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  • Re: So confused...

    aestheticxrain - - Health and Fitness


    Would playing sports for fun and walking around, etc such as a soccer game, walking around the neighborhood with a friend, or other sport practices be considered sufficient exercise (enough to be losing weight) for a 13 year old girl? Also, what exercise could I do inside when it's crap outside or something happens which forces me to stay inside?

  • Re: Height

    aestheticxrain - - General Advice


    Personally, I think 5'6 is a perfect height. Besides, being short isn't bad (I'm short and I like it :]) and being tall isn't bad either. Or being in between. Nothing's bad. There's such a wide range in heights and honestly, it doesn't matter. Embrace your height, lol

  • Re: So confused...

    aestheticxrain - - Health and Fitness


    I have a problem - I can't find time to exercise. Probably for another couple weeks until school ends I'll have this problem. So how do I find time to exercise? And when it comes to eating, what exactly should I be eating/not eating everyday? For example, what's okay to eat for breakfast, lunch, etc and is it okay to have dessert everyday? Thanks for the tips everyone gave me already. Could anyone give me some more?

  • Re: So confused...

    aestheticxrain - - Health and Fitness


    So what exactly should I be eating and how much of it should I be eating at my age? (etc)

  • Re: I need names

    aestheticxrain - - Creative Writing


    Alex (girl) and Dylan

  • Re: So confused...

    aestheticxrain - - Health and Fitness


    Okay so Track has ended and it's the end of the school year so now I'm not getting as much exercise. But I still have soccer. And soccer is usually very tiring - I try really hard because I'm very serious about soccer. It's my favorite sport and I love it. And I usually just use WiiFit for some strength training or stretching and posture and stuff. Not running or anything because you can't truly run in a confined space at home... I'm not really sure when I can get in the exercise though because …

  • Re: So confused...

    aestheticxrain - - Health and Fitness


    Wow, thank you everyone! :] So, right now the general exercise is Track practice/meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (If canceled or nothing on a day, I do Wii Fit for at least 30 minutes or around there) Tuesday I also have soccer practice for 1 hr - 1 hr 30 min Friday, nothing. Monday, too. Saturday is a soccer game. Sunday used to be swimming for an hour and soccer practice for an hour, but now its just soccer. However, I sometimes not do Wii Fit or something like that. This schedule wil…

  • So confused...

    aestheticxrain - - Health and Fitness


    Okay so I'm 13. I play lots of sports and get good exercise (I think). I have a small/short body structure. My body is quite strange. I do have muscle. A good amount of muscle, especially in my legs. But there's this fat that overlies my stomach and legs. However, my chest is small, and my ribs are visible at times which scares me. I have an okay diet :p I have cereal in the morning, a small lunch (usually a PB sandwich, a snack, and a drink). My snacks get a bit overboard, though. I have way mo…

  • 1) Clear beautiful skin 2) Toned stomach and slim legs Haha - three things instead of one

  • Re: your stats

    aestheticxrain - - Health and Fitness


    Age: 13 Weight: 105 - around there Height: 5-5'1 - I'm not exactly sure Sport: Soccer, Swimming, Track, Basketball, etc - Yet I still have excess fat on me :p

  • I play the guitar and flute. I plan to learn piano and bass, also :] I've been playing flute for 5-6 years, guitar - almost a year and a half Flute is pretty much lessons/self-teaching b/c I play the flute in my school bands. Guitar - I've mostly self-taught but recently I've been getting lessons. But my method of learning guitar is just playing new songs.

  • So would people just scrub their bodies with, like, antibacterial soap and then moisturize after? Because I'm having a constant battle with my acne and I have it everywhere! :p It sucks I see all these thousands of different products and all these different recommendations, but isn't the most simplest way is to ask your hair dresser about hair care products and what you should do? And then with other body care products, wouldn't any general kind of product work as long as you use it correctly an…

  • I agree with PerryHurtt. I mean, for anyone to even take on Presidency at a time like this is a pretty brave thing to do, right? I get pretty mad when Obama is criticized for every move he makes from the very first day at office. He's only been in office for 100 days and, like PerryHurtt stated, he has done a great deal of impressive and smart actions. (In my opinion, at least) Seriously, he can't do everything he promised in 100 days. And he's been keeping his promises (as far as I know) and ha…

  • Re: Dreamer's Stare

    aestheticxrain - - Creative Writing


    Wow... That's a really beautiful poem! Like amazingly perfect! Ahhhh, now I'm jealous of you! Never ever stop writing - you have talent

  • You Are Stable and Cheerful When You Are Comfortable: You are a hard worker. You need security and stability in your life, even if that means putting in long hours. People see you as solid and dependable. You are always able to see the good in situations. Other find this comforting. When You Are At Your Best: You are a determined and responsible. You strive for success, and you know what it takes to get things done. People find you to be trustworthy and a good leader. You treat people well, and …