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  • If you want to get to know her better then the movies really isn't the place to do it. Personally i'd never go to the movies with someone on a first date, you can't talk to them and it can be arkward with someone you don't really know or feel comfortable with, your best option would be to invite her somewhere else.

  • I stopped reading after number 1. She has a boyfriend, she is not available for a relationship, end of story. I'm not going to encourage cheating, think how you'd feel if someone was chasing your girlfriend. Your best option would be to leave well alone until she becomes single.

  • No, i'd feel far too guilty and i'd eventually end up telling them. If i was prepared to cheat then it would be because i wasn't happy in my current relationship so i wouldn't stay in it.

  • Re: Your Favorite Song(s)

    x-mercedes-x - - Music


    Fireworks - You Me At Six

  • Re: Weight loss???

    x-mercedes-x - - Health and Fitness


    Overweight? The healthy weight range for your height is 107-140. If you're even considering yourself to be overweight then i'd advise seeing a doctor, because distorted self image is one of the main causes of eating disorders.

  • I tried it once but it wasn't for me, i knew before we started but sometimes it's easier to share someone than not have them at all, or so i thought. Neither of us liked the other being with other people, but he wasn't ready to commit, i ended up getting hurt and we don't talk anymore so i lost one of my best friends because of it.

  • Re:

    x-mercedes-x - - Music


    chwafc?s Music Profile ? Users at

  • Re: Star Wars

    x-mercedes-x - - Films, TV and Books


    Agreed, i prefer the prequel trilogy, the original ones are really good too but i think they'd be even better if they were refilmed with todays technology. Watch them in the order they were filmed, it adds more depth to the story i think. Also if you're anything like me, it's much better if the graphics get better rather than to change from modern to 70/80s.

  • Logic would say that you should be able to buy and drink it as most laws are against the sale of alcohol . . . however most governments seem to ignore simple logic like that so you'd have to check the laws where you live.

  • In reference to the above posts, i would not advise telling her to try marijuana. It works by increasing the appetite and making sufferers less anxious about eating, so it offers a short term solution for mild sufferers, however in more serious cases the illness will still override this increase in appetite, and as i said, it is only a short term solution, it will help them get through one meal, but it will not cure the illness and it will not stop them feeling guilty about what they've eaten on…

  • Re: Sexiest Singers

    x-mercedes-x - - Music


    Josh Franceschi (check my sig vvv )

  • Re: Fake Tan ?

    x-mercedes-x - - Fashion


    Almay legs is a really good one but it washes off.

  • It depends how strict your school is. There's loads of ways to alter it slightly, when we were at school i wore my skirt really short with flat knee high boots, my friend wore her skirt longer with fishnets and docs, another wore black skinny jeans and another wore the lastest style of fitted trousers, it's probably harder for lads to make it more individual but as i said, it all depends on what your school will let you get away with.

  • Re: Fittest emo?

    x-mercedes-x - - Fashion


    I can't even see A properly, but C is hot, look at his eyes! (im also thinking hes probably too young for me to be saying that though)

  • Re: Who blogs/vlogs?

    x-mercedes-x - - Creative Writing


    Url is in my sig, i have a more general one but thats mostly just random spam.

  • I know exactly how you feel, but, my best friend has a 10 month old baby, i love him to bits but watching how much her life has had to change puts me off. As Allie said, there is alot more to it than what you'd think.

  • The best tattoo designs are the ones that mean something to you. You can't just say you want 'a meaningful one' and ask for ideas. What do you want it to mean? Do you want it to represent a specific moment or person or idea?

  • Re: Vagina.

    x-mercedes-x - - Teen Sexuality


    It's not a world i'd choose to live in at all.

  • I think that honesty is the best policy here. Let her know that you have feelings for her and you need a little space from her because its hard when she's always so close to you. Assure her that you still want to be friends and you're still there for her but it's easier if you keep your distance abit whilst she has a boyfriend.

  • It all depends on the girl, i'd hate it if a guy went over the top to ask me out, i mean it's not like you're proposing, i'd much rather they simply just asked me. If they took me to a beach / got down on one knee / anything over the top and cliche, it would turn me off to be honest.