alone or do it in the shower.

  • Re: I Hate My Boobs

    Glam Band - - Teen Sexuality


    My manager at work had a breast reduction done when she was 18 (she's 34 now). She's still a D cup, but they're much smaller than they were before. She said it was one of the best decisions she ever made. She can find bras now in regular stores, instead of having to get them specially made, and she loves that shirts fit how they're supposed to (not having to find a shirt to fit her boobs and be baggier everywhere else), no back pain anymore, etc. So, I think that you could really look into it if…

  • "Every other day", but it's more like... whenever I feel like it. That one just fit better than the other ones did.

  • Re: I Hate My Boobs

    Glam Band - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah, online is much better for a variety in sizes, I think. I can easily find my size in the store, but sometimes they don't have it in stock in my favorite collection (the Angels Secret Embrace kind, they're the freakin' best bras I have ever owned), so I tend to get them online. Plus, sometimes you can get better sale prices online than in the store, which is always good!

  • Whatever you do, stay away from Tag and Axe. They both smell HORRIBLE (all scents of it, too, I have never smelled a nice one) and I don't think guys realize how bad they smell, especially since it is extremely strong that most guys drown themselves in it without realizing that. I love men's Adidas, honestly. It's not one of the expensive ones, but it smells fabulous. Other than that, I like when a guy just smells clean. Fresh out of the shower, clean clothes, deodorant kind of smell. It's THE b…

  • Re: I Hate My Boobs

    Glam Band - - Teen Sexuality


    Have you tried VS? I know that they go down to 32's in band size and up to DD in cup size. You might be able to find something on their website, because it has a way better selection than most stores (I tend to order mine online, because I rarely find the ones I actually like in the store). I have fairly big boobs, but they match my body well, so I love them. Haha.

  • I "tell them everything" is what I voted for. I'm close with them, but they don't know EVERYTHING about my life (hell, no one does, I keep some things to myself for certain reasons). I consider my parents my friends, as well, and they always give me fabulous advice if I needed it or a shoulder to cry on. I hang out with them as much as I hang out with my friends, really.

  • Re: Friends over family?

    Glam Band - - Friends and Family


    I put my good/closest friends at the same level as my family (which is only my three best friends). If my friend needs me and I have a family thing going on, I would leave for them. If my parents or brother needed me and I was with my friends, I would leave for them. Somehow, I am able to find the happy medium between them and make them all feel special and important, which I like.

  • I wear it to even out my skin tone and make me look like I actually have eyelashes (since, naturally, mine are short and light). I rarely ever wear anything more than foundation and mascara. I wear lip gloss, too, but I wear Carmex more than anything anymore on my lips. It's not to hide imperfections, because I am fine without wearing make-up and being in public, but it is to just make me feel like everything is evened out and nice looking. I feel seven hundred times more uncomfortable when I kn…

  • It depends on the guy, his hair type, how he carries it, how well he takes care of it, and the actual cut of the hair. If I had to pick a general kind, it would be short. I love really short, almost buzz cuts on guys.

  • Re: Most treasured...

    Glam Band - - Fashion


    My black sundress. It's my favorite thing to wear, because it always fits well and looks great.