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  • Re: Best products?

    Princess-Nikki - - Fashion


    ah... i got it from a musium near me. i would have fort you could get it from a number of places. maybe boots or superdrug if not there then try hard wear shops like homebase and B&Q

  • Thanks guys for ur help! Altho i do feel like I love my current boyfriend, I miss him all the time when hes not with me. Im thinking maybe i just see him too much and if i didnt see him so much i would apreciate our time more. He stays at mine almost every night and I think it will be beter if we dont see eachother so often. With regards to my ex i still dont know what to do. He only txts me messages asking for sex and so on when he is drunk. and he wants to meet for a meal so he wont b drunk th…

  • I am 19 and I was with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. we were very much in love. but sudenly we had an argument and that was it he split up with me. we both cryed. I was heart broken coz he has always said if he splits up with someone that he would never get back together with them.:( I still think about him alot and keep dreaming about him. recently we have started talkin again but often the conversations go back to him wanting me to come round for sex. I have got a boyfriend now at first i w…

  • Re: Best products?

    Princess-Nikki - - Fashion


    I leterly just use an empty pot (any pot will do, I used an old face moisturiser pot) Then i just grated 3/4 bees wax and scoop a 1/4 coconut oil in to the pot. I melt it down in the microwave then put it in the fridge to set. if it is too hard melt it in the microwave again and add more coconut oil. keep tryin till it is at the texture u want it. xx

  • I agree with all of these points! My skin varies... so when i have any blemishes I use - The Body Shop Tea tree facial exfoliator, face wipes, toner and moisturisor. And when you skin is completly clear i use The Bosy Shop Vitamin E Moisturisor. Also drink as much water as i can! I have alot of bodyshop products half price if anyone would like a list. x

  • Re: Q:Can I Fix My Split Ends

    Princess-Nikki - - Fashion


    Yes I agree with the other posts. You can not fix split ends. But get a trim and try to prevent them for next time. Try not to straighten or curl your hair so much, Use leave in conditioners, Try and leave your hair to dry naturaly and brush the ends of your hair first and work your way up to the top this will all minamise damage. hope this helps xx

  • Re: Best products?

    Princess-Nikki - - Fashion


    Best straighteners are GHDs - Im a Hair dresser and wouldnt use any others! I make my own completly natural lip sluff - I mix Half Coconut oil and Half Bees Wax. Also The Body Shop products are great! i swear by them! I have Alot of brand new Bodyshop products at half price if you would like a list... xx