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  • Re: Which Kind of Bra?

    Silent.Deathwish_x - - Fashion


    I've heard of these plastic-like ones that stick to your boobs, and they have no straps or anything. You just cup them onto your boobs and clip them together, but the thing is it is designed to make your boobs look bigger. So if you don't want to look like your boobs are large, then I wouldn't suggest that. Just ask La Senza or maybe Sears, The Bay, or Wal Mart if they know anything about those types of bras which are invisible. Although, I've never heard of one before.

  • Re: Guys in eyeliner

    Silent.Deathwish_x - - Fashion


    I think it's cool. If girls can wear it, so can guys. Surprisingly, it looks rather sexy on a man. I know a friend of mine who wears it and he actually looks good in it.

  • Masturbation is boring. Why do people encourage it so much? I mean sure it feels good and is normal, but just do it and go about it normally. Don't make excuses for yourself. :p lol

  • Re: any football fans ?

    Silent.Deathwish_x - - Sports


    I love sports, and Football is cool! I'm a Stempeders fan. Wish I could've gone to a game last summer. :(

  • Re: 6 Hour Diet

    Silent.Deathwish_x - - Health and Fitness


    Sigh, whatever. I'm getting sick of people ranting on about how they are fat and unhappy with their appearances or weight or I'm so fat and I want to diet and such. If you want to turn anorexic I can tell you right now, it's not glamorous. I went down that track now my digestion is screwed. But if you want to do that, nothing I can do to stop you.

  • Well, if you really set your mind to it you can do it. Just tell yourself you don't like meat, remember all the small animals it takes to make them or innocent animals, and all the insides of an animal meat contains and it'll turn you off of meat enough. Makes vegtables your friend, remember how healthy and nutricious and yummy fruits and vegtables are for you. Just make a habit of eating more of them.

  • Honey, you are not fat. You're healthy, you're tall, and sure you may have a little meat on you but that's not fat. It's good to have curves. Alot of guys, well the real guys, like that. So stop complaining and stop talking about losing weight because you are perfect just as you are. Learn to be happy with yourself. I wish I had. I went and lost weight and now I look scrawny and bony. You don't want to turn out like me.

  • Last I measured I was 5,6. Might have grown another inch, though. I feel taller everyday. Grr! I need to stop growing!! :eek:

  • Omg Awesomeness!!

    Silent.Deathwish_x - - Music


    New Disturbed video premiere!! OMG you need to check it out!! I totally love them!! It's kind of sad and a bit morbid. Deals with a Girlfriend David was dating (David the lead singer) and she killed herself. :(

  • Okay, why would she lie? And she obviously is telling the truth and doesn't want a relationship whether you believe it or not, so get over it. Besides, being single is awesome. It's more fun because being tied down in a relationship and dealing with all the problems that comes along with it just sucks to me. I'm that way too.

  • You are not chubby. You can't be all pessemistic either. You have to have confidence in yourself, and belive you can do it. Believe in yourself, otherwise you won't succeed. Just go up to a girl you like one day, say hi to her, just casually talk to her and get to know her better and ask her out. If they say no, it's their loss.

  • Re: How Do I look?

    Silent.Deathwish_x - - Fashion


    You're okay.

  • Re: My new Picture :o

    Silent.Deathwish_x - - Fashion


    Obviously you are desperate for attention.

  • You are not ugly, you are not dumb, you are not fat, and whether you have dimples or not it doesn't matter. You have class inside where it counts, and you have to remember no matter what anyone says you are beautiful. Ignore the people who don't like you because they deprive on your sadness and low self esteem and like to get a kick out of making you feel worse and only live to tear people down. So ignore them. Just remember you are beautiful and that's all that matters, that you know it. :D

  • I used to cut, but I stopped for myself. I stopped because I realised it was pointless, I was crying out for negative attention, and I was being immature and depressing and just dowright ridiculous by doing that to myself, and only additioning to the pain I felt inside. I stopped because I realised life is beautiful and isn't horrible at all and it took me a hit by a car to realise it. Trust me, I snapped back to reality in a hurry.

  • Never been diagnosed before. I thought I had depression, but I was only allowing myself to feel depressed when really things weren't so bad even though I was making a huge scenario and playing things out like they were. But I stopped feeling sorry for myself and straightened out a long time ago. :)

  • Re: Fingering

    Silent.Deathwish_x - - Teen Sexuality


    Rub the clit and the flaps of her vagina and slowly slide your finger up her vagina, and move it up and down further and further, then go faster and faster with the fingering while using your other fingers to rub the outer parts of her vagina while another finger is playing in her clit.

  • Re: Taboo art

    Silent.Deathwish_x - - Teen Sexuality


    Because a guy is sticking his penis up a girl's anus, and an anus is which poop and farts and unpleasant things such as that are expelled. It's dirty and smelly and I don't see why any guy would want his penis up in all that. So that pretty much sums it up for me.

  • I've never been jizzed on before in my life, so I certainly haven't gotten it in my hair.

  • Call Social Services or live with a close friend or family member, and talk to them about what's going on. You need to have food so the only way you'll do that is to move out of that place, and go someplace elsewhere with another family member. Or your mom. Why can't you move in with her? Or Vickie?